
Tranny Dancers

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 5:19 AM
Now that a Transsexual has entered the Miss Universe contest. Has anyone run into one in a club. I mean with completed surgeries and if so how did you figure it out. I have been in many clubs all over the country and if I have seen one I could not tell. I have seen bad boob jobs and lipo. Just curious as I saw it in an interview about the contest on the news last night. There used to be impersonator clubs in New Orleans (had a client thought it would be funny-NOT)


  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    No never.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Yes, I have. I don't remember where it was, but the body shape of one dancer gave it away. Hey, if the person is happier doing the sex change, that's fine by me.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I don't think so but I am not 100% positive. About 8 years ago I met a dancer that had a deep voice and bolt ons. I took her to the back for some private dances. Some of my TUSCL counterparts started razzing me about it. Claiming that she was a tranny. I protested that her female plumbing felt totally normal to me. They countered with "They do some amazing work in Thailand". Unfortunately or not, I never saw her again.
  • sinclair
    12 years ago
    Only time I ran into one was in New Orleans. You got to be careful in that town. The large gay population in the French Quarter is like a magnet for pre- and post-ops.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    In the L.A. area, there is an alleged tranny strip club, The Vintage Industrial Stip. See its first few reviews: [view link] Fortunately, it opened after I moved from L.A. I did not have the misfortune, as some have stated in the reviews, of walking into that club and accidentally discovering what it had to offer.
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    So I should measure their hands before a lapper LMAO. I saw a girl in a club in Lawrence Kansas that looked like a Russian shotputter but the guy sitting next to me swore her D's were real and the plumbing felt real. I refuse to get a dance from a girl bigger than me. She was not fat just 6'3" (without heals) and 200+ lbs. Big Voman-Plow Fields-Drink Wodka. I did not look at her hands! She did not have an Adams Apple.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "Setting aside the obvious trannies, the Adam’s apple *can* be an indicator but it is less reliable than most people assume. While it is possible to surgically reduce the size by grinding, this procedure is normally considered risky and is not terribly common. Importantly, both males and females have one and *usually* the male’s is more pronounced as the female’s *tends* to be smaller and slanted downward. In some males it may not show and in some females it may be apparent so using it can be a false indicator. A better and more reliable tell is the hands. Specifically the relative lengths of ring and index fingers. In males the ring finger is longer than the index (pointer) finger. The opposite is true of females. This difference occurs during development in the uterus and is not something that can realistically be routinely changed surgically (given enough money anything is possible). The reliability for accuracy is quite high: [view link] Digit ratio distribution From a study of 136 males and 137 females: • Males: mean 0.947, standard deviation 0.029. • Females: mean 0.965, standard deviation 0.026. Assuming a normal distribution, the 10th and 90thpercentiles for males are 0.910 and 0.984. For females: 0.932 and 0.998. There is another method relating to male/female fingers that I’ve thus far found to be 100% accurate but it is difficult to explain and I’ve never seen a legitimate study to back up my own findings. If there were such a study I would expect similar results as above. Needless to say there are no absolutes but the ring/index finger method comes fairly close. Why do I know this shit? Women aren’t just a hobby they are a passion and I’m not going to settle for some cheap knock-off. I always check the details." DARN! That's MORE than I ever wanted to know about Transsexuals. LOL
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I saw one last night during the NCAA women's Championship Game. She has a monster Adam's Apple, talks like a dude, and has no boobs. Oh, and she is 6'8" and wears a size 14 shoe. What woman is like that?
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Bride of Frankenstein?!?
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    Saw one in Austin, TX that if "she" wasn't sure should have been. Didn't wish to get close enough to even think of investigating. On a side note, there was an email kicking around some time ago with pictures of Asian "women". The trick was to pick the real from the male impersonators. Turned out ALL were men. Made me so SICK!!!
  • scatterbrain
    12 years ago
    Pretty sure there was one in an Indianapolis club awhile back. She/he had a bigger build (more like an amazon) and several of the other dancers informed me of her gender shifting. Never got a dance from her/him though. She looked too "thick" for my personal taste, unlike the Miss Universe contestant. Other than the voice, she looks fantastic.
  • dallas702
    12 years ago
    Not in a SC but a "straight" hotel bar. I actually had no idea "it" was tranny and I had no interest in IT - that's how I found out! IT hit on me, I didn't care for the voice (raspy), the body (too little waist) or the face (nose too big for my taste). It wasn't ugly, just not my style. And It was pushy, I finally said, "Really hon, I'm not interested!" That's when IT told me IT had all the surgeries and was just like any girl there. Took me a minute to compute (I was a few drinks into my evening), but when I figured it out I freaked. OK, I admit I'm a little homophobic!
  • junebugob2020
    12 years ago
    I have seen them in two clubs in my area. One time I was at Flesh in San Bernardino, and one approached me about going to the VIP room and how "she would rock my world. I said no. "She" got all upset and said I was missing out. No guys took "her" up on her offer. I also think I saw one several years ago at Spearmint Rhino in Industry named Samantha. This "girl" had the big hands, shoulders and a voice like Barry White. Yikes!
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    Long time ago there was a tranny club in Detroit, openly advertised as such. I went once, out of curiosity, but not for me.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    SuperDude, which club was that?
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    Just because they are tall does not mean they are men. I was in Spokane airport when the Gonzaga Univ. Women's basket ball team was there and I felt like a shrimp and I am over 6'. I'll tel you what there were some 6'6" lookers with nice tits in that group. I imagine that in order to be in proportion those pups were D's. That brings a whole new aspect to having her wrap her legs around you when her inseam is 36" or 38"!
  • Dolfan
    12 years ago
    I'm fairly sure there's one at one of the club's I visit regularly. I've never examined "her" that closely and am not the expert Che is, but I'd be willing to wager its a tranny. I really don't care enough to be sure, "she" is unattractive, so I'm not going near her anyway. A couple of the dancers share my suspicion, but they can't really be trusted to tell me the truth. It sells a bunch of dances though, it cracks me up every time I see a dude going back there with it. I always wonder if they don't know, don't care, or are into it.
  • StrongSilentttt
    12 years ago
    I had one sitting on my lap grinding away at Rubys II in Bridgeport, CT, and only realized it when a dancer that I knew who was in a booth with a guy across the way from me gave me a signal!
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    2 dicks is 1 dick too many
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    if she is pretty...has a great personality.....fun to play with....has finished surgery.....fuck it I'm all in.......lol !
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    Sure hope that trojangreg and I don`t see her/him/it at the 5 in Vancouver after we have pounded back a box of Kokanees!
  • Stiletto25
    12 years ago
    Um excuse me!! My ring finger is slightly longer than my index and I'm not a fucking tranny. I have really beautiful feminine hands and I get complemented on them all the time. And now I have to wonder if they're thinking I'm a fucking tranny! Thanks Che, that's just great.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I love them prison bitches !
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    It looks like now the standard unit of measurement will be finger length, instead of (um, er, don't make me say it) _____ length!
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Cock? Dick? Sausage? I don't get it ??
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    They were common in Vietnam, Philippines, and Singapore when I was knocking around that part of the world. The hands were definitely the best "tell," according to the locals. In addition to the finger length ratio, as already noted here, the ratio of hand size to wrist diameter was also recommended by the locals.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    If Mary Poppins had re-assigment surgery would she be a tranny nanny?
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    If a tranny opened a transmission shop it could be "Tranny's Trannies"
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I guess there could be a granny tranny nanny with a big fanny that owned a tranny shop.
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    VM--I forgot the name. It was over 30 years ago. Detroit club somewhere on the near West side, maybe Livernois.
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    Motorhead- Don't forget, she can dunk, too. In all seriousness, I did see one once at one of the Des Moines clubs. Something about her just didn't look right. I asked the dancer who was sitting with me if that particular dancer was a tranny. Yes, she was, said the dancer.
  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    If anyone has seen Dougster in a club with a girl, then its a tranny. He does have $150 to splurge.
  • minnow
    12 years ago
    I've "encountered" Indy and COI trannies mentioned by prior posters. The Indy case happened mid-90's. "Shim" was a 5'6"ish Asian/Islander, and amoung the 2-3 hottest dancers in the club. Voice was deeper than average, but not deep enough to set off alarm bells. I didn't catch on until a short time later when I encountered 2 former club dancers at another nearby club who wised me up. I went back later, looking real hard for Adams Apple. I was too stunned to do anything ( confront shim or mgt who hired shim), so I walked out and stopped going to club for a while. Fellow mongers and 2 subsequent dancers reinforced confirmation. I don't recall name in COI case, but was talked about zbone board. In this case, "shim" looked freaky, and would never have bought dances from "shim" even without the obvious deep voice. This was in nude club (SRI), which happens to be a very dark club. I never saw "shims" stage show, or know if shim ever did a stage show. If one were to "spread it", don't know if there'd be any telltale signs ( have any measurement stats "down there", Che?? ). The "maybe" case happened in a nude FL club a few years back. Something about a tall black dancer didn't seem quite right ( body proportions- hip, shoulder, hand/wrist,etc.) coupled with unwillingness to spread it on stage aroused suspisions. For those who want more piss in their corn flakes, go to pink site. Some threads have dancers "giggling" about some dudes being "unsuspecting" in some Vegas clubs, etal. Lastly, I read that the incidence of transexualism in males is 1 in 10000. Of those, maybe 10% could pull off passing as a hot female stripper. So, the odds are probably better at getting a sizeable lotto prize.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I was flipping thru the channels tonight and Baba Wawa was interviewing a transcender man-->women. She is HOT. I would dance with her no problema
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    It's on 20/20 When she was a teen her wee wee was whacked off and made into a vagina so when she was dancing with me it wouldn't feel wierd. Lol
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I guess should say when "he was a teen"
  • ime
    11 years ago
    ain't nobody got time for that
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