
It never occurred to me before

Monday, July 11, 2005 4:16 PM
I was thinking pleasant thoughts about my ATF's the other day, especially the three who have a special place in my heart. And for not the first time I was reflecting on how much they had in common - all very good looking in the sense that guys heads turn when they walked into the room or down the street, all were really into fitness, all are very intelligent and interesting, all have great personalities, all are really nice people, all came from totally disfunctional families and were molested at a young age, all were former wild party girls who were committed to bettering themselves, and all were very young (19-22) when I met them. And it suddenly occurred to me that they had something else in common that I never realized before. They were all very open about their personal lives, none of them made any effort to hide the fact that they were dancers from their family or friends, and as a result they all were very open and honest about who they were. And I got to wondering if that was a major reason why they became my favorites. I never realized that that was improtant to me but I guess it is. How about you?


    19 years ago
    Shadowcat, I'd take your dump anytime. I don't much like GGC, it's too fancy and too expensive for my taste. But I drive by it regularly and stopped in a couple of times out of curiousity. And met my current fav, so what are you going to do? BTW, she's much better looking in person than her pics show, plus she has a a dynamite personality. And she really is a full-time college student.
    19 years ago
    Shadowcat, thanks for the picture. If you want to see pictures of my current favorite, go to [view link] and look for Kimberly. Hope I got that address right, I know it's something like that.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    Speaking about the #1 or #2 favorites reminded me of a national bikini contest I saw tonight. I definitely had a favorite who I thought should win the contest and then a number 2 for runner up. I noticed the girl I picked for number 2 was giving me rather prolonged looks as she was walking by in her bikini every time she walked by. The other two girls did not. Makes me wonder if she did the same thing to the judges because to my surprise she won the contest. First time I ever got the contest winner wrong. I suppose there may be more than looks involved in winning a Hawaiian Tropic contest semi-final or in becoming a #1 favorite.
    19 years ago
    Yoda, I agree that personality keeps me coming back for more. But I really enjoy the fact that all three of these girls are gorgeous, whether in the club or out. When I go anywhere with my ATF guys heads are always turning just to watch her walk by. And the other 2 girls are at least as good looking as she is. My current fav won a beauty contest (Miss Nude Baltimore - first prize $5,000) last year that was open to all dancers in the Baltimore area. I would have been shocked if she hadn't won, that's how good looking she is. She's the only across-the-board 10 (face, body, personality, dancing ability) I've ever seen. So obviously looks are important to me too.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    FONDL: What it shows is that, though appearance may be important, you choose your favs based on personality traits that you prefer. I always tell my favs that it may have been their body that got me to notice them but it's their personality that keeps me coming back.
    19 years ago
    Shadowcat and Yoda, I also agree that there's only one ATF, I merely used the expression to simplify what I was trying to say. There's no doubt in my mind who #1 is and always will be, she retired 7 years ago and ever since has been my closest friend. No one else can even come close to catching her. But there are 2 other girls including my current fav who stand hed and shoulders above everyone else on my list although I'm not sure who's #2 and who's #3. Years ago I met a girl while on vacation and we stayed in touch for a year afterwards, even though I only ever saw her about 5 times. She was really sweet and still ranks as #2 but just barely. My current fav is rapidly gaining on her. Someting else I just remembered, both #1 and #2 danced under their own real names. I guess I have a thing for honesty. Anyway, the thing that surprises me is that when I look at these 3 girls, none of them meet my theoretical definiton of the type dancer I thought that I preferred, so maybe I'm wrong about what I like. I didn't set out to pick girls with their characteristics yet they're so very similar in so many respects that it's weird.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I like to think of ATF as a top 5 ever list. Of my ATF's 3 are retired, 1 died in a tragic accident, and one is still working after having retired and un-retired 3 times. Since I don't see her anymore, and I have a CF, I guess I should demote her, but when I think of my favorites of all time, she pops into my head.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    FONDL: We all go to strip clubs for different reasons, beyond the obvious, and we all have our preferences in women-both physical type and personality type. In my experience, not all dancers open-up about their personal lives to all customers in the way that you mentioned. Some guys are deemed trustworthy by dancers and some never are. Every situation is different though I agree with Parodyman--> that we are all attracted to a certain type. I also agree with Shadwcat that, by definition, you can only have one ATF, the rest are former ATF's. My ATF retired over two years ago and no one has come along in that time to replace her. That doesn't mean I'm not having a blast auditioning candidates but I doubt she will ever be replaced. Of course, that's what I used to say about the girl that SHE replaced...
  • T-Bone
    19 years ago
    Dunno if this is qualifies as the same thing...but I always end up hitting it off with strippers around age 28-32 with at least one kid, down to earth, with some grown-up life experiences. That common denominator (plus their looks) seems to take me into some sort of relationship time & time again...
  • komey1970
    19 years ago
    Most of my favs have been A cups. I think the reason they became my favorites is that they would talk to me before and after our dances. One funny story about my first ATF - I was playing pool waiting for her to dance, and there as a bit of a line. I'm about a 50/50 player usually. Well, before I started, she gave me a kiss. I won that game, and told her. So she gave me another quick kiss. I won the next game. This happened for about 5 games in a row before I lost.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    FONDL: I am sure that if you asked most of the people on this board, assuming they had as in depth knowledge of their ATF's history, you would find that everyone gravitates toward a certain mix of dancer personality and looks. I know my type. I suppose when I go to an unfamiliar club subconsciously I am looking for a dancer who fits my ideals for attractiveness. It's a lucky thing when you find that!
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    All 3 of the ATF's I have had are open with their parents as well about it, only they are all slightly older than me (I'm 32) and all of them were college graduates who decided a regular life wasn't good enough and became dancers instead. All of them have big tits and asses. All of them were into sports, either as fans or actually playing them. The truly interesting thing is after ATF #1 quit the business for good, she sold some of her outfits to ATF #3 (my current one). So my current ATF wears my old one's outfits (at least sometimes).
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Wow, this guy's in deep.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I don't usually try to get to know a stripper so about the only thing that matters to me about personality is are they nice and can I trust them enough that they won't try to rip me off if I get a dance. If they are obviously putting on an act to be nice, that's a turnoff. Of course some strippers don't even bother to act nice after you turn them down for a dance. Obviously they won't get any dances from me for as long as I remember them which might be a few days to a few weeks. Every once in a while I might be interested in chatting so if their personality is compatible with me, that is good.
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