
Social Security Checks and Strip Club Trips

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I stood in an unusually long line today to get my banking done. When I finally made it to the teller, she informed me that the reason for the backup is that Social Security checks came in today. This led me, of course, to wondering just how many of the old dogs around here will be spending that money in strip clubs today. It also made me wonder, more generally, just how much SS money makes its way into strippers hands on days when the payments arrive.


  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    My SS check is auto deposit on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. It plays no part in when I go clubbing.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    It's too difficult to assess your question. The first of the month is a busy day for a lot of businesses who have customers that receive social security, welfare payments, etc. I know a local (cheap) supermarket chain has actively campaigned for staggering the date that welfare recipients are mailed their checks, because it can't handle all the business it gets on the first of the month.

  • SuperDude
    11 years ago
    In the Golden Age of the Detroit auto industry, clubs were swamped when bonuses were paid to the workers near year's end. The executives got their bonuses after the new year and high end clubs were packed in late January, before the winter trips away from Michigan's cold weather. Retired dancers still remember when the newspapers would announce the bonuses and the clubs would be packed that very weekend.
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    Huh... I thought SS check were required to be direct deposit these day
  • thenumber10
    11 years ago
    I think SS has switched to direct deposit, but back in my High School days I worked at a dollar store. Usually the 2nd-3rd and 17-18th of the months we would be packed with welfare, SS and disability payment people doing their shopping. The worst were the ones that would cash their checks in full and take big bills, so they would use a Benjamin to pay as little as 5 bucks.

    My first job where I was classified as an independent contractor we would be payed on the first of the month for the previous months work. More and more employers(at least from my perspective) are switching to larger more spread out pay periods.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I've almost always been paid around the 15th and end of month most of my life. I believe the military and industry standardized payment times. My older brother always had to wait until the end of the month. I noticed Walmart was pretty empty two days before the end of the month and 3 days before this weekends tax free weekend. I usually avoid most stores this weekend. It's like Christmas shopping around here when they have a state tax holiday.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Ask Payer11! About the only income the guy has - hence why he can only afford the $60 crack whores.
  • Experimental
    11 years ago
    Banks still have tellers? Actually standing in a line???? WTF is this shit?
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    SS checks, which ARE NOT entitlements, are mailed or deposited on the first, second, or third Wed. of the month depending on your birth day. They are all supposed to be DDd as of March 2013.
    Welfare checks, which ARE entitlements and sent out by the states, are all usually sent around the first of the month.
  • minnow
    11 years ago
    A suave and debonair guy like rick d. standing in line at a bank???
    What is this world coming to!?!?
    I haven't stood in line to deposit a paycheck at the bank since rick was in high school. (Direct deposits, anyone ?)

    As for original question, the SS recipients that would make any meaningful splash at a stripclub probably has income sources BESIDES Social Security.(Pension, 401k, IRA, etc.) So, those "old dogs" go whenever they get the urge.

    There are probably as many pay schedules as there are paymasters- I've been paid on weekly, biweekly, and 15th/EOM schedules.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    LOL minnow. I own a business and many of our clients still pay by check. It is also necessary to get funds when I need more than my max ATM withdrawal limit. ;)
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