
Comments by T-Bone (page 2)

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    19 years ago
    It never occurred to me before
    Dunno if this is qualifies as the same thing...but I always end up hitting it off with strippers around age 28-32 with at least one kid, down to earth, with some grown-up life experiences. That common denominator (plus their looks) seems to take me into some sort of relationship time & time again...
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    19 years ago
    Do you go to a club only to see a specific stripper?
    Usually no. Sometimes I'll arrange ahead of time to meet a dancer ITC, especially if we're going out after her shift. Other than that, i'm just going to have a good time with everyone and anyone female - it's a strip club.
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    19 years ago
    What is "scamming" anyway?
    In my book... Scam: A stripper who takes (or argues for) your money after telling you she'll do something that she deliberately doesn't do (i.e. "I'll lapdance 3 songs for $20", you give her $20, then she only does 2 songs.) Whether she pretends to be aware of the scam or not is insignificant....it's still a scam. vs. Rip Off: a stripper who performs something that you had hoped/expected more of. (i.e. "I'll lapdance 3 songs for $20", you give her $20, she does 3 songs and the DJ cuts them all really short.) She did what was paid for, but its financial value sucked. FONDL - I have met many strippers who are great girls and don't scam customers. I think rip-offs are way more common. I've only been scammed a couple of times in many years. However, strippers are in clubs to make money in a hustle environment. Customers go to clubs to spend money, sometimes carelessly. With those odds, I find it hard to believe that customers scam strippers with the same frequency. That's like suggesting we scam used car salesmen with the same frequency. RIGHT.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    A simple reminder.
    Damn, you guys are depressing. FONDL - If you only have fun with few select strippers rather than the club environment generally, you may wanna consider replacing your leisure time with a dating service, singles bars or escorts. Sounds like you're into girls and not strip clubs. Or at least, not strip clubs of "today". So if this is true, I suggest you wake up, close your wallet and stop going. There's plenty of non-strippers OTC who'd sit on your lap and talk to you in exchange for money or a dinner date. If you don't like strip clubs, then don't go. SC - You sound like a fun dude, who is unfortunately so jaded with the ATL scene that you're not expecting to, nor will try to have a great time elsewhere. That's a shame for you man. I've never been to your heaven on earth in Columbia, but I find it hard to believe it's the only place to have fun in a strip club. In fact, I know it's not. One thing for sure though....if you're not expecting to have fun elsewhere, then you won't. And that'd be your fault.
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    19 years ago
    Courtesy tipping
    AN - I know what you mean about the DC scene. At Good Guys for example, I tip every dancer that approaches me at least a couple bucks. It's kind of expected in that club, and if you're not willing to do so, you look like a jerk. It can be annoying, but since there's no VIP or laps, that's how these girls make money, so I never mind it...even for the not so hot ones.
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    19 years ago
    Has this happened to you?
    Baddy - for the record, I'm a dude in my 30's from DC who spends a lot of time in Atlanta.
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    19 years ago
    A simple reminder.
    SC - To clarify, I think it's great that you have a total blast in Columbia. Everyone should have as great a time. It's a little far, but hell, it's worth the trip because you have a consistent kick ass night. Seems like the local laws there permit more mileage, and you have a few ATFs as well that add to the party. Good stuff. I just think that your attitude in ATL is so negative that it ruins your chances of having a good time there or elsewhere. And therefore, I don't understand why you go out at all (to Crazy Horse, etc.) If you're gonna go out, you should at least try to have a blast. Otherwise, why bother? Some clubs are better than others for varied reasons. Same goes for the strippers. But you'll never hear me bitching about naked women and beer....to me that's like a rich kid bitching about his trust fund. Get real. You live around dozens of full bar/naked clubs in ATL, many of which are stocked with HOT friendly women who will service you in VIP, and you're complaining about it?? What about the dudes in po-dunk USA? Beer and titties is always good man, and you're completely surrounded by it. No need to act like a spoiled brat. I'm not suggesting that ATL should replace your heaven on earth, it won't...I just think your attitude could use a reality check.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    A simple reminder.
    FONDL - you've completely missed my point
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    A simple reminder.
    FONDL - I see where you're coming from with the restaurant analogy. And when it comes to restaurants, of course I agree with you. I guess we just differ when it comes to strip clubs. Honestly, I can't say I go for the management, their attitude, or their level of greed. That stuff really doesn't matter to me a whole lot, and is not my deciding factor when it comes to clubs. I really only go for the girls. That's it. As long as there's fun, attractive strippers to hang with I'm good to go. Sure, it's great if the mileage is high, the drinks are cheap and the staff is friendly. But I gotta say, all of that is pretty insignificant to me, given that I can see hot women naked and have a good time with one or two of them. And if I'm lucky, I might get to extend that good time OTC. Bottom line for me - if at the end of the evening I had fun with a stripper I had fun at the club. SC - Man, I think I may need to hit up your heaven on earth....it sounds like they do you right for pennies. If you're driving that far, spending money on gas, hotel, food, etc. and it's still only 1/10th the price of a VIP session, hell, I gotta follow your lead. Save me a seat at the bar.
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    19 years ago
    Stripper Friendship Puzzle Solved
    Fellows, It's funny to me that you guys continue to acknowledge David S. It's even funnier to me that you bother arguing, debating or playing verbal pattycake with him. Some men you just can't reach. He has the same worth as any delusional preacher on a street corner who thinks they're saving the world. You guessed it...he's a joke. Moreover, he's a geek who enjoys getting under people's skin for kicks.....what a sad, sad individual. Certainly not worth anyone's time or thoughts. I suggest you join FONDL, myself and a few others and realize that he doesn't exist anymore.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Getting back to Strip Clubs...
    The performance details don't matter all that much to me (topless, botomless, titties in face, etc.) But in general, my ideal LD is: they're plenty of heat between us, so much that she's sweating and I'm hard as a rock when it's over....and we both want another :)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Favorite quotes
    One more from Montreal: Me: "That was a great lapdance, can I have another?" Stripper: "No....but, I'll suck your dick"
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    A simple reminder.
    SC - Right on, sounds like good value for the fun. Like I said though, I don't think cost (or commute in your case) matters as long as you're having a great time. To me, the fun justifies the $$. If you're having a blast, who cares....that's all that matters. Regardless, I'll make sure to hit PP next time I'm through Columbia, likely this Fall. Hopefully we can throw back a few beers & enjoy the ladies. FONDL - Wow, sounds like your Fav's club is quite pricey. Especially if you don't care for the environment. I would either go less often & spend more (so to have the great time you can buy) or just skip it all together. Any luck taking it OTC?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Informal Survey-Breasts, butts or legs?
    SC - I still look at the buns....guess I'm a buttman, or rather, caveman.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Too many favorites in one place, what to do?
    I don't have ATFs, but I've run into this situation when i've had OTC relations or dated dancers....going to see them at their club, they don't want me playing with the other girls I suppose.
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    19 years ago
    Things they think we like, but we don't...
    Biting. I F'ing hate biting or any variation of it. Last thing I need is some marks on my neck after leaving the club.
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    19 years ago
    South Carolina
    Prostitute vs dancer
    Shekitout - unless it was specifically agreed upon before the dance, anytime you continue to do something a dancer tells you not to do, you're the asshole not the dancer. She said that because you didn't respect her boundaries. You're actually lucky you didn't get bounced.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    You know you've been spending too much time in nudie bars when...
    when.... 1) You carry free entry coupons to clubs in your wallet from internet searches. 2) You tell your friends you can't make it out tonight, just so you can hit the club alone. 3) You include stripclubs as a line item in your budget 4) You can name more stripclubs U.S. cities than restaurants. 5) You find yourself planning work travel around stripclubs rather than work
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Stripper's Outfits
    At Cheetah club in Atlanta, there's this super hot shot girl that floors me everytime wearing only: electrical tape over her nipples in an "x" with black leather assless/crotchless pants and black FME boots.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Should I meet her?
    This is a rhetorical question....she just sucked your dick. Go for it, you know you will anyway.
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    19 years ago
    Condom or not?
    I say F the condom...there's nothing wrong with destroying your clothes for the greater cause of hot ass strippers. Hell, last week in Vegas I let it rip twice in my pants at the Rhino and left a total happy mess.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Voice mail number? Is she real or fake.
    Strippers are girls and ALL girls like to flirt, get attention and play games using their looks if they can. Strippers just also happen to want your money too. That said though, it's possible to hit it off with a stripper ITC and develop some sort of releationship OTC. Unfortunately though, it doesn't sound like this is the case for you my man. In my experience when strippers want your ass, they'll let you know. They don't play games, won't take your money, and will meet you OTC whenever possible. They'll answer phone calls and often call you first. In general, they'll try their damnest to be responsive because they want to have a relationship with you. Anything less ain't worth your time. And that goes for all women, not just strippers. If they don't feel lucky to be around you, then fuck em' and move on.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Intuition or Logic?
    For me, always intuition.....hot relationships, hot sex and hot naughty fun is never based on something as boring as logic.
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    19 years ago
    Intuition or Logic?
    D - i believe it's gotten better over time...the more you listen the better you hear. However, I don't think intuition is a learned skill. In my opinion, people either have it or they don't. This is gonna sound way cocky, but I believe most people don't have much intuition, and those who do are often too afraid or "logical" to act on it. If you have it and trust it, it can be a tremendous tool/skill used in all aspects of life....especially when picking up strippers ;).
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Does anyone here really care if they are "respected" by strippers?
    Fun, beer and sex with hot women is the only motivation this one needs.