
Things I Absolutely Dislike about Strip Clubs and Clubbing ;) LOL

Monday, April 2, 2012 12:30 PM
Here is a list, it will NOT be complete no doubt because I'll not remember some possibilities. I'm sure my memory will be stimulated by the contributions of my Fellow TUSCL members & others. LOL 1. Having to travel out of town to find Extras friendly Clubs. I have to go North of the Border (Ohio/Michigan Line) to find these Clubs 2. Clubs that charge fees for valet parking 3. Clubs with Cover charges on the afternoon shift 4. Clubs with Music that Kills my ears with EXCESSIVE decibel levels 5. Clubs that don't play enough 1960's, 1970's, 1980's & 1990's Music. All Rap to a BIG No-No! 6. Clubs that charge for good seating. I should be able to pick my seating among any open seating. 7. Uncomfortable seating 8. Clubs with incompetent or Know-it-All management 9. Clubs with rude staff 10. Shot girls who refuse to leave me alone when I've indicated I'm NOT buying 11. SLOW servers 12. Servers who harass me to buy drinks for myself or dancers 13. VIP rooms that are TOO small 14. VIP rooms that don't have comfortable seating 15. VIP rooms where the Bouncer is sticking his nose into my FUN 16. VIP rooms without doors. GREAT if I can have a VIP room with a door at a Club that I'm favoring at any particular point in time. A positive for The Hustler Club. 17. Poorly maintained Restrooms 18. Restroom Trolls - LMAO 19. High cost Soft drinks & Fruit Juice. I don't drink alcohol, so NO comment on this point 20. Clubs with Dancers who SHOULD NOT be dancing - a)Due to having NO skills of any type - b) Due to EXCESSIVE weight - c)Due to Horrid attitudes 21. Clubs with dancers like lovemetiddys 22. Clubs with ALL Blondes! - LMFAO 23. Clubs with dancers who can't be TOUCHED 24. Clubs with dancers who can't be STARED at 25. Clubs with dancers who cover up TOO much of their bodies 26. Clubs with dancers who DON'T swallow - ;) LMAO 27. Clubs with dancers who spit - LOL 28. Clubs that are too dark (Poor Lighting) Well I can't think of anything else at the moment. I'm sure more will cum to mind later!


  • iniquitous
    12 years ago
    This explains a lot about you.. shit I'd be unhappy as you too if I had good money for that crap.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "This explains a lot about you.. shit I'd be unhappy as you too if I had good money for that crap" I think you're slightly missing the point. And I suspect you aren't a person of veracity based your "Strip Club Freebies?" thread.
  • iniquitous
    12 years ago
    What's there to miss? besides a borderline troll that pays his way into a shit strip joints while others receive freebies, I'd be pretty temperamental myself might even knock down a juice box and type a new thread in caps :]
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    I'm not that picky, but one thing I don't like is clubs that allow smoking. During the day, when there are very few people at a club, it's not bad. But at night, when it's packed, the smoke can get so heavy that I've had to leave a couple times.
  • iniquitous
    12 years ago
    strip clubs in houston don't allow smoking
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    A fairly complete list. Kudos to you. Smoking is the only one you left out. Fortunately Michigan now bands smoking but a few if the dive bars still look the other way. However one of my favorite clubs in Indiana (the Hip Hugger) still allows it.
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    Clubs that will not allow you to park and lock your own car. Rental do not cover uninsured parking trolls. I am willing to pay for attened parking just not to have some minimun wage moron wreck my car and steal everything inside. Flight Club in Inkster MI
  • tttclub
    12 years ago
    I am by no way a strip club price gouging apologist, but I don't think everyone understands WHY higher end clubs have mandatory valet. Sure it seems like another way to gouge us for $5, but they do it for a reason. Ever heard of a dine and dash? Having control of the keys HELPS prevent people from running out on a tab, whether it be for drinks, or dances. For drinks, they usually hold a CC, but without a signature, it can easily be disputed. For dances, if a girl is dumb enough to not collect right after the dance, it's easy for a guy to just take off. And the $5-$8 fee? It's 1-2 more employees to hire. I hate paying the booth fee and alot of the other bullshit, but I at least understand the point of the valet.
  • bobvz
    12 years ago
    Great list and I agree completely with it. Had the same experience this past weekend with the shot girl who just doesn't understand the word no. But, to her credit, still flashed me the kitty and wanted to know when it was "her turn in the VIP room".
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    and a related topic 10 Worst Things About Public Toilets 1. Wet toilet seat 2. Unflushed 3. Stinky 4. Dirty floor 5. Wet floor 6. Lock on door broken 7. No hook to hang up your handbag (and you have to put it on the floor!!!) 8. Cubicle too small - so you have to brush up against the toilet seat to close the door 9. Have a WARM seat 10. While waiting in line and you are the next to go and the cubicle door opens and out walks like the dirtiest, grubbiest looking person. And there's a queue behind you and you have no choice but to suck it up and enter...
  • dallas702
    12 years ago
    So Gator, Do you really put your handbag on the floor? Really?
  • Bananafish
    12 years ago
    Clubs WITHOUT bathroom trolls. Some guys are utterly disgusting will behave like animals without adult supervision. We needs trolls to keep the bathrooms clean and the animals in check. Have you ever been to Cannonball in Toronto, one of the top rated clubs on here? They don't use trolls and their bathrooms are pigsties - flooded toilets, the works.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    I would like to add: Dancers who should not be dancing due to advanced age. I don't want a woman in her 50's taking her clothes off or offering me a blow job.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "I would like to add: Dancers who should not be dancing due to advanced age. I don't want a woman in her 50's taking her clothes off or offering me a blow job." That one slipped my mind when I was making the list. But I do have an appreciation for older than 20's dancers. My 2 Ex-ATFs were 40 y/o & 37 y/o when they became my ATFs. Both still looked very attractive & could fuck and suck with the BEST! LOL
  • hard10
    12 years ago
    Being frisked at the door by XXXL bouncers with huge clubby fingers. Yo guys, we don't know each other that well...
  • minnow
    12 years ago
    "eripmav"- RE #22- Don't you know that blondes have more fun? I've had some enjoyable visits with an all/mostly blonde crew. Good list, hope that few/none of those things happens on your visits........
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "#22- Don't you know that blondes have more fun? I've had some enjoyable visits with an all/mostly blonde crew" Not with me they don't. LOL Blondes do NOT attract me. I'll take Red hair followed by Brunet or Black hair. "Being frisked at the door by XXXL bouncers with huge clubby fingers" Another 1 I missed. I've NEVER been frisked & I don't think I'd care for it to happen by a XXXL bouncers with huge clubby fingers.
  • smokeshopjoe
    12 years ago
    I know I hate putting my hand bag on the floor because when do I always manage to pee in it... I hate strip clubs who try to light with entirely black lights. Also when the strip club is fucking freezing. Dancers who bathe in perfume. Body glitter. Dancers who still come back and ask wanna dance after the 3rd or fourth NO. Dancers who dont even come by and say would you like a dance after tipping on stage. You dont have to drop everything after your set but how hard is it to remember hey its slow and that guy gave me a dollar when no one else did.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    OK. I am convinced. Strip clubs are not nice places and I am never going again. :)
  • steve229
    12 years ago
    @Alucard - obviously you've never been to Virginia, because you left off: 29. Pasties 30. Safety shorts 31. $60 lapdances
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    jackslash and Alucard: Bearing in mind your posts about oldies and moldies. Stay out of La Chambre in Detroit then. I don't know if she still works there, but there was a late 50's type working in the afternoon there. She was nice enough, but even an old guy like me had to pass on her offers. :)
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Alleged "strip" clubs where nobody actually ever gets naked. Ah well, at least that's usually only limited to the main floor...
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    sc DID bump his head!!!
  • Prim0
    12 years ago
    Dancers with bad body odor. Clubs where all of the dancers are with regulars and there are only the least attractive left to dance. Communal lap dance rooms.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    This guy wants to drink my juice ? Inqueer fag wow ! Realy ?
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "@Alucard - obviously you've never been to Virginia, because you left off: 29. Pasties 30. Safety shorts 31. $60 lapdances" Nope, I've never been to Virginia. Those are good additions. LOL
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Chris Rock - "Don't go to parties[strip clubs] with metal detectors Sure it feels safe inside; but what about all those niggaz waitin outside with guns? They know you ain't got one.."
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    Um I think this is the wrong site for this post. Try stripperweb where the dancers will reply just like you idots
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Lovemytiddys you need to love my dick baby ! I saw those messurments ! I've got the $1,000 baby
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "Dancers with bad body odor. Clubs where all of the dancers are with regulars and there are only the least attractive left to dance. Communal lap dance rooms." I've run into my share of dancers with bad pussy hygiene. I actually don't mind an open VIP room. It is good for scouting. And it doesn't bother me at all if other couples look at me. LOL
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "I disagree with Alucard's #28. The darker it is, the more fun you can have" I tend to trip over things when I CAN'T see them. I don't wish to fall & break a bone or my Head. A bit more light is appreciated. LOL
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