Informal Survey-Breasts, butts or legs?

avatar for easyed14
Just curious. I'm a butt man myself but most of the guys I know prefer the boobies. I truly appreciate the entire female anatomy when it's attractive and properly proportioned, including the face, but something about a nice round butt, Wow!


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avatar for AbbieNormal
20 years ago
It seems to me that all the things we see as signs of beauty are based on more general signs of health and fertility. Well defined legs and behind, full healthy breasts, good teeth, bright eyes, full thick hair, these all point to a woman who was healthy and capable of bearing and feeding children for our distant encestors. I often wonder if the permanently enlarged female breast is an evolutionary equivilent of the bright plumage in some birds. No other mamals have prominent breasts unless they are actively nursing.

On a more general note, I really like strip clubs because you are allowed, no encouraged to look. You get in trouble for those kind of stares in public.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
The two things that I look for first, assuming that the girl is in relatively decent shape, is her carriage and her smile. I like a great smile. I also like a tentative smile, you know, the kind where the girl appears to be kinda shy. And I like a girl who is graceful, who has good posture and carries herself with feminine grace. That's actually pretty rare in a young woman. It's very rare in a strip club.
avatar for THICK
20 years ago
Nothing in the world like a nice HEART shaped ass :-)
avatar for large
20 years ago
large breasts do it for me
avatar for T-Bone
20 years ago
SC - I still look at the buns....guess I'm a buttman, or rather, caveman.
avatar for AbbieNormal
20 years ago
If I had to catagorize why I say boobs, I guess I'd say because they are the first make or break for me. A bad boob job will ruin a dancer for me faster than anything. I consider most boob jobs bad. If you pressed me on the first thing I check out, probably legs, butt, stomach, boobs, in more or less that order, but I'm a lot less picky about legs and butt.
avatar for ShotDisc
20 years ago
No question about it. Boob man! I have an ass, and chairs have legs. Nothing beats a great set of natural boobs, no matter the size. Yes I do enjoy larger boobs, and often make my lap dance choices solely on this criteria, but something that might be even better than boobs are nipples. Give me a girl with a great set of nipples...
avatar for themailman
20 years ago
From your list: Butt, legs, breasts.
I find that great legs and a nice ass usually go together, but I must say, a toned, flat tummy, on a girl who knows how to use it, is tops for me!
avatar for nj_pete
20 years ago
A nice set of natural breasts is tops with me (no pun intended) a nice round but not overly plump butt is good too!
avatar for pinnickfan
20 years ago
I like it all, but pussy is my favorite. That's why I got to clubs, to see pussy.
avatar for chitownlawyer
20 years ago
At 42, I do indeed remember before shaved pubic hair came in, and it was always a big surprise to see the size of the jungle that appeared when the panties came off. I dated a girl in college of middle eastern lineage who practically had pubic hair halfway down her thighs. Even with girls of more measured flora, much of the challenge of cunnilingus was finding the equipment. Picking the hairs out of your teeth came later. Although I am generally a traditionalist, some changes have been very good indeed.

avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Sometime after my ATF stopped dancing she also stopped shaving. Wow what a turn-on. I definately prefer my clams to be bearded, although a little trim is nice.
avatar for johnnylingo
20 years ago
I'm in to the butt myself. As long as the breasts are "balanced" for the lower body and look ok, I'm really not too interested.

Had a funny sales pitch last night. So thought I'd share:

"Do you like big boobs?"
"Actually, I'm more in to the butt. But those are very nice"
"Oh yeah" (she turns around and flips up her skirt)
"That's nice too"
"You know, I give a real hot lap dance"
"I'll think about it"
"Yeah? Well think about these!" (She grabs the back of my head and rubs it in her cleavage)

Best pitch I'd heard in a while. She got busy and I never got a chance, but will you can bet I'll be looking for her next time.
avatar for easyed14
20 years ago
Shadowcat, I have to agree about the shaved kitty. It's alright to look at but I really don't like the feel of the stubble. Especially on my face! I prefer a nicely trimmed little bush much as you described. Sometimes that landing strip comes in handy in the dark. At least it's not like it used to be back in the 70's and early 80's . I don't know if you're old enough to remember but, back then, girls didn't much shave or even trim then. I remember my first girlfriend, as soon as I got her panties off and I looked down there and it looked like she had Don King in a scissor lock! I remember I didn't DATY much back then. Maybe that's why I developed my attraction to bubble butts?
avatar for samichlaus
20 years ago
Butt, hips, thighs..yum

Not too skinny either, I prefer full and soft. Not big and sloppy mind you.…
avatar for DandyDan
20 years ago
Definitely the butt. But if the breasts are big, I can make an exception.
avatar for Yoda
20 years ago
Brazillian asses are the eight wonder of the world.
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
I enjoy looking at shaved pussies. Of course nice breasts, ass and legs are also nice along with a pretty face.
avatar for g8rjeff
20 years ago
I guess I'm an "butt" man... because everybody tells me, "Hey, you're an ASS, man!"
avatar for Clubber
20 years ago
For me, None of the above.

If she is Asian, she is WAY ahead of the game.
avatar for reavetj
20 years ago
I'm with Topless on this one, except that I prefer no hair at all. Or trimmed instead of a landing strip.

But of the choices offered, I say the breasts.
avatar for komey1970
20 years ago
Messed up the line...

I like big butts and I cannot lie...
avatar for corey
20 years ago
a girl asked me that today and i said hips....theres something aboutthe hips/stomach area.
avatar for komey1970
20 years ago
I like big butts and I'll tell you why....
avatar for Toplessdancer
20 years ago
I guess if I have to pick out of the 3 I guess boobies are for me, but am actually a pussy girl, I love clean shaved pusses, with just a little landing strip of hair!!

avatar for AbbieNormal
20 years ago
Well if we accept ChiTown's three choices I'd have to say two get you in a lot less trouble in clubs. I'm probably a breast guy, but have a certain appreciation for the butt.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Why choose, I want it all. Actually I've probably changed too. Years ago I would have said boobs. But the one physical aspect that all three of my favs share is great legs. So I guess that makes me a leg man.
avatar for chitownlawyer
20 years ago
I've gradually changed over the years. I used to be a big breast man. As I have gotten older, I have developed an appreciation for the butt, and that is probably my main interest of the three anatomic choices offered.
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