Regular or Wanderer

avatar for Tiredtraveler
How many of you gentlemen are regulars at one club, Rotate around several close in you area or travel and try different clubs all over your region or the country. I go all over the country trying out different locales around the US. What do you prefer: The comfort of being a regular or the variety of different clubs. The advantage in being a regular is having a ATF, while going to different places means no strings and you get to chose any girl you like that night. What are the advantages or disadvantages of each.


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avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
4me man I love and crave viraty.....localy I'm a regular at 2 clubs (once a week at both)....then I'm a semi regular at 4 clubs an hour away (once a month for each) then theirs the exciment of reading,thanking,planning little side trips to new places......pros of each ???.....let's see

#1. ATF....this is the girl that drives you fuckin nuts from week to week....she has gotten to know you well and you her as makes the sex amazing ! get cheaper pricing....more pops per sessions....longer visits.....all the companionship a man could ever need or want.....

#2 Bartender.....she knows all about what you like and when you walk in she says your name and by the time your at the bar the drink is in hand....maybee even some hot and heavy flittering that since you go all the time and she has gottne to know and trust you it may just be some free sex never know lol

#3 Bouncers.....they know tip them with redbulls and jokes...maybee some green ....they love you and let you get away with shit others could not.....

#4 Dj.......plays all your fav soungs...if you have taken the time to get to know this motherfucka ! Lol

#5 other dancer......they have heard talls of you and may just want to fuck you.....that is if your good at fuckin or a big bank roll....lmfao !


#1 Excittment of all thangs new....the adventure of the unkown .....this is worth it all....the plan the wait....the thrill of the mystery

#2 no body knows can bull shit all you want and be what ever you want to be for the night.....

#3 the one night otc or itc stand with a hot bitch that you may never see again

#4 get to see new places, people, food, so on.....I love this stuff

I've been a regular for 7 years and its how I got into the hobby at my local its a huge part of my experiences and views of how I I lean very strongly to being a regular and having that ATF


Since tuscle and starting to travel it has taken the bordom or burnout of clubbing that can happen and adds freshness and adventure...witch I crave as new ass to tape.......way funner clubs than back home and so on....oooo plus the friends you make along the way.........
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
Props to Juice for summing this whole sucka up....and unless that was intended kink, lol, it's ass to tap....lmao, where's London Guy when you need him - Juice, you're moidering the King's English....

Getting back to topic, I'm 95% Regular, occasionally (5%) venturing forth to various USA clubs....
avatar for Papi_Chulo
13 years ago
I like variety when it comes to SCs and dancers - and I love exploring SCs in other cities (when the budget allows).
avatar for igloo9999
13 years ago
Full props to Juice on the breakdown.

I am a full regular at 3 different bars. I know dancers at 3+ more. It all depends on what I'm in the mood for that night & the amount of funds available.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I'm looking for hot girls at good prices. Having a favorite helps with that. High turnover with busy clubs helps me see a lot of different girls. I don't have a ton of money to spend so I don't travel much. I went to 49 states when I was much younger so I may not have the desire to travel that much. On the road again describes my summer vacations as a kid. I'm happy if I don't have to travel half way across the nation. Makes me wonder how long that is going to last. I prefer the girls from different nations and states stop by my local clubs.
avatar for COclubber
13 years ago
I am new on the board here, But I am an explorer. I travel quite a bit so keep my clubbing to out of state. Mainly because there are no good clubs close, but also because my wife doesn't know.

The downside is, by the time I get to know a girl, it is time to move on. The upside is getting to meet a variety of girls.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
My numbers are a little misleading. 120 reviews but only 20 clubs. The reason for this is that 95% of my reviews are for the same two clubs. That does not mean that that is all I have ever been to. I retired from the world's 2nd largest air line, after 42 years. Believe me I did more than my share of traveling. I was visiting clubs from the day they came on seen. Way before TUSCL was even a thought.

I did a dozen reviews for anonymously before TUSCL went pay and I registered a name. In 2007 all 85 of my reviews were permanently deleted from TUSCL. No big loss now as all that info is not pertinent anymore.

The point that I am making is that I have done my share of wandering and now prefer to stay at home. I have everything I want at my two favorite clubs. Should anything change that, I still have my free travel privileges.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
I have my regular club, but I visit others if near by and have the time.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
These last few years I've become a very strong advocate of ATFs. I know this flies in the face of those guys who have to have variety. Here are some reasons why I want to be a regular & have an ATF, in no particular ranking:

1. Virtually guaranteed VIP performance. My ATF knows me & what I love to do in the VIP & she delivers it with gusto.
2. Relaxed time together. We are comfortable with each other. We know each other.
3. I DON'T have to start getting to know new dancer(s) every single trip to a Strip Club. This saves me potentially "wasted" $$$ on failed connections with Unknown Dancers.
4. This "Saved" money is spent on VIP sessions with my ATF.
5. Better Sex with my ATF because of our comfort with each other sexually & an ability to experiment without any issues.
6. A relaxing of the Strictly Business interaction with a Dancer.
7. Better & more relaxed OTC meetings.
8. Since I'm seeing my ATF in the same Club repeatedly, this allows the Club personnel to get to know me & my likes.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
I had been a regular at the only 'local' club before ATF became xATF. Then I would only explore new clubs when traveling for business, getting to explore all over the country.

Now, work travel is different and no ATF in my town. So, I've been exploring more regionally where I live. Now I'd rotate more, but the long drives are a bitch.

Personally, I prefer to be a regular. The ATF thing is overrated. (Sorry, I guess I'm still bitter.) I like being somewhat of a regular simply because I'm way more comfortable and enjoy myself more when I really know how a particular club works.

The reality is being a regular vs. being a tourist each have advantages and disadvantages. From what I can tell being a regualr can provide a better menu and fewer surprizes in performance, but IMO it's easier for things to get out of control with ATF drama. Being a tourist give you more variet and no ATF drama, but you may not get the full menu becasue they are not comfortable with you.
avatar for DandyDan
13 years ago
I tend to rotate amongst a number of clubs in my area, with an occasional road trip to make things interesting. I just prefer variety over the same old same old. OTOH, if I know what I want specifically, I'll go to whichever club provides that.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Oh well, I'm the type of guy who will never settle down where pretty girls are, Well you know that I'm around. I kiss 'em and I love 'em 'cause to me they'r all the same I hug 'em and I squeeze 'em they don't even know my name.

Oh yeah, I'm the type of guy that likes to roam around I'm never in one place, I roam from town to town, And when I find myself failin' for some girlI I hop right into that car of mine and drive around,
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Just a tumbleweed huh motorhead?
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
motorhead & MADDOG - One of my favorite oldies. Thanks for the memories.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
I was a regular for a while and had a fav. She eventually started to get terratorial and started to have a problem with me getting the occasional dance from another so I changed clubs for a while. I have since moved and there are no clubs I like in my area. I used to live and club in Indy but most all the clubs there are now overrated. I got back to town a while ago and hit several and was disappointed. I like the variety and anonimity of traveling to clubs. I have developed a few favs from time to time when I am in an area for an extended stay or frequent that area. But no local clubbing for me avoids the problem of seeing a dancer outside when with a clients or date. Happened once. Fortunately the client wanted to clubbing.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
I'm a wandering regular
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
....or a irregular wanderer?
avatar for Leonard313
13 years ago
I like to sample multiple clubs. I've written 10 reviews on 9 different I guess that definitely makes me a wanderer.

I admit that being a regular is enticing to me. And I am on the prowl hoping I find a place where I feel comfortable enough to be a regular. But so far I just haven't come across a club where I truly feel like it is heads and tails above others in the area. When I was in Illinois, I found a club and a dancer that I could see becoming a regular with, but funds were limited and also, I think "regulars" are kinda sad (explained below).

The "regulars" that I don't want to become are the broke regulars that hang around the club for 8 hours buying maybe a few drinks and a lap dance. Those guys annoy me because if I'm there, I'm there to spend money and sometimes those regulars can get possessive of certain dancers. And it puts the dancers in a tough spot because they need to make money, but got some guy there hanging all over them trying to get them to give him free services because he's such a cool regular and all.

I also don't want to become a "regular" because I think that most who do have essentially given up on having real relationships. If you're spending 3-4 nights a week sitting at the bar in a strip club, you're not meeting "real"'re hoping that a stripper will essentially fall for you and hopefully like you for more than the dollar bills in your pocket or the possibility that you might pay her rent. And thus far my strip club experiences, if they've taught me anything, it has taught me that cash is king...everything else is a mirage.
avatar for bobvz
13 years ago
I agree with Juice...I used to wander and still do a bit, but I am a regular at one establishment in Philly...that doesn't count swinger clubs which I just mentioned on another post. I do love the props I get at my favorite club, and let me tell you, the other dancers do hear about the fucking and how generous you can be. The barkeep potential should not be under rated either, Take care of the good ones. The barkeep where I frequest is the best. She loves to gamble and I recently hit a big one for $20K and she begged me to take her to a casino as we both love blackjack. So, arrangements were made and I finally got to see that huge rack close up and in person!!
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
I am going to start wandering again.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
VM - trouble in paradise?
avatar for HonestT
13 years ago
Juice and Alucard summed it up really well. I go back and forth all the time in my mind. I love the familiarity of being a club regular, but I'm frequently distracted by new talent.

My local ATF respects that I like to try different girls, but she always gets the biggest portion of my budget. My road ATF has not yet come to understand this. Sometimes we create our own drama.
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
I don't have the income or time to be anything more than a one or two time a month visitor anywhere. I have been more of a wanderer recently. I would not mind being a regular somewhere if it works out though.
avatar for wwpmi
13 years ago
just to finish motorheads lines.
"oh I am the wanderer yes I'm a wonderer.
Or something like that.
avatar for wwpmi
13 years ago
so my ratio of 32 clubs reviewed 41 times indicates that I travel a little.
I now try to only rate a club if I can bring something to the table and I travel enough enough to keep my status, I have to admit I have "called in" a couple of reviews to keep my status. But for the most part I have tried to be a meaningful member of TUSCL.
I have only one local SC club where I have only one bartender who remembers my drink but not my name. In that club maybe only four dancers remember my name.
I'm ok with this status as I like to live in the middle where I know the type of club and the type of dancer and not have to deal with the dancers getting lazy or expecting extras from me. Extras from me are rent,car,health,school,pet,or ect. money. I also worry with all my travels that I can easily fall in love with a provider. Thank the heavens that I do not live close to TJ.
This and other sites has schooled me in the mistakes others have made.
Thanks you all for that, I owe you more then I can repay.
just remember it is a hobby and not a life style.
So I Hope:)
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
No problems here in Paradise, shadowcat. I like to wander. Always have, always will. On a side note, the babe and I have split. I do what I want, when I want.
avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
I am both a local club regular and a heavy traveler. I find that either approach has its upsides and downsides, which depend largely upon the areas and clubs in question.

In places like DFW, Baltimore and Atlanta, playing the part of a married traveling businessman from NYC has definitely made my OTC game simpler to execute. These girls are used to seeing a fair amount of new faces from other areas and some of them are, under the right circumstances, willing to jump to the hotel room of a good paying customer that they will likely never see again after, at least anytime soon. In fact, I'm convinced that I have an easier time than many locals do in drawing girls from some of these clubs.

On the flip side, club regulars are more likely to eventually find the hookups in areas where the girls are more cautious about new faces, such as Milwaukee, Mobile, Little Rock and Greenville (SC). I have been in a number of clubs in these places where I knew, just knew, that if I had a few visits under my belt that I could have worked some things out, but that being a brand new face was not working in my favor. One notable example was one club in Greenville, where the first few times I would have sworn that it was the tamest place on earth but, after a few visits over about 6 months, the world just seemed to open up there.

The club that I am a local regualr in is one of those places where the girls are more cautious, but from which a lot of great OTC adventures have been sourced.

Anyway, there it is fwiw.
avatar for inno123
13 years ago
avatar for scatterbrain
13 years ago
Wanderer for me, too. Nothing of note close to home.
avatar for minnow
13 years ago
Both for me in that I travel a lot. Yet, circumstances/time constraints often dictate sticking with known good clubs in familiar city vs trying out new clubs.
avatar for maburton
13 years ago
Varies. I travel a lot for work, but if I'm in the same city for a while, I can become a regular. I have a few clubs locally I'll go to roughly once a month.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
Both. Here in Louisville, I'm a regular at a couple of clubs, and an occasional visitor to many of the others. When I go out of town, I like to sample the clubs where I'm going.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
13 years ago
I would infinitely PREFER to wander, but in my location (city of New Orleans, currently) there are very few valid options. I do wander among them as best I can and if more clubs were "up to snuff" I would patronize more. However, only two (at best three) clubs are of a quality (club, building, amenities, attitude, dancers, prices, music, etc.) to be worth a visit at all, so I only visit two (at best three) clubs at all.

WANT to wander. Reduced to regular.
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