In a recent discussion, shadowcat commented, "Actually I never sit in pervert row." This got me thinking about the phrase "pervert row", meaning the row of seats right beside the stage at a strip club. "Pervert row" seems to me unnecessarily pejorative, and it is hurtful to those of us who prefer this seating area.
At a basketball game, the best seats are courtside. At a boxing match, the best seats are ringside. At a strip club, it seems to me, the best seats are stage-side (or maybe we should call it pole-side or stripper-side). You have the best view of the dancers, you can easily tip them, and you talk with them before they leave the stage. The dancers may rub their boobs on your face or flash the kitty (in topless only clubs).
Does anyone know why this stage-side seating is called "pervert row"?
What pros and cons do you see in sitting in pervert row vs other places in the club?
"Pervert Row Dancers call the seats around the the stage , nearest the stairs, Pervert Row because the poor tipping guys who sit here try desperate measures to get free close up views when the girls are coming and going off the stage, somehow think the girls won't notice them. Sure giveaway you're a PL if you sit here and nurse one drink for three hours. (Sparkz40)"
I rarely sit stage side as watching the dancer has little appeal to me. I am totally interested in interaction with them away from the stage. I will walk up and tip a dancer that I am interested in.
Also I prefer to sit with my back to the wall. This prevents sneak attacks by fuglies.
Another way to avoid sneak attacks by fugglies, when sitting at a bar especially, is to be able to see your self in a mirrored wall across from the bar. They you can see who is coming and going around you easier.
In a way being at a strip club, sometimes, is they way you are supposed to be in a city walking down the street, to be aware of your surroundings.
Most if not all guy sitting at stage side seats are expected to tip $1 bills constantly. I don't do that. And also I prefer to sit with my back against something.
30 years ago, essentially before lap dances were heard of. They were the prime seats. On a busy night you often waited for the valuable piece of real estate to open up.
You already had your competition staked out. Other singles at a table waiting to pounce at the first empty chair. Back then, at least in the Indianapolis clubs where I started, you got a kiss on the lips and tongue in your mouth for a buck.
Now, watching the girls on stage is boring, and most only go up to tip a particular dancer is only fir those who need to signal their interest in a dance.
I generally don't sit at the rail but last summer I did at an SC where there really wasn't anywhere else to really sit with the layout of the building. It did give a good feel for all the dancers and I was rewarded with a good experience in VIP. But I could have probably gotten the same experience if I had not been up at the stage.
I generally prefer to go up and tip a dancer who I am interested in getting dances with.
Well, jacklash, I sometimes prefer stageside (pervert row ) seats , yet I don't consider informal designation to be hurtful or pejorative. Like most acronyms/terms in tuscl glossary, I'm rather amused. Just like the cheap ticket seats at sporting events (eg- highest up, furthest away from action ) being dubbed "nosebleed section". (Eg- the section is high enough up to give one a nosebleed ).
The only thing dancers hate more than a full pervert row... is an empty pervert row. There is no purpose to speaking to dancers because in the back room or at the IHOP with their dancer buddies, they will bad mouth you with a bigger smile than the smile they sweet talk you with.
Exactly MH. I remember those days. In some cases that was the closest you could get to the girl and get a little breast brush putting a dollar in between her tits was sometimes the most action all night.
Now it is also possible to avoid the trawlers by sitting at the rail. In a club once I was told that the seats at the rail were off limits to dancers to solicit dances in respect for the girl on stage and they could only sit there if invited by a customer. I have found that mostly to be true in my observations.
Yea, "pervert row" does sound like a bad term. Personally I try to sit in a location far enough from the stage where I don't feel obligated to tip every dancer.
But I also try to sit within good viewing distance so that if a dancer I am interested in takes the stage, I can quickly make it to the tip "rail".
Mostly those who sit in pervert row aren't interested in dances. They usually only want to party and see some almost naked women. Thus, most dancers aren't interested in these guys.
As someone else commented, I try to find a seat where I feel safe and it is difficult to be "surprised" by dancers or troublemakers.
I like to sit away from the rail but near where the dancers exit the stage to make it easier for those I tipped to find me. At least if the club is set up to allow this. If I have to fight off the fuglies a simple No works for me.
I don't sit exclusively on the row, but I sit there a few songs for a dancer that I'd be interested in getting an LD with. It's also a helpful way to escape the attention from dancers you'd rather not have sit down with you and solicit dances from you. Most clubs let their dancers know that those patrons on the row can't be disturbed out of respect for whoever is on stage.
Why wouldn't you go up to the front. Too cheap to pay? If you don't like the girl who is up next simply excuse yourself. There is a natural transition between dancers for that. It could be said that anyone in a strip club is a pervert regardless of where you sit.
Umm what about the non main stages? Rh48hr could testify as well, Bourbon street tables are always full and the only spot to sit is by the main stage or 2 side stages. To be honest i think BSC main floor is meant for the (perv row). At my favorite SC I usually sit by celebrity stage 1 its a very small stage probably 8 feet in diameter and there's tables around the stage. What do you call that?
I've sat at the celebrity stage with TABB dropping one or two dollars on each dancer, but other dancers felt free to come up and ask for dances as well. Unlike main stages, this stage is not elevated and you are not right next to it. So if you want to tip, you are close enough to do so, but far enough back that other dancers can come and talk with you.
I sit there to tip a dancer I am interested in. If you sit there you need to tip every dancer on stage if you don't all the dancers will hear about it .I have always been told it the guys that sit there and not tip that a re talked of. I also use it to get away from a dancer at my table that won't leave. I get up with out asking her to come with me and go tip the stage dancer. If she has not left by the time I'm done I'll sit at the stage for a while. Usually club rule prevent her from following without an invitation.
A few years ago, I walked into one club(now defunct) which was a total dive and also totally dead. Bartender sleeping and one relatively attractive dancer(whom i knew from another club) sitting at the bar. I walk up to the bar and dude wakes up enough to hand me some local skunk piss then re-crashes. Strike up a friendly convo with her, still nobody else in the place, after a few minutes she invites me to watch her do a stage set. I gave her a buck for the jukebox and she directed me to sit in a particular out of the way seat at what she called "BJ" row. I was like "haha nvr heard it called that before". A couple minutes later I pleasantly discovered it was aptly named.
Doesn't concern me in the least what the area is called. I don't sit there for one reason, dancers believe you MUST tip them if you are there. I am very selective as to who I tip and the amount. I'll walk up and tip a dancer I wish to have join me, or wait for the tip walk if they have one.
I've got no problem being called a pervert, however "I do not wish to be cast in pejorative light..." I love that movie.
But coming back to topic, are you saying pervert row is the entire stage side seating area? I always thought it was just the area near the entrance/exit to the stage - where the girls in nude clubs tend to hang/throw their discarded clothes. I always thought it had such designation because the people sitting there were trying to get a little freebie action.
I move around, I prefer to sit with my back to a wall but stage side seating can be fun sometimes too.
I don't mind sitting stage-side, but my main complaint is that it can run a little expensive if the girls do three songs and park at your spot maybe 3 or 4 times per song. For the more talented girls, that may mean two or three bucks per visit X 3 or 4 visits X 3 songs per girl. After about 3 or 4 hours, you are starting to feel the hit. The advantage/disadvantage is that most clubs don't allow girls to approach a guy when he is sitting at the stage--thus you aren't bothered by fuglies, but you also aren't approached by the knockouts. Njpete, the use of mirrors is always a good technique, and I like to use them to see if a dancer is showing any interest in me by getting a two or three angle ricochet shot on them.
At The Coliseum in Detroit, the seats next to the stage are free. Dancers, not on stage, will come and sit and make the same pitch they will make in the booths. Thus, the row is just another seating area and the dancers will hit on you. So what?
last comment"Pervert Row
Dancers call the seats around the the stage , nearest the stairs, Pervert Row because the poor tipping guys who sit here try desperate measures to get free close up views when the girls are coming and going off the stage, somehow think the girls won't notice them. Sure giveaway you're a PL if you sit here and nurse one drink for three hours. (Sparkz40)"
I rarely sit stage side as watching the dancer has little appeal to me. I am totally interested in interaction with them away from the stage. I will walk up and tip a dancer that I am interested in.
Also I prefer to sit with my back to the wall. This prevents sneak attacks by fuglies.
In a way being at a strip club, sometimes, is they way you are supposed to be in a city walking down the street, to be aware of your surroundings.
Only if you consider pervert a pejorative term.
From the urban dictionary:
1. Pervert. What we all are, but are too afraid to admit.
2. Pervert. Someone who's idea of normal sexual interaction just happens to be kinkier than yours.
You already had your competition staked out. Other singles at a table waiting to pounce at the first empty chair. Back then, at least in the Indianapolis clubs where I started, you got a kiss on the lips and tongue in your mouth for a buck.
Now, watching the girls on stage is boring, and most only go up to tip a particular dancer is only fir those who need to signal their interest in a dance.
I think "perverts row" might be outdated.
I generally prefer to go up and tip a dancer who I am interested in getting dances with.
Now it is also possible to avoid the trawlers by sitting at the rail. In a club once I was told that the seats at the rail were off limits to dancers to solicit dances in respect for the girl on stage and they could only sit there if invited by a customer. I have found that mostly to be true in my observations.
Yea, "pervert row" does sound like a bad term. Personally I try to sit in a location far enough from the stage where I don't feel obligated to tip every dancer.
But I also try to sit within good viewing distance so that if a dancer I am interested in takes the stage, I can quickly make it to the tip "rail".
Mostly those who sit in pervert row aren't interested in dances. They usually only want to party and see some almost naked women. Thus, most dancers aren't interested in these guys.
As someone else commented, I try to find a seat where I feel safe and it is difficult to be "surprised" by dancers or troublemakers.
I'm going to start referring to the pervert row seats as "the connoisseur section." Maybe the name will catch on.
If you don't like the girl who is up next simply excuse yourself. There is a natural transition between dancers for that. It could be said that anyone in a strip club is a pervert regardless of where you sit.
But coming back to topic, are you saying pervert row is the entire stage side seating area? I always thought it was just the area near the entrance/exit to the stage - where the girls in nude clubs tend to hang/throw their discarded clothes. I always thought it had such designation because the people sitting there were trying to get a little freebie action.
I move around, I prefer to sit with my back to a wall but stage side seating can be fun sometimes too.
Also don't know why, but still appreciate the sensuality/sexuality of a good stage dancer and someone who can work the pole....