Feature Dancers Survey

avatar for JacksonEsskay
Not as much interest in the feature dancer's survey. Based on the responses thus far, that may be due to an overwhelming negative reaction to features. Although mist respondents have seen a feature, for most it has been at least two years since their last feature performance. Over half of the respondents said that a feature act would not make them more likely to go to a club, and no one said that it would definitely increase the desire to visit. 80% do not want to pay a higher cover to see a feature and more than half believe that feature dancers a cuty below the usual A list dancers at club. Three quarters have no interest in novelty acts.

I will publish more results if the number of responses goes up . . . but I think its clear that there is generally not that much interest in feature acts from TUSCLers.

<a href="http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/… here to take survey</a>


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avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
I think they've gone out of style. With the proliferation of webcam girls and free porn web sites, there just aren't that many big name porn stars any more. The feature would have to be someone like Natalie Portman to draw a croud.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
By the way, I found the Polaroid of me with Lauryl Canyon. If you appreciate a fine ass, check it out (hers, not mine).
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
I'm with Ermita_Nights. In the mid-'90's a club I went to regularly had a feature every single week! But, as E-M mentioned, I also feel that that form of entertainment is passe now. Also, like E-M I got polaroids with two different feature dancers. Mine were in 1995 at the Rouge, Van Nuys, CA (Known as Bob's Classy Lady then.) I won't post mine, but you can look them up on line if you're curious:

Wendy Whoppers:

Lisa Lipps:

I no longer appreciate bolt-ons.
avatar for minnow
13 years ago
Ditto what others have said. I also think that many on this DB have grown out of initial "buzz", and have some "BT-DT" T-Shirts under their belt.
avatar for Rod84
13 years ago
Also, I think pre-internet, there was more of an attempt to market porn stars in order to sell movies, and the novelty of meeting a porn star carried more oomph. Now, with the proliferation of internet porn, I'm saturated - I can get all I want all the time for free. I don't even think about buying a movie tape/dvd, nor who might be in one.

Still, I do have a couple treasured Polaroids of me in my younger days, hands cupping one star or another's boobs for the camera.

avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Did I miss the survey?
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
Somewhere stashed around my house, I probably have a number of pics of feature porn stars sitting on my lap and they are all nude, the girls not me.

I never even heard of 99 percent of them.
I also have a big plastic bag of free strip club t shirts which I didn't want to wear out in public where I live at. Why some strip clubs thought free tshirts with the club logo would help sell dances is beyond me. I'm just glad when one of my female relatives found the bag of tshirts, that she didn't see the one with a body paint image with two big boobs.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
Gatorfan . .. the link is still good.

re: "Bolt ons" some one once described the over-enhanced porn star as having a bust only a 13-year-old boy could believe.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
Re: club t-shirts; some of the clubs around here give these out after some amount of spending. I always ask if I can get a pass to get in free next time instead, and they usually oblige.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
This is a substantial enough of a topic to be a thread on its own: I agree with all the others above, on the subject of giveaway caps and T-shirts from strip clubs. I sense they don't get worn out of anyone's house very much. I've only received two that I though were socially acceptable enough to wear outside: A baseball cap from the Blue Zebra, in North Hollwood, CA (a Spearmint Rhino property) and a long-sleeve T-shirt from Diamond's (now Scarlett's) in Oregon, OH.
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