
Did you still want to use this board?

respect for others goes a long way
Thursday, February 19, 2004 12:27 PM
I can take it down if you all aren't gonna use it anymore... It will save me a little space and traffic.


  • Toplessdancer
    20 years ago
    I work everyday, and when I get home I want to sleep. So I don't get to come here very often. I will try to post whenever I can.
  • TopGunGlen
    20 years ago
    I have been out of town off and on, so I haven't been able to post as much lately. But I would be very sad to see the plug pulled on us. Perhaps some more advertising of the boards existence would bring in some fresh blood. I am sure that one look at RL's posts would drive away many a lady. What if some of the ladies could post their professional pictures and club performance dates for a limited free time? That way they might be encouraged to join in our little posting community? Just an idea...:-)
  • DandyDan
    20 years ago
    Of course, I would like to use this board. I don't look at [view link] very often anymore (probably about once or twice a month), but it's always nice to look at and add to the discussion. Now if you banned Romantic Lover, that would make it much better just by doing that.
  • percyw
    20 years ago
    Can't you ban the trollers? That thread on whores was too much.
  • highlander2973
    20 years ago
    Theres just a few people who ruin this board for everyone. (i.e. RL)
  • Mouse
    20 years ago
    At present the most interesting thread on this Board is by founder "about the Board" - ironic.
  • JungleMan
    20 years ago
    I always used to take a glance at the board if I was on internet and just messing around. However, I see most of the posts are always from "Romantic Lover" anymore for the most part. Since all he posts is stupid crap I just don't really bother anymore. So I don't know. Don't really care.
  • weekendfun
    20 years ago
    Just thought of one more idea, how about the ability to hide threads started by certain names or users? For instance if you didn't want to see any discussion threads started by "unnammed" then none of those threads would appear. Is this idea practical?
  • Mouse
    20 years ago
    The Board has been and will alway be redundant - same ol'stuff posted and reposted. After a while any regular here will have read it all, get bored, and drift off to other things. The Board needs some new blood, but maybe the economy has reduced the number of "recruits." Any thoughts?
  • jterry
    20 years ago
    After 1 1/2 years the posts from certain people get very old and redundant. The clean and sober posts are OK but I can almost predict what they will say. Romantic Lover posts are most tiresome and I can predict what he will say. I basically use TUSCL for the reviews which are excellent and comprehensive and look at the discussion board as an afterthought. I tned to look at discussion board about once every three or four days and the reviews about once every two days. This is down from my earlier frequency of once per day.
  • weekendfun
    20 years ago
    Here's an idea I thought of, don't know if it's practical or not. Have the ability to select, click, type etc. on a user's name to ignore/ban posting to your threads. In other words the creator of a thread can ban certain posters by name. I don't know if this would be easy or practical to do. What does the founder and anyone else think? It'd be a way to cut out unwelcome posts sort of like stopping an annoying kid from interrupting an adult's conversation. Is this practical?
  • Yoda
    20 years ago
    It seems to me we run in cycles here-for what it's worth, the club boards are a little slow right now as well. Could be the time of year or the economy but I think part of the blame has to do with the entire concept of the board itself. We can't just decide who should post or who shouldn't, registered or unregistered there will always be flamers and unapologetic misogynists on this forum. The rest of us have to either ignore or look past it if we want to have any reasonable discussion of relevant issues. Sadly, dancer input is at an all time low right now and I don't see that changing since several regular female posters have tried 2 or 3 times now to contribute only to be disgusted by above-mentioned flamers. This board is what it is, it's far from perfect-but there is no perfect democracy. I would hate to see it go away.
  • Aceshigh
    20 years ago
    The problem is the two-three flamers and trollers who keep posting the same crap. Let them know that if they keep posting the same old useless, miscogynistic garbage and insults to those of us who enjoy going to a strip club now and again, they'll be banned.
  • Clean and Sober
    20 years ago
    Founder, if you do get to the point of pulling the plug, please consider making the board so unregistered people can post. The board provided a healthy way for people to vent.
  • Mouse
    20 years ago
    This is interesting. I've never seen the Board get this slow. Is it the economy with cut-backs in club visits and, thus, reduced customer interest? I've cut way back.
  • token
    20 years ago
    I'm new and I think the board serves a purpose but if it means wading thru countless negative postings from 1 particular poster then what is the point? Cannot the posts from the 1 or 2 A-HOLES just be deleted and spare us sane ones???
  • weekendfun
    20 years ago
    Well I guess it's working now at least on this thread.
  • weekendfun
    20 years ago
    I encountered a problem trying to post a comment. Nothing posted. Maybe this board has problems.
  • Gingersnap
    20 years ago
    Ha ha I didn't even know that discussion board was open to public again till today.
  • Officer
    20 years ago
    I agree; keep it up for a while longer even though most of the discussions are boring.
  • SuperDude
    20 years ago
    Whoa, just a second. Why the sudden despair? It looks like the board hit a dry spell, but that does not mean we should end it. Give it a few days and we will see what happens when the traditional high school and college mid-winter breaks are over. A lot of guys have daddy duty February 13-20. Give everyone a chance to get back before we pull the plug.
  • Clubber
    20 years ago
    I didn't even know it existed till recently. Now I check it often, but there are those that I wish would just stay away. I say keep it going for awhile before shutting it down.
  • Duke69
    7 years ago
    Wow...case and point founder..this is a blast from the past...a tuscl treasure if you will. Members to day can bump historical threads like this one damn near 12 years ago and see that tuscl has always been the same...hell it sounds like tuscl is more alive than ever Please don't take this away from us
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    How they hell did you come up with that thread Duke/Juice? That was a ducey - I guess the invention of the smartphone in 2007 and subsequent proliferation helped increases board-traffic drastically.
  • Duke69
    7 years ago
    Lol...Duke/JuiceBox/Dookie/CrazyJoe...lol I guess the smart phones and tablets made the board come Alive Crazy how technology has changed tuscl for the better
  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    It would be nice if you upgraded it to something more organized, where topics could be separated into categories, etc. CP
  • just_the_nuts
    7 years ago
    You mean like stripper web? How about you go fuck yourself bitch ass chilli powder looking fagget
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    maybe one decent moderator would be helpful.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    maybe one decent moderator would be helpful.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    I don't really understand all of the desire for moderation on the board. One man's trash is another man's treasure. I agree that there are a few people that seem almost universally disliked but there is an ignore button. The lack of organization is part of the charm. It makes it possible to stumble on a brilliant diamond amid the rubbish. Realistically, how informative can a national board be. The reviews are potentially helpful if you are traveling. But the one or two times I've asked for advice on a particular area I got mostly BS but a few helpful comments. It seems to me that changing the board is a solution in search of a problem done largely to satisfy people that complain. Let's just go with the flow!
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    LOL at Founder, who mulls having a time limit on availability of threads, and necro posts a thread from 2004!!! How about an edit feature???
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Yeah. I don't see any real value to bumping this thread.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    I see no value in Cockstar's posting,either. How about we edit him back to the male bathhouse?
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    To be honest I don't even think an edit feature is worth it. Just post an addendum. I find the clunkiness of the board kind of brilliant! Don't try to make TUSCL great again, just keep TUSCL great! ;)
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I think the history is important and it does help to continue old threads. I also feel that any moderation will make things worse, more negative, and ultimately more like Stripper Web, which is the way most of the internet its. SJG
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Make TUSCL great again, leave Lloyd.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    All time favorite thread to bumping
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    How quaint! Like the invention of the printing press, the introduction of the TUSCL board is considered one of the most important innovations in the history of mankind. History will show that the TUSCL board enabled the mass-distribution of the The System which, in turn, has enabled generations of men to successfully pay for sex.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    Perhaps my absence. :)
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Since my comment was deleted back in 2007 let me repeat it and say yes, continue it.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    LMFAO brilliant guy's I can't believe how close this board almost never happened
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
  • vincemichaels
    6 years ago
    Vm takes the opportunity when Juice is fingering the pussy of that Latina dancer we met there in March 2017 to slip something something into Juice's Four Loko. :)
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
  • vincemichaels
    6 years ago
    Sure, L1oyd, I would like to see that. :)
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    Funny founder was considering taking the discussion forum down at one time. Maybe he is glad he kept it, maybe he isn’t?
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    Mate. You scared the heck out of me bringing up this old thread. I would have way too much time on my hands without this board.
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    back in the day founder and me hit some clubs together. he flicked lit cigarettes at strippers and pissed in the dressing room. we got kicked out but he's been my hero ever since.
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    I skimmed thru a few comments and several said the same thing - there’s only so much you can talk about strip clubs so it’s the same old thing Let’s face it, this may be called TUSCL, but it’s now a community to talk about culture, the arts, sex, politics, current events, mathematics, and society in an unmoderated and frank way Maybe not what founder envisioned, but maybe not all bad?
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    ^ Motorhead +20 SJG
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    with the steep increase of rob strippers and newer guests becoming more cucked/complacent, tuscl's presence is needed now more than ever.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    ^ Those are both very funny ideas, though I an inclined to disbelieve both of them. :) We need tuscl to help us bet away from DejaVu style clip joints and to venues as good as the best of Tijuana. SJG The Pretenders - My City Was Gone - Chicago School of Rock [view link]
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