
Voice mail number? Is she real or fake.

On a late thursday night about two weeks ago after the second a lap dance I got from the same dancer (for the first time). She gave me her number. The next day I called the number and it is a voice mail number. The next day I leave her a good message with my phone number.. Never get a call from her. Upset, the next week I don't go to that club.

I go back again the next thursday night. (See her for the 2nd time) I see her talk to a customer and walk right by her. About five minute later she come and sit by me at a two seat table and tell me she tried to call Tuesday or Wed (I forget). A little later I get a uptime 2 for $40 lap dance from her. We talk for three hours on a very busy night. She would stay at my table and only leave to give someone a lap dance. She went outside the club to smoke three times and she would take me with her. (I don't smoke)
She told me she was single and I ask her to go to the movies sunday and she said ok and to call. She try to get another lap dance out of me before I left and I said no thank.. I called Sat and Sunday and never heard from her. I will go back to the club.

Does anybody know what I should do? She did seem like she could have like me. Does she really have a boyfriend or something, she would not take my phone number. Why a voice mail number?

Oh and both for us are in are 20's


  • chandler
    19 years ago
    So, playing hard to get works with voice mail, too?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    For what it's worth, if you want to get girls to answer their phone then it's best not to leave messages: they'll imagine all kinds of crazy shit you might be wanting to talk to them about. If you leave a message the suspense is gone plus it gives them a chance to play the "too busy to call back" game which they love to do.

    However, if they aren't answering then you are probably get tooled anyway, so perhaps just best to move on as tiff suggests.
  • T-Bone
    19 years ago
    Strippers are girls and ALL girls like to flirt, get attention and play games using their looks if they can. Strippers just also happen to want your money too. That said though, it's possible to hit it off with a stripper ITC and develop some sort of releationship OTC. Unfortunately though, it doesn't sound like this is the case for you my man.

    In my experience when strippers want your ass, they'll let you know. They don't play games, won't take your money, and will meet you OTC whenever possible. They'll answer phone calls and often call you first. In general, they'll try their damnest to be responsive because they want to have a relationship with you.

    Anything less ain't worth your time. And that goes for all women, not just strippers. If they don't feel lucky to be around you, then fuck em' and move on.
    19 years ago
    How long has this girl been dancing? If she's new at it she's probably just a typical young flake. But if she's experienced, what you've described is fairly standard dancer procedure. Many girls give out a phone number so customers can check to see when they are working, it doesn't mean anything beyond that. Many girls will also spend a lot of time with a guy who they think has the potential to be a regular. Many will also lead you to believe that they want to get together outside the club but something will always come up to keep it from happening. These are all pretty standard sales techniques for dancers. There's no point in trying to figure out whether she's being sincere or not, there's no way for you to ever know. Enjoy her as a dancer at the club if you like but don't expect anything more.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    The choices are yours. The first choice is to ask yourself if you do want to date her and why. Is it because you think she's interesting, that you would have a lot of fun, that she'd be a cool girlfriend, that the two of you are compatable? Or is it that you want to be able to brag about getting a stripper, even if only to yourself. If you answer the second, I'd guess she may have picked up on that, and is probably playing you. She is probably playing you in any case. A lot of strippers have extra voicemail or cell phone numbers just so they have a number to give to customers. The fact she gave you the number so easily would indicate to me she's not serious. The other possibility is that like a lot of young women, especially strippers, she is a scatterbrained flake. If you go back decide how far you want to persue it and why. I would say that although I wouldn't go quite as far as davids, you may want to essentially let her know the next move is hers. If she has your number, let her know it's up to her if she wants to take things OTC. If she asks why or complains, don't accuse her or anything, just tell her honestly that you aren't sure she's serious.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Classy, davids. No wonder you're a big hit with the ladies.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Ewe: Don't say anything. Don't even acknowledge her existence. Get dances from other girls. Wait for her to come crying to you then laugh at her. Stupid bitch.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    One interesting thing I've noticed with stripper (and other women's) numbers is that they almost always answer the first time you call them: I would say like 90% of the time. If not they are almost certain to return that call the same day/night.

    Later on, however, they somehow, mysteriously, become too busy too answer their phone, hmmm.... Very suspicous.
  • Ewe
    19 years ago
    Thanks for the info Chandler and Davids.

    (Are you sure it's not a regular number that gets kicked
    into voice mail when she doesn't answer?)

    I have no idea. I am trying to find that one out.

    (She's fake. If she were for real, she would have gotten a hold of you)

    She told me she goes to school during the day, dances 2 or 3 night and tried to call once.

    But, she told me that Sat and Sunday I would be able to get her. I tried and nothing.

    I plan on going to the club tomorrow.

    Do any of you guys know what I should say if I see her in the club.

    What would you guys say?

    I am not going to spend any money on her and see what she does.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    98% chance she's a fake. Even if she wasn't you blew it by buying LDs from her. Either stop spending money on her if you don't like to give money to people who play you or keep spending but realize you are now a chump in her eyes and everyone else in the club. (I highly recommend salvaging some dignity here: Don't spend another time on her, and when she come by whining tell her exactly why, and then laugh at all her excuses.)

    Good luck, dude!
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    She's fake. If she were for real, she would have gotten a hold of you.

    I'm not familiar with voice mail numbers. Are you sure it's not a regular number that gets kicked into voice mail when she doesn't answer? Not that it has any bearing on the real or fake question.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    She's apparently too busy playing some other guys to bother playing you too much but she has hinted at it and you are falling hook line and sinker if you keep calling her. I'll actually agree with davids in saying that if you ignore her and seem interested in other dancers, she may start wondering what she missed out on. If a dancer really wants you, she won't waste any time hooking up unless she really is a flake. You're just one of several guys she is playing. If she happens to have a really bad off day with some other guys, you might get a phone call back and then she can try to play you outside the club as well.
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