
Tiered Lap Dance Pricing

A club called Chez Pierre in Edmonton has the following lap dance pricing structure:

$20/song from opening until 1:00AM

$30/song after 1:00AM

$40/song after 2:00AM

Mileage does not increase as the fee increases. I am most irritated by this practice. Does this happen at any other club in North America?


  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    That sounds like a deliberate attempt to cut down on lapdances later in the evening? Do they get many takers?
  • gsv
    13 years ago
    I've never heard of this practice before - but it does not surprise me because clubs do try similar tactics at times. Naturally, cover charges are higher at night - often tiered in a similar way to above. But there's even worse stuff some clubs do. For example, on a not so busy night in one club I know for a fact cuts the songs to about 2 minutes, maybe even a bit under. So you kind of have to get two dances for the same length of enjoyment...needless to say I do not go to the club on those nights (they don't usually have a good selection of girls then either).

    Now is the club you speak of actually busier after 2am? Or is it not so busy, and they're trying to make up for that by letting the girls command a higher price for dances?
  • steve229
    13 years ago

    No, art, in the U.S., we just start shooting people after 2 AM
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    I've never heard of such a practice. I've been in clubs that LOWER the price of dances and VIP rooms late at night if there is a sparse crowd or it has been a slow night.

    It kind of reminds me of an experience I had a new club. I came to see a firmer ATF that switched clubs. The bouncer said we could " hang out " in the VIP lance area as long as I got a dance every fourth song. I was there for hours and spent a lot of money. Come 1:00 o'clock he cones up and says I either have to pay for every song or leave since "it might get busy". I looked around at all the empty couches and thought WTF? He's giving up a sure thing of every 4th sing in the minor hope all the couches could get full.

    SC employees typically aren't known for their economic skills.

  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    Just the other day there was a news story about the Jet Strip strip club in California donating to little league baseball. I looked up the club here on TUSCL and visited their website. I did notice the tiered lap dance pricing on their website.

    Early Bird Special
    $20 Topless Dances
    11am to 1pm
    and normal price is $30 for a topless dance any other time

    Also I know Columbus Gold here in Columbus used to run a "special" of 3 songs for $99 in their VIP room before 10pm and after 10pm it was 3 songs for $150. Mileage actually went down at night because that is when they would have a bouncer patrolling the dance area. During the day they did not have a bouncer. They now just have the price set at 3 for $99 at all times.

    Of course, lots of strip clubs already have a tiered structure on their cover charges or drink prices.

    Also one example I know of is at Sirens in Columbus (not sure if they still do this). But their champagne rooms were half off during the day. So $150/30 minutes during the day and $300/30 minutes at night. I think their cut off time was around 6 or 7PM to get the discount. I never met any really hot dancers during the day but at night I would see several hot dancers but always convince myself it would be better to just wait for day to do the dances to save $150.

  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    Might be a way to get those who are intoxicated out before the "Fireworks" start!
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    Also I would not pay a tiered price! I'd find another Club where I could "Play" with the Dancers for a consistent price that wasn't tiered.
  • canny
    13 years ago
    My current favorite club charges a different cover charge on different nights of the week and as it get's later at night the cover charge goes down. Tonight the cover charge is $20, but if I show up after midnight they charge $15 and after 1 I think they only charge $5. They're open until 3, so that $5 is worth it.
  • canny
    13 years ago
    Plus, another local club where I live charges a cover charge, but if you get there before 8 PM the bouncer at the door let's you in for free. They want the first few customers there to get the dancers to show up and start dancing early so they give the first few customers free admission.
  • minnow
    13 years ago
    Bare Ellegance, Los Angeles has a 2 tier system for day and night shift LD's with later costing $10/dance more. That irritated me enough to quit going there at nights after a price increase.

  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    There are several black clubs in Atlanta that have $5 table dances during the day but goes to $10 at night.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    I've never seen tiered LD pricing. I've heard of a few early bird discounts, but nothing like you situation art. There is often differnt day and night cover charges.
  • Dolfan
    13 years ago
    There's at least two clubs here that have lower cost dances before 8pm or so. One of them also used to lower prices to daytime levels from 3-5am.

    Usually it feels like lowering prices off peak to lure in customers rather than raising them to discourage them.
  • 3LeggedMan
    13 years ago
    I like the idea, but I'm rarely at my club after 1 AM. I'm not sure what the reasoning is. Is lap dance demand so great after 2 AM they can charge double the evening rate? Or is there some reason they want to reduce the number of dances sold? I can't imagine why.
  • 3LeggedMan
    13 years ago
    I just remembered a club in Iowa that would have 2-for-1 dances until 9 PM on Thursdays. The club's official opening time was 7 PM. Sound good? Well, not such a big deal. Although I can enter the club at 7 PM, no dancers hit the stage until almost 8 on the 2 occasions I was there on Thursdays. By the time I saw a dancer that I wanted dances from, it was fast approaching 9. Don't know if it was the club's fault or the dancers, but it was pretty annoying to me!
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