Things they think we like, but we don't...

avatar for themailman
There are some things that strippers do that puzzle me.
Maybe I'm weird, but there are some things they do which I don't find sexy at all.
For example: Slapping their own asses, giggling their asses, slapping their kitty, licking their own nipples...
Any other annoying things they do?
Should we write these down (or have FONDL do it)? LOL
Maybe some guys find the above to hear from you too, maybe I'm just not getting it...


last comment
Something that happened to me last week...taking off your tie and using it to make a pair of panties. I had just gotten that tie back from the cleaners, too!
Removing an article of clothing, usually a top, and dragging it across my face. If I want to smell that I will sniff it on my own. Why haven't you changed that thing in the past 4 hours of working up a sweat, anyway?
avatar for lousybuck
19 years ago
Girls: We gotta go straight home after we see you. Glitter and strong perfume suck. Also, turning my gonads into tapioca with your knee isn't a turn-on.
avatar for themailman
19 years ago
Just a couple of others.
Belly button rings that snag your shirt...
Wearing tanning lotion/cream...I've left clubs a few times and had brown makeup all over my pants...straight to the dry cleaners...
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
CL, I agree with you about that "other" site, some of the opinions expressed there are bizarre to say the least. It's amazing how many of those girls feel that they're entitled to big bucks just because they take off their clothes. Many of those dancers wouldn't get a $1 off of me with their attitudes.

I also am not a big fan of either piercings or tatoos but a few are OK if they're not too obnoxious. I have seen a few girls on whom I found them attractive because it was obviously part of who they were, but I find that to be pretty rare. It takes a lot more self-confidence than most of these girls have to pull off that look. Most who try just look stupid.
Weird. Other than licking their own nipples (why can't I lick your nipples?) or breaking my glasses, everything you guys mentioned is a turn-on for me. ...
I hate when they rub their tits HARD in my face. Brushing their nipples lightly across my lips? By all means, but spare me the face mashing.
I don't like tattoos at all, nor do I like nipple piecings. On another board which many of us frequent, I voiced my dislike for tattoos. This led to many flamings, along the lines of, " I like it, I know that some customers, including older guys who spend a lot, don't like them, but that's too bad." That led me to wonder if the dancers who made these statements are willing to do anything to accomodate the clientele, as we lesser mortals are known to do (about five thousand times during each working day.)
avatar for themailman
20 years ago
I kinda like the tatoos in the small of the back....if they're not to big. Sortta sexy in a slightly trashy way. Sounds like a strip club to me.
Agree on over-piercing...The other night I got a dance from a girl who had 4, count 'em 4, piercings in her privates...She was into pain and did some serious grinding...felt like I had gotten a dance from a bicycle chain. Guess how many more I got it: 0
I don't know if they think we like tatoos and excessive piercings, but that is a turnoff for me. I'll overlook the tatoo in the small of the back or on the hip as long as it isn't too big. I'll overlook a belly button piercing or the occasional nose stud if it's small. Heck, I sometimes don't even let the clit barbell bother me, but I can't imagine anyone thinking that excessive tatoos or multiple piercings of the nipples, face and nether regions is something most guys are going to find attractive. General rule girls, no more than one piercing below the ears, and no tatoos on the arms, legs (other than something small on the ankle), upper back, neck, stomach, breasts or kitty. If you can't cover it with yout hand, the tatoo is way too big. Just my opinion.
avatar for Jpac73
20 years ago
My #1petpeeve is showing you her "goodies" during a private lapdance. I already saw it on stage, stick with the grinding and leave the peep show for the stage.
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
This is probably not common but I add another. If a dancer is on a cage like stage and she climbs up a couple of poles and puts her high heels on your shoulders to let you get a better view or do some slightly acrobatic move (not sure which it was), those heels do not feel good at all on my shoulder especially if they start digging in.

A long time ago in a military town, some guys apparently got all the dancers into biting. If I've been drinking and I'm a bit numb,a little nibbling or gentle biting on my member doesn't hurt but I'm not into some dancer chomping down on me either until I say OW. Biting my face or squeezing my nipples has never done anything for me except possibly cause pain. I don't mind a dancer asking if I like something during a lap dance.
avatar for themailman
20 years ago
Tropical H2O...feel free to share these points with your fellow dancers. I bet they will make more money!
Oh, wait, that means WE will spend more...,but what the hell, it'll be more enjoyable for all!
avatar for tropicalH2O
20 years ago
Dannyspade's post of the girl's juices was funny, but gross! Now you know why they have that lap towel. One of my fellow dancer's often charges men to DATY. She has often said that she would rather do a private dance than go to work and tip out on what she's made, but this is 'off subject'. This dancer used to have unprotected sex with dozens of guys for $$. I got her to start using protection. Be careful of dancers that are too naughty; they are probably doing dangerous sexual things with many men that could cost you, your good health.
1. Putting the goods right in my face (I'm probably in the minority on this one).

2. Dirty talk.

3. Cat-like purring

4. Taking off my glasses, other than to put them into my hand (i'm basically blind without them)

5. Taking off my glasses and rubbing them in the goods.

On the other hand, I like nipple biting/pinching, so I'm not sure there is any clear guidance for a dancer.

avatar for dennyspade
20 years ago
At the Industrial Strip in Hammond, IN (Please pause while their rabid regulars genuflect...) the dancers are issued what looks like hand towels to use before they lap-straddle a customer for their nude lappers.

Not that big of a deal, you say? OK, my dancer of choice opted out of using the towel. After 3 dances, I returned to my seat with her distinctive natural vaginal fragrance following me.

It appeared so strongly in my car, that I assumed it was soaked into the thighs of my dress slacks. I bought air fresheners, smoked a cigarette, and tried putting gasoline on my hands to mask that smell. The lady I share quarters with may be inquistitive about perfume and/or glitter; however a dancer's "au jus" is grounds for a nuclear war !!
avatar for dennyspade
20 years ago
Hey can we add ... Tossling the customer's hair or rubbing his shaved head. Although the dancer's boyfriend may find this endearing; how many guys bring a comb or brush into the club with them?

Who gave the dancer permission or license to loosen my expensive silk tie to use as a stage prop or to wear it walking around the club?

For that matter, if I want to sit "all buttoned-up" just let me be. In some places, the A/C is up so high, you just wanna be comfortable.
avatar for terrymac77
20 years ago
Perfume...lots of perfume.
a little is fine but I don't need to wear it home.
For the ones who are there to provide lots of mileage...small talk and real life talk after the deed, thats annoying.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
I hate being called baby. It just sounds so phony. Call me anything else - sugar, honey, asshole, whatever - but please, not baby. Better yet, call me by my name. And if you can't remember my name for an hour or so you're in the wrong business.

I once had a semi-regular who not only spanked her own butt all the time but wanted me to do it too. WTF?
avatar for themailman
20 years ago
Are any dancers paying attention to this??????????

Another one that has not been mentioned in this string is cheap and or heavy PERFUME...Gag.
avatar for shadow10
20 years ago
Wow, great post all! I think you hit on my all time least favorite acts from dancers, including:

The flutter purring moaning i heard from nearly every dancer at one club in LA.

Jelly rump shaking. I hate jiggly butts. I am old(er). Don't do this to a guy who is over 30 would be my guess.

Ass slapping- unless it is on the stage, and your doing some sort of fetish "show" with the appropriate costume (lots of black leather). OK if another girl slaps your stripper ass, but probably just once. Never slap my ass unless I ask for it. And I wont.

Bad shoes that don't fit, or are too short (toes hanging over the end). If you don't have great feet, and well manicured toes, wear closed shoes, or boots.

I HATE when dancers bounce hard on my stiff member. That hurts. I hate when they grind too hard. Hurts too. I am gonna start telling them this, even at the risk of hurting their feelings (they do have feelings, I am sure).

Biting. I had one girl bite me on the face and broke the skin. I shoulda kicked her ass right there. I don't like my member chomped on either. Something light is OK. But chomping is not.

Any action that seems fake. It all is, but if they cant pull it off, they should stop. I have had girls have orgasms while dancing for me, and not go all Meg Ryan on me. Thats cool.

Razor stubble anywhere. Sheesh!

Glitter. Stop this already!

Overly athletic lap dances. This is supposed to be a turn on for the guy, and we are not olympic gymnast judges.

Any patronizing greetings from a girl half my age. If a stripper is 40, she can call me just about anything. If she is 20, stick with handsome, sweetie or baby.

I don't mind nipple licking if it is not overly done. By her or everyone in the club. Save it for a lap dance, and maybe the 2nd in a row, or later.
slapping the kitty can be nice, but only if its on the 2nd or third dance in a row. And it cant look fake.

ATLFa (all time least favorite action) is when a girl blows by my table and ask for a dance. Hit and run girls. yuck.
avatar for davids
20 years ago
Some of the "pet names" are super annoying: "Hon", "Darling", and "Dear" come to mind. Can you please hide your contempt for your customers just a little bit?

Some very obnoxious strippers even called me "doll"!!!!! Think I'll ever bought another dance from them?

"Baby", "cutie", and "handsome" are, of course great.

"Sweetie" depends on voice tone.
avatar for dennyspade
20 years ago
I have never figured out who started that tongue-fluttering "Purrrring" near the ear. It has never been sexy and is always irritating.

"Baby-Talk" is meaningless and aggravating done by an 18 year old or a 38 year old woman.

Cute sayings/nicknames on the crotch of the panties.

Glitter .... Glitter .... did I mention GLITTER ????
Baby talk! Can we please lose that one. OK, I understand I'm 20ish years older than you, that doesn't mean that is the main attraction. Personally I start to get a little uncomfortable when the schoolgirl act and the baby talk starts to look like it could be true.
Just to clarify, I once had a huge fight with a live in girfriend about baby talk. Why is this supposed to be sexy or cute? Why can't a grown woman speak like a grown woman? Why am I supposed to respond to a woman being "sweepy"? I'm sorry, it just sounds stupid to me. So I may be odd, I dunno, but I hate baby talk in my personal life too.
avatar for nj_pete
New Jersey
20 years ago
Wjat I like the least is the fake, "Oh Baby, Oh Baby.." Ass splapping does nothing for me, blowing moist air in my ear does nothing for me. While its all an illusion anyway, I do prefer the slow sensous type dance w/o all the crap most others have mentioned.
avatar for Pete22z
20 years ago
Things I don't like:
Rubbing my groin with her knee (get a 10 ft pole why don't ya), grinding too hard, glitter, rubbing in the same position until you-know-what (most dancers know to switch it up)
avatar for tropicalH2O
20 years ago
Slapping the ass IS obnoxious. Another dancer and I had to talk to the manager about a girl (drunk) who persisted in slapping our asses (after being told many times to stop), even while we were in the VIP dancing for our regular guys. Licking or blowing hot, moist air into your ear is annoying. Nibbling the earlobe can be nice though (if done by the right person), and warm air blown through the thin fabric of pants in the nether regions feels good.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
20 years ago
Faking an orgasm while giving a lap dance. I'm not a fan of them licking my ear, either, although I don't mind if one of my favorites does it. Actually, I'm not sure licking their own nipples is sexy, but it's a talent.
avatar for T-Bone
20 years ago
Biting. I F'ing hate biting or any variation of it. Last thing I need is some marks on my neck after leaving the club.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Most of the things mentioned always come across as phoney, and anything that appears to be phoney is a turn-off for me. I'd much rather that the girl just be herself.
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
A few dancers will squeeze your nipples. I certainly don't enjoy that. I remember at one time in a military town the dancers suddenly seemed to be into biting the genitals but they were biting too hard I thought. I think they got the hint after I said OW. They must have been dancing for some numb drunk guys before me.

I also do not enjoy a tongue in my ear. Maybe some guys do. Another one would be rubbing the bikini area in my face when she has lots of razor stubble. It's not pleasant to get rubbed like that.
avatar for ShotDisc
20 years ago
Although I agree with almost everything said so far, except the nipple licking, AbbieNormal stole my thunder. I HATE TATTOOS!!!! I hope that was clear. Tattoos make gorgeous girls average and average girls ugly in my book. Why would you put something permanently on your body that you wouldn't even hang temporarily on your wall? if i have to choose between a hot, tattooed girl or an average girl with no ink, i go with the second every single time. Piercings don't bother me as much as long as they are not excessive. I don't like facial piercings, nipple rings can be fun, pussy or clit rings are ok and I love belly button rings. Good topic gentlemen!!
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