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Joined Jan, 2005
Last Seen Oct, 2022


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11 years ago
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Damn, can a girl go from 8.5 to 7.0 in one month?
Everyone's forgetting the obvious reason, she got MARRIED!
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11 years ago
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innies vs outies vag preference?
My preference is an outie! I love playing with and sucking on those luscious lips. I also prefer a small, nicely trimmed landing strip…
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19 years ago
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I enjoy looking at tits, but I'm really much more of a leg and bubble butt man myself. Although I have to admit,…
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19 years ago
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Worst lapdance ever
That's easy. Without a doubt, my worst lap dance was about 4years ago. It was at an all nude club known…
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19 years ago
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What do you prefer regular Bikini, Thong, or shorts during a LD
I too prefer a nude lap dance but if not available, I'll take a thong.

On the subject of nude lap dances, there are several,…
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19 years ago
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New Ignore Feature
I'd have to go with 2 myself. I had stopped reading this board because of those two. Great fix! Now, is…
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19 years ago
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Quotes From Other People's Reviews, 2006 Edition
This one was rather amusing from the Hawaii Theater in City of Industry, CA:

Then there was Barbie. She remembered me from my visit there…
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19 years ago
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Favorite State
When I was growing up out here in California, the "hot commodity" girls were the ones that liked parking at the beach to watch…
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19 years ago
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Favorite State
I've only been to eight other states, but so far for mileage, I'll take California. Although, I thought Arizona had the highest percentage…
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19 years ago
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Who has been to strip clubs in the most states?
I count nine:


It seems that the common denominator is California. I guess anybody who travels for business, ends up traveling to California…
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19 years ago
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How many of you have degrees?
Nope! Not on purpose. See, I told you! This site really needs a spellcheck feature.
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19 years ago
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Have you ever complained to management?
At the club I frequent, I'm fortunate enough to have a friendly relationship with the owner. Every time he see's me there he'll…
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19 years ago
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Hobbies other than SC
I golf, bicycle, play poker, and shoot pool. I've started having back problems so my doctor recommended yoga. I start classes next…
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19 years ago
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How many of you have degrees?
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Masters in Public Administration. All that education and I still have problems with grammer, punctuation and spelling.…
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19 years ago
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Is it wrong to frequent SC's if you're involved in a relationship?
Well, problem resolved. As soon as she can find her own place, she's moving out. After having given up my weekly Friday…
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19 years ago
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How many miles to get more mileage?
My favorite club is only 10 minutes away but is rather low mileage. When I get the urge for high mileage, I've got…
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19 years ago
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Yay or Nay? Strippers walking around the club naked.
I say Yay! But only if the dancer has a nice body. Unfortunately, I don't know any clubs out here that allow…
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19 years ago
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Least favorite stripper costumes?
I hate the goth look. Gowns are just so-so, it depends on the girl and I also hate the dominatrix look. I'm…
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19 years ago
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Let's talk about assholes!
I can take em or leave em, it really depends on the girl.

T-H20, excuse my ignorance, but was the laser treatment to smooth…
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19 years ago
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Big dicks or big pussies?
Like Yoda, I like them all sizes. But I love a woman with large labia. Gives me something to nibble and suck…
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19 years ago
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Girls that look better far away than up close
I've often marveled at how some dancers can look so beautiful in the club but fairly ordinary or down right homely outside the club.…
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19 years ago
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To each his own, but I'm with Chandler and messaround on this one. I also prefer them to be on the lighter vs.…
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19 years ago
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Is it wrong to frequent SC's if you're involved in a relationship?
I too have no problem with my meals and I've grown very fond of the chef as well. It's just that occassionally, I…
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19 years ago
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Is it wrong to frequent SC's if you're involved in a relationship?
Well, truth be known, the home cooked meals don't seem quite as satisfying as they used to. I've always been the type that…
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19 years ago
Is it wrong to frequent SC's if you're involved in a relationship?
Visiting SC's has been a hobby of mine for over 20 years. I usually go once or twice a month. I have…
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