Condom or not?

avatar for eznuk
My ATF does not hesitate reaching up my shorts and stroke Mr. Happy big time, but I am reluctant to give it up even though she does not seem to mind if it was ever to happen. I am considering putting on a condom the next time I am going to see her to avoid the mess. So I was wondering how many of you do the same (regardless of how hands-on the dance turns out to be)?


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avatar for waltnavy
19 years ago
I agree with shadowcat. I have had dancers litterly pull mr. happy out and jerk me off or blow me without a condom and all they do when I cum is either grab a napkin, lean it to the side, hold it between their tits, or suck it up.
which girl(s) at the Rhino, so I know for next time. If no name then a brief description is fine.
avatar for Jpac73
19 years ago
Forgot to mention it's best to wear regular underbriefs than Boxers briefs if you are going to wear a condom. The regular briefs will help secure it from the "freefall."
avatar for Jpac73
19 years ago
chitownlawyer: The incident you described of having a rubber fall out of your pants leg happened to me about 2years ago. I had just got through getting a lapdance. I was on the way out when I felt something slide down my leg. I looked back and saw the condom on the floor. I quickly bent down to pick it up and acted if I had dropped my keys. I looke up and saw one of my favs looking at me. I don't know if she saw me pick it up or not but I know I quickly headed for the exit. I stayed away for about 2months hoping if anyone did see it they would forget. I went back about 7weeks later and everything was normal.
By the way, I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't try that rubber band thing...when it is time to take off the rubber band, you might find the distal part of your dick coming off with it.

Just a thought.
I'm glad that other people have the same concern that I do about the condom staying on. I could go into the bathroom when I have a hard-on, and put the rubber on, but I seriously doubt that, at 43, my dick is going to stay hard in the time it takes me to reassemble my clothes and get to VIP, even if I already have a dancer lined up.

I can't think of anything more embarrassing that to be walking across the main floor and have an unrolled condom fall out of my trouser leg.

The only workable solution is to get it on near the point of contact, but facilities at Favorite CLub rarely offer anything near that level of privacy.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
I don't get it either. Much as I'd love to brag about having a constant erection in a SC that just isn't the case. When I do have reason to need a condom in a club the dancer always has one and is more than willing to apply it when the time comes.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
Well, if she reaches into your oanfs and jerks you off you are getting the mess. I always keep a change of clothes in my truck. I refuse to let a little mess prevent me from fully enjoying a spontaneous hand job....the sticky ride home is always filled with good memories.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
oanfs? WTF. I was trying to type "pants".
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I tried the condom thing once a long time ago. But guess what happened? Mr. Happy shrunk but she kept on gringing and I ended up with a mess anyway. Now I just try to behave. But it must be pretty common - my ATF and her friends used to tell me that they always found some used condoms on the club floor after they closed and the lights went on. They thought it was funny.
I don't get it either. I never cum in a club, but years ago, I tried wearing a condom just to keep pre-cum from staining my pants. It slid off when my boner took a rest. Some guy on another board posted about using a rubber band to keep a condom from sliding off. Might as well go all out geek and use duct tape.

The best solution for putting it on was the one I described before in the movie room at Mitchell Brothers. The girls carried them and would pull my dick out and slip one on just for a lapdance. Almost as fun as the dance itself.
avatar for travelingthrough
19 years ago
Chandler: Well, the best way for YOU too avoid a mess maybe. She gets the mess instead. LOL!
Eznuk's question wasn't about STDs. The best way to avoid a mess is to cum in one of her holes the way nature intended.
Someone once suggested that warts could be so transmitted. I'm not sure about that. If you had an open sore on your weezer, and she had the same on her hand, I suppose there would be the potential for transfer of blood, which means, of course, AIDs. However, I would think that this would be a very remote possibility. You would probably have a greater chance of blood exchange by shaking hands with and HIV+ person, when you both happened to have open sores on your hands. Over the course of mylife, I've had far more breaks in the skin on my hands than in the skin on Mr. Happy.

avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
Unless she has open sores on her hand, none.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
What kind of STDs can be transfered by condomless handjobs?
avatar for T-Bone
19 years ago
I say F the condom...there's nothing wrong with destroying your clothes for the greater cause of hot ass strippers.

Hell, last week in Vegas I let it rip twice in my pants at the Rhino and left a total happy mess.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
Well, I guess you could put one on, but I wouldn't. If she's already got her hands up there stroking Mr. Happy she knows there's no latex in place and it's obviously not a problem for her. Though not common occurance, Ive been "finished" this way by a few dancers...the last time was just this afternoon as a matter of fact...
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