
Responsible Reviews

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
There have been a number of folks on here who have complained about shill and other junk reviews posted by "1 and 1" types. However, these reviews don't really bother me too much as they are easy to skim past and don't have much impact upon the tuscl ratings for most clubs. What bothers me more are junk reviews by people who have the ability to move the dial on a club's ratings.

I came across one of these just the other day, where a long-time member with a healthy club and review count posted a shitty non-review review of a club in Jacksonville. Basically he claimed that he visited on an unknown afternoon and saw "5-10" girls (that is quite a range) and a lot of tats (I doubt it as this club doesn't hire too many tatted girls). He also complained about the facility, which is utterly ridiculous since the club's interior is one of the nicest in Jacksonville. Frankly, he was full of shit and I doubt that he went in at all.

Now who knows why he did it - maybe he needed to post something to keep his VIP status. But he did a tremendous dis-service to the club in question with not only his comments, but also with mediocre star ratings.

These are real businesses and what seasoned reviewers say can matter. There are also people out there who actually give credence to the star ratings. Now some of these junk review posters might argue that they only confirm existing ratings when they rate these clubs, but even that is a dis-service as it may further lock in star ratings and makes it that much more difficult for a club to get credit for improvements.

Now maybe I take this stuff too seriously, but it is equally clear that there are some long time residents of this board who do not take it seriously enough.


  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    "These are real businesses and what seasoned reviewers say can matter"

    Rick, I get what you're saying, but yeah, I think you're taking it a bit too seriously.

    I've said before - I don't read many reviews. I think most of what I read is junk and fluff. Much too vague. Sure, we want honest, real reciews, but I doubt if a few negative reviews are going to send a club in a downward spiral to bankruptcy.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Motor, I use this site extensively when I travel, as I am sure do others. If I did not know this club, I might have given credence to the comments of a guy with a high review count. Also keep in mind that many of the folks who use this site are more casual SC visitors and may not be as discerning as a guy like yourself. I am also sure that there are people who factor star ratings into their decision making when filtering out clubs in a given area.

    And putting aside silly comments about downward spirals into bankruptcy, a couple of bad reviews from seemingly seasoned club hounds, as well as low star ratings, are bound to influence someone's decision as to whether to visit a club, which in turn hits the club in the pocket book. When deserved, then so be it. But it is unfair to do that simply because a guy needs someplace to hang a review on in order to keep his VIP status.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Be nice if people got their own personal average ratings, that excluded ratings made by people on their ignore list. But that'd probably involve a fair amount of work to provide.
  • sinclair
    11 years ago
    I can see where you are coming from on this one. I have seen a few reviewers in the triple digits that post trash reviews. Either they are desperate to keep VIP status or they think a high review count gives them more cred on this site. Every once in awhile some of these guys even post stuff that is so vague and/or not true that I doubt they actually went there.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    When I read a review, I'd like that review to actually give me some info that's useful while entertaining me.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Whenever something is given for free (e.g. TUSCL VIP; gov. welfare; etc); many folks will tend to take advantage – kinda of human nature
  • minnow
    11 years ago
    Rick: Did you flag the review ? Founder does take corrective action. Although the "tremendous dis-service" line is a bit melodramatic, the overall sentiment of the deal is correct, as the many eyes of seasoned club reviewers can help founder truly seperate the chaff from the wheat.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Common sense advice from Papi-take heed people and listen then learn.
  • wwpmi
    11 years ago
    what is the club in question.
    I also travel a lot and use this forum to decide what clubs to go to. A review by a senior member has more value to me then others.
    I scanned the Jax FL clubs but did not see the review type you mentioned although I only looked a the few clubs which met your description.
    Just wanted you to know I did do a little work prior to asking.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    RickyBoy: "There have been a number of folks on here who have complained about shill and other junk reviews posted by '1 and 1' types."

    (Translation) Kettle to tea pot - you are black!

    RickyBoy, your own reviews (at least the ones you didn't make up) are complete crap! How about you focus on writing some quality reviews of your own before you spend as much breath as you did criticizing others?
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    I agree with motorhead -- you're taking this much too seriously.

    I also use TUSCL extensively when I travel. Indeed I don't really club except when I travel. So the reviews are quite useful. But you have to know how to read them. Just break it down into levels of reliability. Some aspects are very reliable.:

    1. Location
    2. Type (nude, topless, bikini, other)

    That is important info to me. I prefer nude clubs even in areas where there is no full nudity with alcohol.

    Other aspects are intrinsically less reliable. If there are a lot of reviews a quick perusal will give a very reliable picture. If you want to find out what Mons Venus is like you don't have to go to Tampa. Just read the reviews and they will tell you -- small place, horrible parking, top notch eye candy, lappers in public, ok contact, extras virtually unheard of. Of course, since the girls are top notch I say go at least once... But the big point is that anybody perusing reviews will know what the deal is.

    But if there are few reviews they are intrinsically unreliable. I don't think that making folks pay for VIP is going to do a thing. Yes, people my write reviews with little thought just to get VIP. But an equally important (and possibly bigger) issue is folks who try but suck at what they do. I really like clubbing when I travel. So I think I judge places very well. But am I going on a bad day? Locals will have perspective I dont. But locals lack a broader perspective unless they club when they travel. Their perspective may reflect what the place is like relative to other local club. If the local scene sucks a local who doesn't travel much will rank the best of a bad lot high. Even if you do travel you may judge relative to your local scene, again skewing results.

    Add in shills and there is just no way to get reliable info with few reviews.

    Nothing we can do about it.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    *people may write*
  • sinclair
    11 years ago
    This is the review in question: https://www.tuscl.net/rev.php?M=C&RID=16…

    If you count the months from when said member joined to the current month (Nov 2004 to July 2013), it is 108 months and he has 108 reviews. He/she obviously will post anything to keep his VIP going.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Good pickup sinclair.

    And this is a more recent review of the same club by the same guy: https://www.tuscl.net/stripclub.php?DID=…

    It is of similar quality.
  • sinclair
    11 years ago
    Sorry my math was wrong, 104 months...but you get my point!
  • sinclair
    11 years ago
    104 months/104 reviews
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Below is another gem of his from August of last year, where he gave the dancers a 5 star. Btw the guy is utterly full of shit - the girls are not heavy on the ink nor are they all petite. This is a big club with upwards of 20 girls, of all types and sizes, working on the evening shifts.

    Anyway, here goes the incredibly informative - and bogus - non-review:

    "Been to Emperor's several times this summer--night time, afternoon, weekend, weekday, and it just doesn't seem to matter: the dancer quality just is not there any more. Part of it is my bias as I prefer them busty. Not much of that here lately, and I'm not one to petite women, especially those with lots of "body art". I have not had a private dance here in quite a while due to there simply not being anyone that met my criteria. Others may feel differently if they don't favor those with great "front courts" as I do..."
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    For those of you who don't think that this is a big deal, I hear your points. I suppose that with some of the very large and popular clubs, this might indeed not be such a big deal.

    But the Jacksonville clubs are examples of those that are fairly lightly reviewed, so there isn't really a lot to counter bad intel about the girls or the interior that was posted by this guy, especially if anyone assigns added credibility to his review count.

    And this club's dancer rating is a bit depressed vs. the reality, due almost solely to his bogus ratings. Emperor has some of the hottest girls in J'ville and they tend to run an edgier game than many of the girls working in nearby clubs.

    Like I said, irresponsible. Maybe he is living off of some long ago visit to the place and just regurgitating the material, but there it is.

    And yes, there is not much that can be done about it, but I don't have to like it. ;)
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I am in constant disagreement with reviews for the clubs that I go to and know well. I sometimes wish we had a feature to write a rebuttal to a review or even had the club discussion boards back so that you could voice your opinion of the review. But it ain't my site.
  • rh48hr
    11 years ago
    I have flagged reviews for clubs I frequent where the reviews are just factually incorrect. Earlier this year a reviewer gave names of dancers patrons should ask for and one of the dancers listed had not danced there in months and had moved out of town.

    So it was obvious he was looking to add to his vip membership or had No clue about dancers at the club. Either way incorrect info that needed to be corrected.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    @shadow: I understand how you feel. Indeed, I thought that Follies sucked when I visited it and I trash PP in Greenville virtually every time I go there, but I suspect that you and I simply have different tastes and preferences. It is simply the nature of the beast and reviews will reflect personal preferences. But I draw the line when people just start making shit up, which in my humble opinion is what happened here.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    I just posted a review of the club, which hopefully will serve to properly move the dial on the star ratings and provide some accurate intel. I have never reviewed the club before as I tend to hold back on a couple of places where I am a frequent enough visitor that my reviews might be associated with me, but it is clearly time to get some accurate (and detailed) information posted about the place.
  • rell
    11 years ago
    you are always gonna get some crazy reviews .. sometimes if i go to a strip club and feel like i didnt have a good or bad expereince i will choose not to write a review but some dont care...
    and i noticed people opinions vary.. i was pming another member and we were speaking about a club and we had a very different opinion on the girls at a paticular club so its hard to say
  • 23cambyman
    11 years ago
    This reminds me of the same shit that idiot juicebox was doing to increase his stats! After he was called out, he vanished quicker than Enron's stock after its scandal!
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    ^ w.r.t. food – it’s often hard to know a SC may have a kitchen since it’s often out of sight.

    I’ve visited certain SCs on multiple occasions w/o knowing they had a kitchen b/c I rarely eat @ a SC and neither do almost any SCers from what I’ve personally noticed.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    As others have said – one man’s trash is another man’s lap dance queen(s).

    I go to a lot of SCs and I spend a lot of $$$; but I don’t think 80 to 90% of TUSCLers would go to the SCs I go to and/or get dances from the dancers I get dances from - and vice versa (I can go to Tootsies or Scarlett’s down here in So. FL; both top-10 clubs – and leave w/o getting any dances).
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    A by product of anyone being able to post reviews. BUT without this system, we'd have considerably less than we do now. I'm not sure that's an alternative I want.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Minnow is spot on. Flag reviews that you believe to be off.

    Other positive actions would be to write multiple reviews detailing individual visits. I recognize that it is a little extra work relative to the composite reviews you wrote, but it might be helpful. Also, contradict info you believe to be inaccurate (e.g., "previous review said girls were heavily inked...I did not find that to be the case"). If you've been multiple times mention trends, both positive and negative.

    With that said, how "off" are the Emps reviews? I just sorted clubs in Jax by overall rank and Emps was #3. By dancer rating it is #2. Stud's Pub was #1 in both, but only has 22 reviews. #2 overall (Wacko's) has >100, as does Emps. So maybe Stud's is off (what is the opinion of Jax natives?) but Wacko's and Emps are clearly near the top of the Jax heap.

    That tracks for me -- I haven't been to Jax in a while but Wacko's and Sins became my go to places once the Dollhouse closed. I rank Wacko's higher than Sins but prefer full nude. When DH was stll with us and NSG on Blanding was full nude my recollection is that the relative rankings of nude clubs were cosistent with my evaluations. Admittedly my rankinks were not built from many visits, but "the crowd" was providing reasonable relative ranks.

    Neither Stud's nor Emps ever got on my radar. Perhaps I'll have to try. But if I were in town for the evening I might pick the closest of the three given the relatively close rankings. So I'm not sure bad reviews are killing Emps.

    With all of that in mind...I don't like inaccurate reviews. So I hear those bemoaning the crappy reviews. But I think they a combination of many factors -- with the free VIP for reviews being a minor factor -- and there isn't much we can do except be accurate ourselves.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    "rankings"... Not "rankinks"

    Though "rankinks" might be just as appropriate for this crowd!
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    As shadow said, I think a rebuttal feature would be good to have.

    In general I totally agree with rick's OP. I rely on this site to help me chose when I travel and can incorporate clubbing, and BS review are detrimental. However, you also have to keep reviews in perspective.

    Club reviews are really only good for local comparisons. Example: Savanna's in Harrisburg PA is by far the best club in Harrisburg by a wide margin. However, at one point it was on the top 10 club list which was a load of shit. I can list several other PA clubs that I find to be much more enjoyable and much higher mileage that Savanna's Harrisburg which are rated much lower. Go figure.

    Also, I think it's fair for someone to have a bad experience even at a 'good' club. And I've said as much in some of my reviews. You really have look for trends over multiple reviews of a particular club. I find that clubs which are more frequently review by a larger number of posters tend to paint more accurate pictures. Clubs with fewer posts by fewer users are harder to interpret. (as zipman said)

    IMO the most valuable piece of intel for a club is average mileage, which can be hard to discern even from good review for obvious reasons. After that I look for: smoking policy, then nude v. topless.
  • JackKash
    11 years ago
    Lot's of traveling folks here, me included and I do a bit of research on this site to plan my visits when I'm out and about too. I never read just one review but a few and sort of average out the different comments. I rarely pay attention to the stars but do look at the handy blue bar graph. I put more weight on reviewers with many under their belt while less to the 1 and 1 or those with 100 reviews and 5 clubs. And when I finally go to a club I've selected based on the reviews, I keep in mind my favorite of our achronims, YMMV.
  • Dacandyman
    11 years ago
    i wanna be careful when i write review so Im just reading them an I will write after i can better compare clubs.

    after readin this i think im gonnaask ppl tthere opinion even if there are reviews.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    For those who wish for a rebuttal option or something similar, I want to be clear that I'm not taking issue because I don't agree with his perspectives. My issue is that I think that he is posting bogus reviews. Sinclair hit the nail on the head about this guy throwing whatever he wants up in a review just to retain his VIP status.

    On the whole, I actually think that the current system is pretty good as is. I understand the desire for a rebuttal process for loyal club customers, but I could also see that quickly becoming a zoo. If a club has a bad night and a reviewer happens to visit on that night then the club deserves what it gets, irrespective of whether the club is much better at other times. If someone really wants to rebut a bad review, the best way for him to do it is to write his own review.

    And for those who say that flagging is the solution, I do flag reviews, but I think that it is hard for founder to make the call to take a review down unless he has overwhelming evidence of fraud. It is one thing to strongly suspect that a review is bogus and quite another to prove it irrefutably, especially if the review is generically vague on details.

    I think that there is no perfect system, but the one that currently exists is as good as it will get in my humble opinion. Not only for the reasons noted above, but also because of the current club rating process, which gives more weight to ratings posted by heavier contributors to the site. While the unintended consequence of the current rating process also gives greater credence non-review reviews by guys who have been posting crap on auto-pilot for a very long time, it still beats the shit out of letting shills and lightweights skew a club's ratings.

    IMHO it is not the system that is the problem, but a subset of guys on here who have gone too long in getting away with mailing it in. I'm not sure if there is any solution per se, but I will keep calling it out when I see it.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    RickyBoy: "And for those who say that flagging is the solution, I do flag reviews"

    You've never flagged any of mine, RickyBoy, even though, you supposedly think "many" of them are "obviously" "fake". Or maybe that's just something you say publically to look tough, when you really don't have the balls to put it on the line and actually flag them. What a fuckin' homo, chicken-shit, pussy-boy you are!
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    "And for those who say that flagging is the solution, I do flag reviews, but I think that it is hard for founder to make the call to take a review down unless he has overwhelming evidence of fraud."

    Can't count on Founder. Look at the last 6 reviews for Mermaids in Virginia Beach. At total of 53 flags and yet the reviews stand.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ??? RickyBoy ???

    ??? Nothing ???

    Totally the chicken-shit I described.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Dougster, shaming you for the garbage that you tried to pass off for reviews in your earlier days had its intended effect. The differences between the first 22 reviews you posted on this site and the more recent 22 reviews are remarkable. You still seem to be utterly clueless about the area in which you purportedly reside (Seattle), but at least you stopped posting 3-5 paragraphs of pointless layout and driving details, topped with "oh yeah, and there were some girls I think." LMAO.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    I love how RickyBoy will do an about face on everything he said before when he no longer has the confidence it will play out to the crowd. I guess he's seen people prop my reviews, or prop me with comments that my reviews are good. So know he knows he has to play a different, though weaker tune to this crowd.

    Old confident "swag having" Rick would have stuck to the hard line that all my reviews are "garbage". The new swagless Rick now has watered down his to position to only the first half I posted were "garbage".

    So RickyBoy, any other old positions of your feel like watering down this morning? It does make them easier to defend, but, at the same time, you no longer seem like such a hard line tough guy. Bit of a dilemma for you, yes?

  • Dolfan
    11 years ago
    I'd love a feature to comment on reviews. More than once I've written a review about a club after a visit or two, then gone back a bit later and had a very different experience. I'll often avoid writing a second review with only minimal content to update/correct my own info - just because I think it looks like I'm trying to "steal" a few weeks of VIP. I'd take the time to write some short updates though.

    I've also wanted to correct a bunch of reviews that have 80% legit content but something wrong (like SR's daytime dance prices are always misquoted) but its not worth flagging the review or writing my own to contradict it.

  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ??? RickyBoy ???

    !!! Come on !!!

    You made a good first step here by admitting that many of my reviews are good.

    Just let it all go, and 'fess up to the other non-sensical claims you made before that you want to back off now.

    You'll feel so much better after you've done that and your soul is a bit cleaner.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Not gonna do it, even though now is your best chance? Fuckin' pussy!
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    LOL Fraudster. You're just butt hurt because you were called out over and over. ;)

    I'm not going to debate with you because you have all day to fill up this thread with nonsensical noise, yelling "why don't you flag me?/which one?/too afraid to respond?/I win!!" etc., etc. Unfortunately for you, your ample fraudulent offerings are a matter of public record, so I'll let the readers who are motivated enough to peruse through your historical so-called "reviews" be the judge. :)

    Btw, I noticed that you opted not to include your input about your purported hometown clubs into the recently published article about Seattle clubs. In case you missed it, here's the link: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=2…

  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Right, Rick, you "called me out" but now you are backing off your claims. Too funny!

    Bottom line Rick - you are now admitting my reviews are good and hence admiting that in the past when you said they weren't you were lying.


  • LordxBetty
    11 years ago
    Mnnn I hear Rick can suck the bend out of a river....mnngggggnehhhh
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    RickyBoy is an excellent runner!
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    Looks like shadow is acting like a little birch yet once again....cry me a river dude
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    "Bottom line Rick - you are now admitting my reviews are good and hence admiting that in the past when you said they weren't you were lying."

    Asked and answered goof ball. Read more slowly if you need to. ;)

    Oh, and keep bumping this thread with your nonsensical posts all you want. The bumping has the desired effect of putting this back on top, which I hope will give it yet more exposure for the more casual, yet high review count, visitors. :)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    I like your priorities in life RickyBoy. Having BBFS with strippers "generally" when it is available despite the fact that this puts your wife at risk of STDs and cervical cancer = no big deal, nothing to be concerned about. But someone posted what you consider to be a bad review =
    My God we start a crusade about it!

    Would be interesting to hear your wife take on the matter some day. "Yes I did get cervical cancer because of you, but you did call out a guy's bad review of a strip club. So it's all okay."
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    ^Last I checked, I was posting this on a strip club review site, not a marriage counseling forum. ;)

    Not that I ever said anything of the kind anyway, but I'm more than happy to humor your pathological need to spin tall tales. All press is good press on this one. Just keep bumping the thread. :)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    RickyBoy your priorities and complete disregard for your wife says alot about your real character (as opposed to what you falsely try to project about yourself.) From that it puts everything else you say in context. Get it now, RickyBoy? If not just apply the same genius you did when you invented The System and I bet it all clicks.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    References to highly exaggerated BB adventures as well as the made up term that you coined all in the same short post. Cool! Those creative fiction classes are really paying off, much like they have for most of your review history. ;)

    My priority here is predicated upon the only thing that is real in this back and forth, which is the existence of crap reviews from people who can cause harm, both to clubs and other customers, with those non-review reviews. You know, the type of stuff that one would normally expect to be discussed on a strip club review site, rather than the nonsensical fiction and self created drama that non-contributors like yourself prefer to wallow in.

    And thank for the bump. :)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Poor, RickyBoy. Can't keep his story straight. Yesterday he said most of my reviews were now good. Today he is back to "all crap" and "fake". But again, not to be unexpected from a guy who demonstrates the disregard he does for his own wife in the way the conducts his strip clubbing. Yep, if putting her at risk of STDs and cervical cancer just isn't any concern for him, then of course lying on a strip club website in front of strangers won't matter to him. See Rick how your one action and how your treat your own family puts everything else you do on perspective?

    Even if everything you said about me were true, the things you have done - putting your wife at risk of cervical cancer and putting people's lives at risk when you drink and drive are much worse. But because of your priorities are upside down you just don't get it. Maybe a biological limitation? Who knows?
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    All good stuff Fraudster. Comments about some slip-ups turn into never-ending bareback adventures, a discussion about sourcing OTC while traveling turns into "The System" and comments about keeping my clubbing close because I enjoy booze with my clubbing becomes a drinking and driving problem. Keep 'em coming. ;)

    Of course, we have nothing from Fraudster to which we can apply a satirical spin because, in over 6,000 comments, you have yet to share anything of substance about your experiences. We all know why that is. ;) You know, I hear that the clubs in Seattle are ADA compliant if that is a concern. LOL.

    And thank for the bump. :)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Slip-ups? Sounds like you have already moved from mr. Cavalier to mr. Trying to show some guilt. Would you say the fact that you admitted to "generally" partaking in BBFS when it was offered because you hate condoms so much that sex with them is almost not even worthwhile to go a little beyond the spectrum of slip/ups? (All
    Your own words and I won't even mention the question of how do you "slip up" on something like that's more than once? So often that it becomes "generally"?)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    See Ricky, since you have admitting to "generally" engaging in it when offered it follows that concern for your wife is no limiting factor. It's merely that it is not available as often as you like that is real limiting factor.

    Think hard, RickyBoy. Can you remember saying that? Would I have really looked carefully enough at your prior posts to have cornered here? Wanna try and bluff your way out of it? What if I say let's up the stakes and make a little wager on this? You game, RickyBoy?
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Not gonna take me up on the wager?

    Told you guys RickyBoy was an excellent runner!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Where is RickyBoy? Bet he is off somewhere singing - "so, I ruuuunn... Run like wind. Run like the wind..."
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    RickyBoy on really long run today. Must be training for a half marathon or something!

    Run, faggot, run!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Ricky chicken-shit-homo-faggot-pussy-Boy!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Ricky Chicken-Shit Homo Faggot Pussy Boy
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    This is the thread that I want to bump. I guess I really touched a nerve with the comment about ADA compliant clubs in Seattle - LMAO. I don't think that Fraudster slept much at all last night, at least if his posting activities in multiple threads are any indication.

    Btw dude you can make all the noise, pump that smoke machine and angle those mirrors all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that you are a serial non-contributor on a strip club review site You ought to be ashamed of some of the garbage that you've posted on here over the years. ;)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    RickyBoy's contradictions and lying patterns exposed for the world to see


    No wonder he was scared to take the bet with me.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Raised and answered in another thread. I don't have your kind of time to kill, so I cannot chase across several threads trying to respond to every ridiculous comment that you make.

    Nice Seattle comment btw - LOL. "Oh yeah, what they said, except that there is also a lot of takeout." You would figure that with over 6000 posts, filled with satire, bogus perspectives and other utter nonsense, you might find a way to add something of value on this site. Guess that was askign for too much.

    And a bump-a-roo. ;)

  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    You've really lost it dude. Seriously, it looks like you were up all night sifting through 3 year old threads and trying to piece this all together. This site is supposed to be an extension of good clubbing adventures, not the main event. In fact, I would have seen this stuff sooner except I was visiting a club, of course.

    and this was exactly my point with this thread. Guys posting nonsense to keep up on this site rather than going out, getting good intel and then sharing it with the group. You, sir, are a serial offender. ;)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Completely not answered in the other thread - also there for the world to see!

    Too funny Rick!

    This is in one of the top four times I've ever got you!

    Always a blast!







  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Completely not answered in the other thread - also there for the world to see!

    Too funny Rick!

    This is in one of the top four times I've ever got you!

    Always a blast!







  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Completely not answered in the other thread - also there for the world to see!

    Too funny Rick!

    This is in one of the top four times I've ever got you!

    Always a blast!







  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Completely not answered in the other thread - also there for the world to see!

    Too funny Rick!

    This is in one of the top four times I've ever got you!

    Always a blast!







  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Yes you did "get" me - you sucked me once more into one of these side discussions that are both circular and pointless - lol. and you were bumping threads all night long in order to do so. Dude, your doctor gave you those meds for a reason. ;)

    But feel free to keep bumping this thread - it serves my purpose. :)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago

    Completely not answered in the other thread - also there for the world to see!

    Too funny Rick!

    This is in one of the top four times I've ever got you!

    Always a blast!







  • Dougster
    11 years ago

    Completely not answered in the other thread - also there for the world to see!

    Too funny Rick!

    This is in one of the top four times I've ever got you!

    Always a blast!







  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    "More than a list. It's the evocation of a culture."

    I have always subscribed to this theory, ever since I first found this site in the 90s. Strip clubs have been my favorite form of entertainment for many years, which I guess is why I care about crappy non-review reviews from supposedly seasoned members and miss the days on this board when good trip reports and club-related adventures were shared.

    And away we go. :)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    The trolls on here can make all the noise they want. Since so many of their reviews are garbage filler, when it is called out they must resort to this to obfuscation and mis-direction using volumes of nonsensical posts and straw men arguments.

    So be it, but I will call it out every time I see it. If it results in trolls staying up all night and clogging the board with nonsense, then it does. :)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    RickyBoyDugan: "So be it, but I will call it out every time I see it."

    Sure you will, tough guy. You let me know when you've flagged a single review of mine.

  • Dougster
    11 years ago

  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Another straw man. There is a lot of road way between seeing a review that has no details about the girls, your experiences or the cost of anything and having enough to flag. I'll let others scroll back to your Seattle reviews and they'll know what I mean. But one of your crowing moments was the non-review review of the whorehouse where you did not purchase services. ;)

    But keep trotting that out Fraudster.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Are you even from Seattle? I have my doubts now. ;)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Ok, you'll call it out every time, but you won't call it out at all. Contradicting yourself in the space of two posts and hoping nobody notices. Good work tough guy!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Duh, my name is the RickyBoyDugan and I will flag down every obviously fake review I see and clean this fuckin' place up! And Dougster wrote a bunch of obviously fake reviews but I am too chicken shit to flag any of them down, because, we'll I'm a chicken. Oh, did I just contradict myself? No problem I'm a master of sly sneaky stealth (see The Sytem) and such a genius nobody will notice! No wait, my name is the RickyBoyDugan, and I'm fuckin' retard! That is all!
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Keep trying to drown it out with noise and obfuscation. Unfortunately for you, your non-review reviews are a matter of public record.

    I have only flagged a handful of reviews on here - it is generally not something I do with a club I have not visited. And you have been clever enough to include whole dissertations on the driving and club interiors, thereby making a lack of specifics a difficult charge.

    But anyone who reads many of your reviews will come to the same conclusion that I did: Did he visit the club at all? And if so, did he actually sit down and buy anything? How could he possibly have been a customer of the club, yet have absolutely no intel about the cost of anything, or how the girls were, or the quality of services, or, well, anything? Is he a pizza delivery guy? LMAO - that would explain a lot.

    Anyway, post another shit review and I'll call it out again, even if I cannot flag it. That goes for SippyCup as well. It's bad enough that shills and LWs post nonsense on here, but guys like you and SippyCup, who built your club counts largely upon shit intel, can do real harm to club ratings now.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    You know if 98% of RickyBoy's own reviews weren't fake then he might be in a position to lecture others...as it stands though guy is better off if he would just STFU.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Is that your REAL self in the pic above your post Dougster? It matches your maturity level. LOL!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    You know alutard if you hadn't freaked out like a little bitch in the threads "do you believe in privacy or not" or your various rambling if vicious ATTACK DOGS, or your hit and runs about repealing the 2nd amendment while never supporting your position with facts or logic then maybe you would be in a position to lecture others about maturity, as it stands though...
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Let's also bit forget how you drool all over yourself and write "LMFAO" every three sentences of your post no matter how inanely stupid it is.
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