
Bed dances?

So I'll be visiting Los Angeles in a few weeks, so I did some research, and I think 4 Play is the strip club I'll hit up while in LA (hottest strippers in LA according to reviews). I read that they do bed dances in the VIP.

What exactly is a bed dance?
Have any of you that have done bed dances liked it?
Is it worth the money? (At 4 Play it starts out as 200 bucks for 15 minutes).
Most importantly, are the bed dances good at 4 Play? (For anyone who has tried a bed dance at 4 Play)


  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    I'm assuming that you and the dancer are on a bed?
  • 3LeggedMan
    11 years ago
    I had bed dances at DV Showgirls in Minneapolis a few years back. Much like a couch dance except you are lying down. Sadly at DVS the dances were $30 each and the waitress/troll stopped by after EACH song to ask if I wanted to buy the lady a drink. Total mood killer. Probably not worth the extra cost in my case.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    “… I'm assuming that you and the dancer are on a bed? …”

    That is a good assumption :)

    I’ve never done a bed dance or been in a club that has them – but *personally* I think it’s probably overrated and over-expensive. One probably would not get any more mileage than a good 2-way LD IMO.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    To me a bed is just good for sleeping.

    I find it restricting and kinda of harder to move around in a bed – I would thus prefer a LD on a chair/sofa and often like them standing up (wall-dances).
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    You are a complete and utter fraud NukeyBoy. If you can bed all these 9s and 10s OTC without paying then why spend money at all? Something is not adding up. Oh, yes, I guess it's that you are too much of a moron to even be a decent liar.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    Bed dances are a staple of the Deja Vu chains and they are indeed beds ( or bed like) and they can be awesome for getting serious mileage since you are laying down. But keep in mind that many places charge more for those types of dances.
  • samsung1
    11 years ago
    Deja vu in Toledo advertises bed dances but these are really just oversized couches. It's a marketing gimmick. I doubt the bed will be the size of the beds you would get at a motel with an escort. Maybe ask for a tour instead of assuming they will be real beds. Hope you have a good time.
  • 23cambyman
    11 years ago
    Dang Rankyass got tore up!!!
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    Papi- good observations
    Samsung- Thanks Man
    Sclvr- I got some money to blow, so paying a little extra doesn't concern me too much.
    3Leggedman- I agree, interrupting after every song is a definitely a mood killer.

    So the sense I'm getting so far is that bed dances are overrated.

    On a side note I'll be in LA August 22-24. I definitely gotta club it up with some of the LA TUSCLers. I'll probably hit up Bare Elegance also.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "Deja vu in Toledo advertises bed dances but these are really just oversized couches. It's a marketing gimmick."

    Tried it there at the Toledo Vu once a few yrs back. NOT worth the money. Was a ripoff!
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    ranukam - I've had alote of bed dances and they can range from couch-like things barely able to hold two people (DVNH) to king size (Skin)and everything in between. Like sclvr mentioned the costs are usually higher, with Skin (a club on the westside of LA) asking $60 per dance!

    Your choice of 4Play is good since it has some of the best eye candy here in LA. Of all of the clubs I've tried I've never been there, since it's not open during my usual clubbing times. But if you see a hot blond dayshift dancer named Alena there, tell her lopaw says hi :)

    I'm very familiar with Bare Elegance LAX, if that is the one you're referring to (they have a sister club up in the SFV officially called Valley Ball but it's nicknamed "Bare Elegance Valley"). Our TUSCL brother minnow has also visited BE-LAX many times. PM me if you want any down & dirty intel.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Be sure to upload the video to YouTube, NukeyBoy. "Damn! You are fine!"
  • minnow
    11 years ago
    r-kam- Seeing that you "have some money to blow", and "paying extra doesn't concern you too much", I'd say that its time to pop your cherry on bed dances. There are worse things in life than taking one for the team, and living to write about it............
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    They found the cause of sickle cell anemia,it's the glue on food stamps.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    That's where you jump on the bed
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I had a bed-like dance at SR Rialto back in 2009. The dancer was hot and had a great time but no extras offered and I just couldn't get quite comfortable. I bet they're way better at Synn.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    The local DV has (or had; haven't been there in forever) bed dances. More expensive and completely not worth it. Hope yours turn out better.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Unless they are done OTC, they are not worth the cost.
  • EarlTee
    11 years ago
    I have had experiences like Slic's at SR Rialto, but I have also had experiences that were much more like one would expect when in bed naked with s naked woman in a private enclosure.
  • 10inches
    11 years ago
    unless they clean up the bed after each customer, I can only imagine the crap left behind !!!
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Great observation, 10 Inches. Could it be any worse than some of the couches that we've sat in?
  • 59
    11 years ago
    Haven't had a bed dance in a club. Never been in one that offered them that I know of. I too have heard the DV's have them but never been to one.

    OTC I've incorporated a bed dance in my hotel room. Just to switch things up. Something about a hot girl in cowgirl or reverse cowgirl.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Bumping this thread just because I want to say that NukeyBoy is a complete moron.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    I just took a shit
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