
SUPPOSEDLY fully nude clubs where the girls DON'T go fully nude

Friday, February 20, 2004 2:16 PM
Hi guys. I have had the following problem at several strip clubs. The club promotes and advertises itself as being fully nude. However, when I attend I discover that SOME of the girls won't take off all of their clothes; instead dancing topless only. I have been to about 25 nude clubs in the States and have encountered this problem in about 3 of them (about 20%). I believe it is false advertising for the club to pretend that the girls are fully nude when in fact they're not. What should I do? I have considered complaining to the club management and to individual girls; but I don't know whether it will help. The only thing I can think to do is to refuse to tip girls who refuse to go fully nude. Of course, I always report this problem when I write a club review and lower the club's score accordingly. The clubs where I have encountered this problem are Peek-A-Boo in Bluefield, West Virginia; The Katch in Knoxville, Tennessee; Jiggles in Tualatin (metropolitan Portland), Oregon; Platino's in Cozumel, Mexico; and a club in Cebu, Philippines. I also went to a topless club in Fort Myers, Florida where one of the girls would not take her top off. I would appreciate it if other reviewers who encounter this problem would mention it in their reviews so I could avoid the clubs.


    20 years ago
    Officer, sorry, I guess I missed your question. Anyway to answer, I've bee a regular at both Choo Choo's and McDoogals in MD and never saw a dancer not get fully nude in either club. In Choo Choo's the girls lay on the stage and spread their legs about 6 inches from your nose, which is why I rarely sit at the stage there. In McDoogals the girls crawl around on the bar nude after their dance collecting tips which is kind of fun.
  • dusty
    20 years ago
    I have never worked in a nude club, so I don't know the rules for them.. I have gone to a few nude clubs that none of the girls go nude on stage... but did go nude durring private dances.. I have also gone to topless clubs that none of the girl went topless on stage.. but they did go topless during private dances... but those could have been code reasons... But I did work at a topless club, and I have no idea why the girls wouldn't go topless... why on earth would you be dancing there at all then? right? Maybe the girls that weren't going topless thought they were to good for topless on stage... Were they going topless in private dances? I too never made much on stage... I accually avoided stage sitters .. and what I mean by that is the men who sit at the stage the whole night... so please don't be offended by that... I am sure you don't just sit at the stage all the time....
  • casualguy
    20 years ago
    Yes thanks Ginger, it's nice to have more females posting on here. Thanks for clearing up the thread questions too for all of us no clue guys.
  • Officer
    20 years ago
    OK Ginger, thanks for letting me know your point of view.
  • Gingersnap
    20 years ago
    In nude club if a girl is on her period they just cut the string off thier tampon. Sounds gross huh, I bet you really didn't want to know that. Otherwise A period last anywhere from 5-14 days so taking off a day or 2 really won't help in that matter and most clubs I have worked at don't let you take off for your period, so most of the time we don't get nude while on our period. Hope that helps CS Officer, I can honestly say I have never made much on stage shows, and I have worked at contact/no contact clubs, so it may just depend on where you are at. I have also never gone nude on stage. I feel I have been dancing long enough to know that going nude on stage is pretty much worthless to myself, but I alway reassure any club goer that I do go nude in VIP/fantasy/private dances. Unless of course aunt flow is on the horizon. i don't think any man wants to see a glow in the dark tampon. Thats just not a pretty site. I say if you are really disapointed about the nudity factor in a club, you can go ahead and tell the manager/owner but for the most part being fully nude is hardly ever always required on stage performances. At least where I have worked anyways. I have worked in Georgia, Florida, Texas, South Carolina, Arizona, Indiana, and Tennesee. So like I said it may differ where you are, I would have no idea. Best advise is to make a comment to the club, and see if that helps you out any. Good Luck, I hope this helps
  • casualguy
    20 years ago
    Ok thanks for the answer. I believe the dancer I was talking to may have been asking me questions just for conversation. Although that conversation got into areas not normally covered, lol. Here's a funny comment (off topic hope no one minds), do you ever get tired of being asked "Where are you from?" If you do just answer "I come from a galaxy far, far, away" , that might get a laugh.
  • Yoda
    20 years ago
    CG: Most dancers take a day or two off when they have their period, some just don't go all-nude if the club will allow it. Some shove the string up inside(i've seen more than one come popping out while onstage). Dancers generaly don't get "wet" in the sexual sense though I know one who used to apply vaseline to her crotch to make it appear that she was getting excited while on stage.
  • casualguy
    20 years ago
    This may be slightly off topic but it is concerning nude clubs. A dancer made me start wondering, what do the nude dancers do when they get wet? Do they just take their hand and wipe themselves? If they have their period but everyone always goes nude what do they do then? A string hanging down won't look attractive. Any suggestions?
  • Officer
    20 years ago
    To topless dancer---I still say that there are some nude clubs where certain girls never go nude on stage--after all, what sense does it make for the club to make nudity optional and then require the girl to go nude SOME of the time? Why not just require the girl to go nude all of the time? A previous poster mentioned that he is a regular at a club where one girl never goes fully nude, so it is not just me who is saying this.
  • Officer
    20 years ago
    Hi FONDL, which clubs are the ones in Maryland where the girls always go nude on stage?
    20 years ago
    In the couple of nude clubs that I go to now and then (in MD), I've never seen a girl not get nude on stage. And in one of them the private dances are nude too, in the other they aren't. So I guess it depends where you are.
  • Yoda
    20 years ago
    TD: As you are a dancer I certainly respect your views on this issue but I think we all need to remember that this is largely a geographic issue. I live in Massachusetts where there is no contact allowed. Because of this few customers spend money on private dances. In many of the clubs in my area, stage tipping is the vast majority of dancer income. I travel to RI frequently since there is contact allowed in RI clubs. Of course, the opposite is the case down there, private dances are the biggest part of a dancers income by far.
  • Officer
    20 years ago
    to Topless Dancer--There are many clubs which allow full nudity on stage but which require bikinis or topless only for the private dances, so your suggestion to buy private dances is moot. I do see your point about the periods, but there is no doubt that some dancers who work in nude clubs refuse to go nude under any circumstances (which is ridiculous). In addition, stage tips comprise a major share of a dancer's income so I don't think that your suggestion that stage tippers are cheap are really accurate. Many guys probably spend more on stage tips than on private dances--I know I do. Like I said before--girls who don't want to go fully nude should work at a topless club instead. I will continue to rate clubs lower and try to warn other readers about clubs that advertise full nudity but which don't provide it.
  • Officer
    20 years ago
    One more thing--I don't expect girls to spread their legs for a dollar (although I do enjoy this when it happens) but I do expect them to get nude on stage.
  • Toplessdancer
    20 years ago
    I forgot you dancer right???!?!?! Since you expect to see pussy for a dollar, my guess is that you are not. I want to know what club stage tipping is a BIG part of our income? NOT, that is so far from right its left. Stage tipping makes up hardly anything so get it right. Yes most stage tippers are cheap, what I mean by this is YOU may spend MOST of YOUR money at the stage, but that goes to MANY dancers not just ONE. So you may think you are blowing your load, on stage tipping, the girls are going to think your cheap. OOOPS did I hurt your sorry feelings? While it may be NUDE most NUDE clubs do not require the girl to go NUDE on stage. Rightfully so, I NEVER went nude on stage, I never spread legs for a dollar. I did go nude for VIP dances though. I think you are being over rational when you are saying that some girls NEVER go nude and they work at a NUDE club.. Darling that is not allowed at any NUDE club I have ever been too, OR and NUDE club any of my friends work at. I think you are so full of shit your eyes must be brown. Sorry, but until you get a dance with every girl and know thier routine you can just shut your mouth now, you have no Idea what you are talking about. Sorry to be blunt but c'mon GROW UP!!! for real, get a girlfriend so you don't have to pay to see pussy at all if you can't understand the working of a woman.
  • Toplessdancer
    20 years ago
    Oh my goodness there is another dancer who posts here?!?! I have only worked at 5 clubs 3 were nude and 2 topless. There was no rule at any of the clubs saying we had to get nude on stage. Management actually didn't want us to do it every time. There are a lot of cheap people who come to clubs, just tip at the stage, so they can get a pussy shot. How many of you will show me your penis, or asshole for one dollar? Not to mention, Yes Incase you all don't know this, but when women work with each other for a while, they usually get thier periods at the same time. So if you notice that one time you go to the club most dancers take off thier bottoms, and another time hardly any, that might be your answer. Sorry this is a touchy subject to me, since it sounds like you would give a club a lower rating for a girl having a little more respect for herself and not spreading legs for a dollar, if you have to see pussy that bad get a damn private dance. Not to mention, at least 75% of the nude clubs I have patroned the girls do not get completely naked on stage. Who cares!!!! I will put my bottom dollar on that the girls were in fact getting nude for thier private dances. What are you a detective to make sure they are. Please!!! Hey I am just like the men here. ALL LESBIAN!!! I like to see a little cooch, but I would never bitch and complain about something so asinine as this. Come on, it really sounds pathetic to me. I can't help but say it, but it sounds like if you can't see it for free or a dollar you are going to rate a whole club as bad!!! Grow up
  • Yoda
    20 years ago
    I know a lot of dancers who have worked in both contact clubs in RI and "spread" clubs next door in Mass. Many of them would rather be touched than to have to give the full-on gyno spread.
  • SuperDude
    20 years ago
    Detroit has the best of both worlds. Topless in Detroit. All nude, just across the river in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. More mileage for the American dollar.
  • pinnickfan
    20 years ago
    Solid Platinum in Lexington, KY is bad about this. I have seen one girl there several times and she has never taken her bottoms off, so you can't blame that on her period. There are other girls who won't get nude too. This really upsets me.
    20 years ago
    I agree with DD, I don't really care whether the girls get fully nude or not. Their looks and personalities are what count for me. I fact I don't care at all for the places that make you feel like a gynecologist. That's more than I want to know.
  • DandyDan
    20 years ago
    One of the clubs I go to when I am in Lawrence, Kansas, the Flamingo Club, is listed here as nude, but there is a percentage of dancers there who do not go nude. But I don't have a problem with it because they are only allowed to go nude on stage, but stage dancing isn't the draw of the place; the private dances are. I gotta agree with FONDL about the size and enthusiasm of the audience being a factor. One night I went there on the night Kansas was in the Final Four (KU is in Lawrence), a fact I was completely ignorant of the day I went, and while most eyes were on the basketball game, I was watching the dancers (at least when there were breaks in the action in the basketball game), and only one went nude, probably one who always goes nude. But one thing about most nude clubs is that I don't especially care if they are nude. I've really only been to one nude club where if they weren't nude, it would be a lot worse club.
    20 years ago
    Sometimes it depends on the size and enthusiasm of the audiance. Some girls won't do much unless they think they're going to get big tips. Which can be kind of self defeating, eg. guys leave when the girls aren't doing much so the audiance never does get very large or enthusiastic. I've seen that happen many times. In well run clubs the dancers give it their all regardless of the size of the audiance. Also in some clubs getting nude is optional, and as long as some girls do it some of the time they can advertise that they are fully nude. The answer is to avoid places you don't like.
  • WhtUHvBnWtng4
    20 years ago
    I think GS has a good point of view, I go to a lot of Nude clubs. The majority of the club owners frown upon the girls going fully nude on stage. For selling reasons, they say why buy the cow when you get the milk for free kind of thing. As long as they a getting nekid for me in the private dance I could give to shits less if I see some box on stage.
  • percyw
    20 years ago
    I am with Gingersnap: driving across country last month, I met a dancer who would not take that bottom off, on or off stage. Turns out she had a baby two months ago and I guessed she was not ready for the kitten to go back on stage. This was no lie, I could tell by how fondly she spoke of her daughter.
  • sol_de_pr2
    20 years ago
    That really sucks. Guys should not go to any club that does not deliver as advertised.
  • Officer
    20 years ago
    OK you have a good point which I hadn't thought of. At Jiggles in Oregon, none of the girls went fully nude on stage even though it's supposed to be a nude club. At the other clubs, SOME of the girls went fully nude while others would not. I still think, however, that the real reason is that the girls who would not go nude simply do not want to perform nude. These girls should work in a topless club instead if they don't want to go nude. As for the topless club, the girl did not go topless on stage AND in the private dances even though the club was a topless club and all of the other girls went topless.
  • Gingersnap
    20 years ago
    just a question, witht he nude club thing, OK, are all the girls not getting nude? Or just some of them. If its just some of them, can I remind you of this thing us women call aunt flow. More than likely the girls that are not going NUDE are probably on thier period. I don't think you would want to look at a string hanging out, and most clubs do not allow the girls to take off just because of thier menstral cycle. But as for the toppless club where the girls aren't going toppless, is this only on stage, or on stage and during PD's. Alot of girls now a days think that they should not have to remove thier top on stage for a measley 5-10.00, so they save the topless part for only PD's. Just curious.
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