Comments by minnow (page 84)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    TUSCL Convention: Las Vegas
    r-kam: One could start a voluminous thread just on hotel accomodations in Vegas. My thoughts are that it should be a moderately sized or larger casino/hotel that has at least a regular restaurant and a buffet facility. Price should be moderate or lower. Location should be within walking distance, or a very short cab ride to prospective club(s). I haven't been to Vegas in over a decade,I recall Stratosphere as being very convenient to OG. As for SR-LV, it seems like some mid strip hotels might be good for that. I heard of a coworkers parents getting a good rate at Luxor, but that doesn't seem like a convenient location. I would think that some recent travelers or highly motivated Priceline or Google searchers could come up with some good inputs.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Golden showers
    Nope. Hey, sc, at least she didn't mention a "hot lunch".
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    11 years ago
    Florida specialists?
    "happy ending without bankrupting me"................. Holiday Inns have free internet, and a small complimentary bottle of hand lotion. All you need is Mrs. Palmer, and you're good to go...
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    11 years ago
    bums begging for money in the parking lot
    I had a black female panhandler in a wheelchair chase after me in my rental car as I was exiting Goldrush-ATL parking lot back in the 90's. I'll try to remember to clip grocery coupons, and hand them out next time I go to a sketchy area.
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    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    SW Thread ... As If She Really Didn't Know
    Agree with Otto 22 post, plus several other comments on "value". The later can be very subjective. I'm assuming SW and Duos cases included a grossly overpriced "champagne bottle" or 2. Still, how much would grossly overpriced bottle enhance the experience? To use a restaurant analogy: A steak dinner is desirable to many people, but there is a vast difference in prices between a chain like Outback, and Ruth Cris, 4-5 star local establishments, etal. Probably same meat, but different atmosphere, presentation, and preparation. Yet as patrons don't go to RC just to quench their hunger, some patrons don't go to VIP just to bust a nut- they like the company of a beautiful/charming woman. But, yeah, the whole setup is like getting a good salad, wine, but only 3 oz of steak. Or else buying a sports car that is advertised as being very fast, but finding out that dealer has installed a fuel cutoff switch that is triggered whenever one goes over the posted speed limit.
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    11 years ago
    Tip Of The Day-Don't Stink
    HUMOR BREAK: A General and a Master Seargent were sitting in adjacent chairs finishing up their haircuts at the same time. Their barbers asked each if they wanted some aftershave. The Gen. replied- "No thank you, I don't wish to go home smelling like a French whorehouse. The MSgt. replied- Go ahead, sprinkle some on, my wife wouldn't know what a French whorehouse smells like."
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    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    James Gandolfini
    +1 on above comments/sentiments. I'm sure YT, etc. episodes will be getting a lot of hits. I know I've watched some of my fave scenes again. For everyones entertainment, go to YT- type in "Sopranos- you see my wife you're gonna talk about oven cleaning." This is how I'd imagine Tony Soprano might handle a "loan" request from a dancer.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Off Topic. Memories of the 50's
    fa- I'll take the 50's gas prices. Hell, I'll even take the inflation adjusted 50's gas prices. sc- The column manual shift at ~ 1:30 into vid was a dinosaur even in the 50's. Don't have the stats, but based on my observations of peering inside the plethora of 50's cars shows that by ~ 1953 model year, more cars than not had automatic transmission, even the Chevy. The upper end Buick, Olds, etc were virtually all automatic in 1950. Thanks for posting link.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Tat Banned/Restricted Clubs??
    I'm not changing title of thread for gmd. I don't think a preference for non-tatted dancers makes one a pussy, or means that they are "afraid" of tats. It just might indicate that such an individual has good taste. Since it has been several posts since someone has named clubs that ban, or otherwise minimize tats, we can conclude that such clubs are rare these days. Duo further enlightened me to methods to cover up tats, much like a car dealer might cover up rust or accident damage.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Tat Banned/Restricted Clubs??
    rick- Not Manhattan, KS?? I rather thought so. Great, another shattered illusion. I guess I'll stick with the dancer with a small pelvic butterfly tat since the dancer that "looks" to be non-tatted may actually be a walking Haight-Ashbury poster IRL.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    +1 on papi c's experience. So, what happened ? Site maintenance/rework, or a major virus attack ?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Mons Venus - MAJOR update
    nickifree- Re: "rap, hip-hop vibe": Not really, IME. Since dancers choose their own music from jukebox (NO DJ), the kind of music you hear can be a crapshoot. More often than not, music is an eclectic mix.(Rock, techno, rap, etc.) There was 1 midweek night where 90% of songs 1st hr was rap. One of the few times that I left early. No fat/seriously overweight dancers hired at mons. (Another 1 of your gripes.)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Ok, I can see covering a rose tat on a tit, but an entire sleve tat, and others?? IDK, that would be an awful lot of makeup.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Mons Venus - MAJOR update
    ss1- Thanks for link. duo- Agree that dressing room cams can be boring. Thankfully, haven't seen any tampon string cutting on DR cam. I did miss out on 2 different dancer fights, so its not all boredom. Still, can be a good way to get an idea who is in at given time without having to wait through a dozen or so stage sets.ooooo Enjoy watching, but see these as a supplement to club visits, not as a replacement for them.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Duo- How do you propose to cover your tats up in a nude club ? (Virtually all ATL clubs nude)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: TLD
    Corrections: 1st paragraph: should read "merits of Brittish designed aircraft". 2nd paragraph: should read "2nd largest, and largest navies."
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: TLD
    farmerart: Although not your intention, you came across as portraying US forces as a bunch of stumblebums who just happened to have a large mass of men and material on their side. The following counterpoints aren't intended to denigrate the valor of Canadian servicemen, or the merits of Brittish designed (some which were also manufactured in Canada, and/or operated by RCAF), but to put some of your chest puffing in their proper perspective. ****>> "Off-base", "Worlds third largest navy". Am I? Who built most merchant ships? How did the US and Canadian merchant fleets compare throughout the totality of WW2 ? As for Navy, I see that by one metric, the Canadian Navy was indeed the worlds 3rd largest Navy, with 560 ships of all types that participated in WW2. 560!! The 2nd and 3rd largest Navies ? US Navy had 9243 ships, and Royal Navy 9470 that participated in WW2. At the end of the war, US Navy had 6768 ships in operation, including more than 11 times the number of destroyers (most suitable type ship for sub hunting) that Canadian Navy had. (377 vs 33). That the RCN did an admirable job of escorting convoys- no argument there. It should be noted that the bulk of the escorts were of the Corvette version (~ 1/3 of total RCN) which were essentially glorified whaling ships with a top speed of 16 knots- OK for hanging with merchant ships, but a speed that could barely keep up with a surfaced U-boat (17 knots). While RCN escorted merchant ships, USN formed hunter-killer task forces that were designed to prevent Uboats from getting to convoys in the first place. This didn't happen overnight. In the 18 months leading up to May 1943, US managed to sink 36 Uboats. In the following 6 months: 65 U boats. In fact 2 days prior to D-day, one such task force managed to board and capture U505, including the decoding machines. (Which helped to decipher coded radio transmissions to Uboat operating fleet). U505 is on display in Chicago Science and Technology museum- you should punt the Chicago stripclubs, and visit the museum instead, Art. I digress. "No US plane could catch".....>>>>>>> One source lists top speed of Mosquito as being 415 mph at 28000'. The P51 was 437 mph at 25000'. Yes, the Mosquito did down more V1's than any other aircraft type. That is because RAF squadrons were tasked with home defence(GB spelling), while American P51's were tasked with escorting heavy bombers on missions, and ground attack missions in continental Europe. Both types performed their tasks/missions well. To imply that P51's couldn't have matched or exceeded Mosquito V1 killing feats is unfounded speculation. Btw, the "redlined" indicated airspeed limit on the P51 was 505 mph, which could only be reached in a dive. I don't recall the Mosquitos limit, but it was south of 500 mph. Yes, I agree that it was truly a World War, and that US wasn't prepared for it, or totally spooled up, until 1943. Nor do I think US won it singlehanded. Yet I know that no other nation could have fought a 2 Ocean war with the sheer magnitude of effort and ammassed forces that US did.
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    11 years ago
    OT: TLD
    Thank you, farmerart, for providing us with your parochial, biased view of D-day, and WW2. I'm not going to let your piss job on the USA go by without some rebuttal: ****> "Poor American leadership, and did not distinguish itself admirably in any European Battle". Have you not heard of Gen. George Patton ? Although his forces weren't part of the Normandy landing force, his forces performance when commited post D-day were anything but "undistinguished". You said nothing about the War of the Atlantic, mainly getting war supplies to the front, and fighting off the Uboat threat. A distinguished Canadian armored division isn't going to be effective without adequate supplies. US produced merchant and escort vessels AND US Merchant, Navy crews helped keep the merchant supply lines open. Although Royal Navy got a head start on USN in Atlantic War, the US sank their share of U-boats. ****> "Inferior Quality". This quote leads me to air war over Europe. The US did produce a large quantity of airplanes, but inferior quality? Yes, the Spitfire was a "magnificent aeroplane", but it lacked the combat radius of the US fighters (P51- which could escort bombers to Berlin. Herman Goering reportedly said that he knew the war was over when he saw P51's escorting bombers over Berlin). Even the P47 and P38 which appeared earlier in war had significantly more combat radius than the Spitfire. As for bombers- The Lancaster (utilized by RAF, and RCAF) could carry a greater bomb load than the B17 and B24 utilized in European Theater by US-AAF, though they had a lower service ceiling than those types. Both US types were effective in their time, even though they were developed earlier than Lancaster. In the question of mass produce the best that you have now vs "hold off" and develop a better one- do you think air war in Europe would have gone better if US slacked off on B17/24 production and waited until 1944 to mass produce the B29 when it became operationally "ready"? I'm not going to micro-analyze every battle and weapon system here. There were blunders made on both sides, but who won in the end ? Finally, WW2 was a vast complex war that went far beyond the scope of the combat proficiency of one Canadian armored division. Would your father wanted to go into battle with 3/4 of his supplies facing an enemy that had twice the ammunition and fuel reserve than it did? You say in an earlier post that you are not impugning the bravery or courage of US forces in WW2. Yet I consider your assertion earlier in post that main US contribution of WW2 was its supply system/mass production and that US forces didn't distinguish themselves to be an uncharitable cheap shot.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New York City
    Orlando Club Help
    When you say "Orlando area", where exactly would that be ? Depending upon where it is would dictate which of the 3 suggested alternatives would be closer for you. I personally can't vouch for Daytona or Cocoa Beach- both places have their fans. I would definitely go to Tampa from Orlando- have done so myself on several Orlando business trips. If you're staying downtown Orlando- Daytona probably the quickest. For MCO airport area hotels- its a tossup between Cocoa Beach and Tampa, though I4 through Disney attractions in the 6p - 8p timeframe can be slow going, so CCB may be best then. For Disney area hotels, Tampa best bet. If you have more time on your hands, there are some ardent fans of Pasco County clubs about 35 miles north of Tampa.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OP starts a thread asking what YMMV stands for, and now this ? Has OP not discovered Tuscl Glossary, or News Channels on TV ? Any time spent on later should clue one in that crossing the border into "CJ" isn't the best thing for ones well being. Another clue: State Dept. website has a travel advisory out on Ciudad Juarez, and its State of Chihuahua. It advises govt. employees to "defer non-essential travel" there. Translation- Don't go there, unless you are specifically assigned to some duty there.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I love reading the discussions on here before I go to work
    Duo- Link n/g. Could you provide us with the title of the video to type in the you tube search blank?
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    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    2 Drink Minimum
    OP says he is not cheap, but yet didn't even buy a frigging drink? I'd be willing to bet 2 things: 1) If you'd bought a drink to start with, and then "nursed" it, waitress wouldn't have hassled you. 2) The 2 drink min is probably bogus. Waitress wanted her share of tips. You WILL get attention from them, whether you want it or not. If I'm not in the mood for a refill, I say I'm good, but could you please bring me back 19 ones for a 20. Harmless way to apply a little grease.
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    11 years ago
    Favorite comedian
    Living- Robin Williams Deceased- George Carlin, Sam Kinnison
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    11 years ago
    SR LV
    Slick- When I read a review which described SRLV as being like a fish tank full of piranhas, I put SRLV further down on my wishlist. Methinks that Slick had other disappointments besides SR visit there. If it is any consolation, Mickey Rooney is alleged to have said "I lost a couple of bucks in Vegas, I've spent 2 million trying to get it back."
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Sorry, thought "Hood Passion" was the dancers s/n.