Topless vs Nude

So I am going to a SC this week and have only been to a topless SC never a totally nude SC, I know many of you have been to both. I am debating which one I should go to this week, can you all give me the pros and cons of a totally nude club vs topless only, I would appreciate it.
last commentThat entirely depends on the club.
Well what are some good reasons you would pick a nude club over a topless club. What should I expect from a nude club.
The differences are self explanatory. Other differences are just the rules of one club versus another. Unless we know which two clubs you are comparing, what help can we be?
Unless the place is BYOB, there won't be dumb ass drunks in a nude place. Not to mention you can see a woman in all her splendor.
Usually nude clubs in USA do not serve alcohol.
Hot bodies in Austin Tx, I have read the reviews they are mixed and it is BYOB seeing that I have never been to a nude club what are your best and worst about a nude club.
I'm in Virginia, and don't travel often, so it was a while before I experienced a nude club too. This thread reminds me of the first nude club I went to, which turned out to be a great visit. :) Go nude!
Pros are definitely the view is better. Some girls look a lot better to me down there than others do. If they spread their lips even better. The girls don't do this in all nude clubs. I also like byob or bring your own beer. It is less expensive and in some clubs, the dancers may even ask if they can have one if they are allowed to drink and they like your brand of beer.
Cons: 1. Sometimes you can see things you wish you hadn't.
3. Usually bouncers are very aggressive about kicking people out for the slightest offense in their mind. I once had a bouncer talk to me saying he would have kicked me out because I was leaning over the stage a little bit while tipping a dancer but he said something about the manager disagreed. If you touch a dancer it might mean you're shown the door real quick. Not all clubs are the same and I don't know anything about the one you're visiting.
I would watch others in the club and if more than one guy gets away with doing something (one guy could be the dancer's boyfriend) then you can probably get away with the same. If you don't, then don't blame me though. Some people need to take responsibility for all of their own stupid actions why they get thrown out.
I would go to the nude club if you've never been. If the girls look ugly as hell I might not stay long and go visit the regular topless club.
Of late (The last year) it has not mattered if I was visiting a Topless Club because the Dancers I was in the VIP with have stripped naked for the extras sessions. In a Nude Club you, as has been mentioned, get to see the Pussy during the Stage dances.
Thanks sharkhunter for the feedback any suggest on best beer to take to bring the girls to me?
All the comments above are fair, but let me see if I cannot respond directly to the issue of why go to a topless club vs. a nude club based solely on that difference (i.e. assume that the quality of the club, the cost, the availability of dances, etc. are the same for each club):
The dancers: There is a often a presumption that dancers at nude clubs are some how of a lesser quality physically. This arises from the further presumption that the dancer would not chose to dance nude of she could make just as much money dancing topless. On the whole, I do not think this is true. I have seen some real knockouts at nude clubs and some very unattractive women at topless clubs.
The LD/VIP Experience: Again, I think there is a presumption that nude clubs will offer better LD/VIP dances. In my experience again, this is not necessarily the case. In fact, depending on the dancer, you may find that she will be less inhibited if she has some "protection" between her "nether yea" and your lap.
Availability of extras: Although I don't go in for extras, I think there again is a perception that these will be more likely to be available at a nude club. Based on reviews I've read, this may be true if the club is really nothing more than a front for what's being offered in the cubicles in the VIP. Whether it is true at legitimate clubs that happen to offer nude dancers I will leave to someone more versed in the topic of extras.
Clientele: It would be my guess that nude clubs may attract a less diverse clientele than topless clubs. There are likely to be some guys that just don't want to see the female equivalent of the Full Monty, as it somehow spoils the fantasy.
A plus for the club that I am thinking of going to is on Wednesday they have $5 dances all night
In my opinion, the answer is easy.
I can drink beer at home. I can't see 18 year old pussy at home.
I think motorhead pretty much summed it up
At this point in life I've seen MORE naked pussy in Strip Clubs, Massage Parlors and in my Real Life job than I can remember. Seeing the "Golden Triangle" on Stage is just not needed any longer. I'd rather interact with them in the VIP! LOL
Since it is BYOB which brand attracts the most girls.
Beer is not important if you have cash. Cash attracts the girls. If you spend it...they will come.
..and cum
..and cum
And it is important to determine if the club allows BYOB! Many do not.
I agree with the posts that it all depends on the clubs. There is not necessairly any correlation between mileage, alcohol, etc. as a function of nude vs. topless.
I admit that on average alcohol is less likely to be sold in a nude club. But I've been to full nude with alcohl sold. BYOB also solves the alcohl issue if you know to BYOB in adavance of the club vist.
Personally I perfer nude, simply becasue it can be a better view. But that's not always true either. In SoCal for example a lot of times there's a 6 ft rule. Yeh, they're nude on stage, but you're so far away you can't see much anyway.
Striclky speaking you can't assume any correlation of dancer looks and nude vs. topless. Were I live (PA) I would say that dancers are better looking at the topless clubs. Basically, if a girl can make the same money at a topless, she'll work there over nude. But if she can make double at the nide clb she'll work there.
It all depend on the local market, laws, etc.
I'd have to write a book to cover this topic. That said, in my experience, nude clubs are always better, but that is based on the fact that most of those I've visited also are not "dry".
"I can't see 18 year old pussy at home."
Sure you can, just not in person.
I think it is futile to generalize. I have seen horrible bikini bars with fuglies and some real beauties at naked clubs, so I don't think there is necessarily a correlation between whether a beauty is inclined to work at a club where she keeps more clothes on. I know that the naked clubs like to create the impression that the VIP dances will be more intense, and they usually disappoint and the bouncers hover more. The naked clubs have the advantage of not having the drunken slob fools to deal with. There are good topless clubs where the girls will walk around topless with tiny g-strings and bare the kitty on stage. And I have seen some really gritty, third-world naked clubs where the lap dance makes you glad that you are wearing at least a couple of layers of clothing between you and a skanky cootch. Generalized comparisons are meaningless here.
I am just wanting to experience something different since I have only been to topless, so is it more fun to take drinks or hit sit back and enjoy. The club is BYOB
"I am just wanting to experience something different since I have only been to topless, so is it more fun to take drinks or hit sit back and enjoy"
I think you're JUST going to take all that has been written in this thread, analyze it & make your OWN decision.
You're way over thinking this.
Get some drinks, go to the nude club, sit back and look at live naked girls and drink.
For my money, the nude byob clubs in Texas are about the best deal going. I club a couple of times per year in Dallas and I honestly see very little reason to bother with a topless club. I just pick up a bottle of Crowne, pay the higher than normal cover charge, and away we go! It is nice to be able to set the ceiling on my bar tab and focus my spending on the girls.
And I will tell you that a large bottle of Crowne is very popular in these places. I am often hit up for shots and I am happy to oblige, particularly with some of the creative ways that some girls find to ask and/or thank me. i am also often asked if I can give away the purple bag that comes with it.
I prefer going to nude clubs if given the option. I like to see it all.
Most of the places in Massachusetts are actually fully nude AND serve alcohol. Only thing is lap dances are pretty much little to no contact.
In fact, I was bit thrown off when I first visited a topless only club out of state since I was so accustomed to fully nude.
I have to ask OP what his bugaboo/hangup is about trying a BYOB nude club in the 1st place is. Also, his priorities in going to a club. If the cost of a cover charge and half finished 6 pack or whiskey bottle is going break the bank that much,then maybe he'd be happier to just continue visiting fave topless club. Hey, many posters have taken one for the team, didn't lose any sleep or miss any meals over it.
I'll close by saying, IMLE, that much of TX nude clubs are rather scarce and don't attract the top talent pool. I recall several years ago the isolated cases of nude clubs in San Antonio ( not that far from Austin) turned out to be "clip joints" to be avoided like the plague. Good luck, awaiting TR.....