Comments by minnow (page 94)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Half Century Tour
    My number 26, plus DC and Puerto Rico. List: AK,AZ,CA,CO,CT,FL,GA,HI,IL,IN,KY,ME,MD,MI,MN,NV,NM,NC,OH,OR,PA,TX,UT,VA, WA,WI.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Birthday celebration
    Happy Birthday, Vince. Hey,if tommorow morning I read about some guy going to Classy Chasis that tries to take one of the race cars off the ceiling, and drive it away, I'll know that it was you..........
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Where are extras available?
    "I've been to several clubs over the years". Hey, how about reviewing a few of the more recent ones.
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    13 years ago
    New Survey: Feature Acts
    Mad Dog- Did you see TW at Tootsies by chance? She must have neglected to hand you one of her special lollipops.( I didn't get one either). JE- Interesting survey, but still flawed as I put answers in terms of the most I'd be willing to do, rather than what I'd routinely do. I generally avoid feature acts like the plague on peak nights/hours. Still, if one is familiar with feature club, one can work the system to ones advantage. (i.e., time in the back with fave as feature songs are unclipped and longer length than regular songs).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    WTF Moments
    My "wtf" happened many years ago: A cute looking dancer did the approach from behind trick, resting her sweet looking face upon my shoulder. She also had a sweet sounding voice, and had a reasonably good bustline showing. I said yes, upon floppy dress removal, found out she was a pregger. I was permanently cured of saying yes to any dancer who did the from behind approach.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Not sure what to think? Convince me one way or another.
    Unless you're a welfare recipient, why are you wasting brain cells on this? If a goldbricker wants to piss away welfare money on vices, they'll just make withdrawls at regular ATM's. But, as one poster mentioned, some people are too lazy to do even that............
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Seriously Outspent
    looneylarry- Some good aphorisms you threw around, I'll throw out another one to chew on: "Life is like a shit sandwich, the more dough you have, the less shit you have to eat."
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Going Farther
    BUTT-ing in with my ANAL-ysis: On "another site", the subject of anal sex was broached in one thread. About 17% of respondents (female dancers) indicated that they like it, another 17% would try with the right partner, the rest said "no thanks" or "hell no". I think OP may have encountered those "17 percenters"...............
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Seriously Outspent
    "One night, I became a minnow"....................... Hey, rick, there's room for only one minnow on this site! I guess unless one is richer than Mitt Romney, they will have "one of those nights" sooner or later. Yet, if one goes to a club often enough, dancer(s) in question will be playing an entirely different tune on another visit.........
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    NFL Playoff Predictions Based Solely On Team City's Stripclub Strength
    It's Deja Vu all over again! Based on stripclub strength methodology, I picked Giants over Pats by 1 in my 2008 thread. I really don't think much has changed since 2008 on relative merits of NYC area vs Boston/New England area. Refer to my 2008 thread on commentary. Bottom Line this time: GIANTS 23 PATRIOTS 22
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Top 10 List
    md- If you've completely forgotten (or never learned) how to write the old tech way (pen and paper), can't help you, bud. inno- The T10/100 system is an interesting, yet flawed/superfolous system to start with. Why further complicate the issue by creating more workload for founder. Such as choosing how to define a region. Limit it by a certain radius? Some "regions" may not even have 10 clubs worth getting excited about. Even if results were tabulated, many users would still dig further into reviews to cull out the features that are important to THEM ( nudity vs topless, alcohol vs juice bar, private VIP vs open LD's, food service, etc, etc.). I didn't catch it at first,but how do you know that none of the contributors have been to more than a couple of the top 10 clubs? Did you read the hundreds of reviews on each of the 10 clubs, and check the background of every reviewer? I've been to several of the T10 clubs in different categories. Several reviewers have a diversity of clubs under their belt, if only 1 club happens to be T10, so what??? Non issue, afaic.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Top 10 List
    inno123- It's not rocket science, Tuscl already has the capability that you suggest. Click on "San Diego" under Calif. clubs section- they have some TJ clubs listed. Other cities have same capability, with COI/OC/Valley clubs being listed under Los Angeles, in order of distance from downtown Los Angeles. Ditto for Pasco County clubs under Tampa. As for pickin the best one in area: How difficult can it be to write down all clubs in area with overall grade of 7 or more, and reading more detailed reviews for such clubs to narrow down your choices? Works for me............
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New Survey: What Kind of Club Do You Prefer
    Two questions for JE 1) Are you going to post the poll results soon. 2) Who/what is your avatar supposed to represent?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OT: Donkey punch anyone?
    SC must be bored in retirement to be finding/posting stuff like this. Must miss the TJ donkey shows of his youth..............
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Take a Survey! Learn What TUSCL Posters Want in a Dancer
    JE- Congratulations, you're the first member that I can recall that has conducted a survey in this format. Too bad Tuscl doesn't have a similar capability that, ahem, the pink site has. (Nice, but not a dealbreaker. You guys don't strike me as a very introspective/analytical bunch anyway). Still, survey has flaws, re: the last question. I like stage shows well enough, but didn't bother marking it, as I (mis)interpreted question to mean what level of "service" that I seek on club visits- I marked only 1 answer. A better way of asking the same question would be to ask one to prioritize from 1 to whatever the levels of service they would like, with 1 being the minimum "dealbreaker". Example- Monger A expects at least 2 way mileage (anything less would be a dealbreaker), then rates a lower number to , say FS, then takeout. (i.e., things he'd like to do, but absence of it won't deter him from visiting club.)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Brad's Brass
    This reviewer has nailed it. I've heard conflicting info about whether this price change is just a Super Bowl thing, or a "permanent" change. Assuming the later, Brass would still be competitive with other clubs, as most charge $20/LD, and at least 1 charges $25. But, one point not raised by reviewer is the "process" change that increases the annoyance factor. I've posted this before in pm's to BBF fans, and on old club DB: Mainly, the insertion of a cahier into the process of buying regular LD's creates an annoyance for the customer. Really, does addition of a dude standing behind a cash register add any value or enjoyment to your lapdance? Under the recent 10 + 2 system, customer would put up with this, given the $20 price point in most other area clubs. However, if $20 price point stays at the Brass, some people will go to other clubs where they pay dancer a straight $20 just to avoid this annoyance. Time will tell.............
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    STRIP CLUBS' WEBSITES - Any good ones out there ?
    Mrs. mootpoint: Go to, type in "italian mafia car salesman". Somehow, I picure you and mr. mp as being like that couple customer in the showroom with Robert Deniro in that clip............
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    STRIP CLUBS' WEBSITES - Any good ones out there ?
    After several volleys, OP finally gets around to saying what features he(they) consider to make a "good" club website. Sounds like the mp's want a build your own Lexus site replete with 360 deg views and colors. I vaguely recall a TX club website having just that (Sugars - Austin, or some Houston or Dallas club). Looked cool for viewing club layout. I'm like rick, art, etal, in that I don't attatch that much importance to website.For free passes, or trying to get an idea for which club to visit, just as likely to use newspaper, or free pass from hotel bellman. Weighing in on other points raised: Yes, pictures of dancers are nice, but a lot of dancers don't want their picture posted, and many don't stick around long enough to make posting worthwhile. (One CA club website had some dancers on there that hadn't danced there in 4 yrs- still looked hot, though). Some LA area clubs (4 Play, Bare Ellegance, and Jet Strip) are usually pretty accurate on dancer roll call for today, or next few days. Cheetahs- San Diego also good for daily roll call posting. Most clubs that have legit food service are good about posting menu on club website.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    NFL Playoff Predictions Based Solely On Team City's Stripclub Strength
    3/4 on predictions, even got the point spread right on Packers vs Giants. Here's upcoming predictions; GIANTS VS 49ERS: NY and SF are both cities not exactly welcoming to the budget minded monger. NYC has more clubs, plus more on T100 list. Intangibles like SF having more nudity options and the must see factor for many mongers (Mbot) make for a closer "game" than the numbers indicate. Still, the sheer volume is hard to beat in NYC case.// NY GIANTS 23 SF 49ers 21 RAVENS VS PATRIOTS: Baltimore Block vs a lot of long distance help from Providence, and some outlying Mass. clubs. Implies that Pats will kick a lot of field goals, but Ravens will score where it counts.// BALTIMORE 23 NEW ENGLAND 19.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    NFL Playoff Predictions Based Solely On Team City's Stripclub Strength
    jb69- Who are you calling son there? I'd already been to several clubs by the time you were crapping in your diapers. I think everyone on board knows you're a 49ers fan. OK, 2/2 so far, though my methodology grossly underestimated the victory margin in one case. Moving on to todays games.......... HOUSTON VS BALTIMORE - At least 2 solid cities here. Houston has 61 stripclubs with 1 on T100 list, Baltimore has 31 clubs with 2 on T100 list. There have been several posts about the Baltimore Block, and also how Houston should be a favored destination for the stripclub monger. Getting into the intangibles- I've seen more strong adherents for Houston clubs than Baltimore clubs. More than a few "POM's", and even 1 "POTY" have danced at Houston clubs before their centerfold debut.// TEXANS 31 RAVENS 24 NEW YORK VS GREEN BAY: "NFC", as in No F#^*ing Contest! Green Bay has a grand total of THREE stripclubs. I didn't even bother counting NYC clubs- shoot, they have 3 clubs listed in T100. Green Bay gets long distance help from a club called Beansnappers in Appleton, NYC has some Giants fans in more than a few NJ clubs.// GIANTS 20 PACKERS 3
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    So,.......What Happened To Tuscl?
    Aloha, art. This fish doesn't like change, either. The initial new version that you missed on vacation was a royal pita at reading reviews- founder made some good changes while you were gone, in addition to his thread explaining the changes. All for the good................
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What's the best way to get rid of dancers who don't leave?
    In one case, I just asked the next dancer on stage for a dance when she got down, with the pesty/persistent stageside cockblocker clearly hearing the exchange. She got po'd, but she never bothered me again.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Review Lists are back!
    BRAVO!!!!! A big "Tango Yankee" to founder for making the refinement/adjustment.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Where's Yoda?
    yoda is more active on pink site db than tuscl db.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    So why the change?
    founder- Thanks for explaination of changes. While making site more smartphone friendly seems like a logical and even noble goal, please consider this: Smartphones don't read tuscl, real people/customers do. If you are going to make me click/read 10-30 pages vs my long accustomed 1-3 pages, then maybe I'll stop reading the reviews. Maybe I'll say "screw this crap", and just go to club website, or pm some user I recognize. An "unintended consequence" of introducing a new, "pump up the pagecount" idea. Really now, how does that affect ad revenue? Please consider the concept of making site user friendly for exisiting users in the format that they're most likely to use. Some users that have iphones still have laptops. Is someone trying to decide which club(s) they should visit going to do 10-30 individual hits on their iphone while driving a rental car through rush hour traffic, or on their laptop from the relative quiet/comfort of hotel room, office, or home? I won't nitpick too much, several users have listed some good ideas ( viewable number of reviews by author, etc). As I've stated before, the old format of being able to scroll through 10 complete reviews on single page is MORE user friendly than new format. I'm not a web designer, I've read 1 tusclers comment about 2 seperate sites, but whatever it would take to go back to old system of viewing club reviews would be my unequivocal pick for making ONE change if I could only choose one. BTW, Happy New Year, all.