
Has this happened to you?

Friday, July 29, 2005 10:00 AM
OK, this was fun, but rediculous. I was at Piny Pony in Atlanta this week....sitting at the bar watching the girls, having some drinks, chatting with a few dancers. While doing so, I strike up conversation with a guy sitting a few seats down. Never met him, total stranger, but OK guy to BS with. After a little while and a few laughs, he completely loses his mind: First he buys me and the dancer I'm with a couple rounds of drinks ($40, no big deal). Then, he comps me two lap dances ($30 w/tip). He buys us another few rounds (another $60) and then comps me three more lap dances ($40 w/tip). OK, so I'm starting to think mabye this dude is gay or something...but then he goes into VIP with another girl. But before leaving, he calls the bartender over and insists on paying for all of my drinks and the drinks for my dancer. Then he comps me another three lappers ($40)and takes off to VIP...all the while demanding that we throw all future charges on his tab. Nuts? It doesn't stop here....on his way to VIP, he gives a pole dancer a "money shower" then buys 3 other female customers a few lap dances. Out of Control! After he leaves for VIP, I slam my beer, start laughing, and take off drunk, "well lapped" and in disbelief that some drunk dumbass bought me 7 lappers and a rediculous amount of drinks.


  • SuperDude
    19 years ago
    It's a function of individual personality. Some dancers are committed to getting as much money as possible from every customer in the place. And some dancers will draw the line, if they feel that some poor sap might be spending more than he should, usually because they know that the guy can't really afford it.
    19 years ago
    Some guys just want everyone to like them, the typical salesman pesonality. Combine that with a few drinks and a big expense account and that's what you get. That sort of think used to be fairly common but you don't see much of it anymore - there are fewer salesmen of that type around and there are far fewer big expense accounts.
  • T-Bone
    19 years ago
    Baddy - for the record, I'm a dude in my 30's from DC who spends a lot of time in Atlanta.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    A lot of guys go to strip clubs because they are lonely. This guy may have just appreciated your talking to him and has the cash to show his appreciation....I usualy ignore the other guys at the bar when I'm at a SC. I may have to re-think that.....
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    But for the record I think that guy went too far.
  • johnnylingo
    19 years ago
    Ooops, I meant "big-shot". But actually, anybody blowing that much money is a shit if you ask me!
  • baddy
    19 years ago
    tiffany1, just curious are you a guy or a gal? If you are a guy, that is one hell of a story and can't say I have ever had a stranger do shit for me before at a strip club. I would be worried he was gay as well but it looks like you got out of there before he did so you avoided a weird confrontation if he was.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Occasionally part of the fun is to be a big spender. It's cool if you come into some money you can afford to blow. I once bought a round for the house. OK it was a dayshift and there were like 6 dancers and 4 customers, but I was having a good time and wanted to liven the place up. Tossed one in for the bartender and it set me back about $100, but 2 of the customers bought me and my dancer drinks and the bartender and manager each comped me a round, so it wasn't that bad. It also did kind of make the place a lot friendlier.
  • johnnylingo
    19 years ago
    Sounds like he had some money to blow and wanted to feel like a big-shit. Mission accomplished, I guess...
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