
Dancers saying, "I had fun”

Saturday, September 18, 2010 1:28 AM
It's always a treat for me when after a series of dances or at the end of an evening a dancer drops the stripper façade for a moment, and says simply that she had fun. I remember one “veteran” dancer saying “I had fun” in a tone that suggested she was genuinely surprised by it. The latest was a sweet young thing that was cuddled up to me when I heard her quietly giggling (and I wasn't even tickling her). “What are you giggling about,” I asked. “Oh, I'm just happy,” she replied. I guess she could have been happy about finding a generous PL, but I prefer to think she was enjoying our time together. So, what have you experiences been?


  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    It's nice, even if it *is* SS. Delivered with enough sincerity, and I can suspend my disbelief for a few minutes and enjoy the feeling.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    I have never had a dancer tell me this BEFORE I handed over the cash.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    LOL good point farmerart. Same with me
  • brewerfan
    14 years ago
    When you hear that, she had a good night and made lots of money. She didn't enjoy you personally, she just is glad the fact the mortgage/rent is paid and is in good condition. A good test to see if it was you personally, try going to an establishment when she doesn't work. See how she treats you then, meaning, see if she knows who you are; that'll answer things.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    She is stealing my line. I like to tell them that I dreamed about them last night and that they "had fun" too.
    14 years ago
    Along the same lines as Steve but a bit more sexual: "I'm usually hard to get off" after she reports having had two Os.
  • LoneLurker
    14 years ago
    Although these things are nice to hear, I give them the same veracity as "Now I have to go change my panties!"
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    I think we all agree, sincere SS, but still, nice ti hear. What I really really like is when they don't take my money and give me theirs. Now that, my friends, is CS.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Remember, it's all an act. Some dancers are able to act more sincere than others, but all women fake it.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Art, you simply *have* to move somewhere else, where there's more and better action. All this negative energy coming from your direction is getting me down. Get set to self-flagellate again, but I *have* had dancers claim to have had fun *before* the money changes hands. Not always, of course, but moderately often.
  • how
    14 years ago
    Being around someone who is enjoying herself is better than being around one who is not. Even in Stripperville...
  • nj_pete
    14 years ago
    I agree, 95% of the time its probably SS but still nice to hear.
  • bostonarea
    14 years ago
    Of course it's mostly SS. But some of these ladies do enjoy their work. My favorite dancers have always been the ones who enjoy getting me aroused. There are some horny girls out there stripping & they are the best.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Fun aka cum
  • troop
    14 years ago
    yeah i've had dancers claim that they had fun. often it's hard to say if's true or just ss. one played me so good that i believed her and we discussed continuing otc the next day. she didn't answer the phone when i called and never returned my message, so much for fun.. lol
  • RocStarsky
    14 years ago
    I don't think I had any dancer tell me that after a dance. You will never know if what they are telling you is genuine or not and that if it is coming from a dancer or just any plain stranger. You can tell from their body language and facial expressions if they are having a good time and not just verbally. Dancers I had experience with are all different. One in particular kept smiling at me at the main stage. We hooked up, had a good convo and went to the back for dances. She grabbed me in all areas, we laughed and smiled from our interaction and convo. She didn't have to say anything after the dance. Her vibe, attitude, facial expression, body and verbal language says it all. If she told me she had a good time, I wouldn't think she was lying.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    Last night, I had one dancer kiss me multiple times. I think at least 6 to 9 times on my cheek. I figure she was happy about something (probably getting a lot of tips from a guy near me). I didn't have any clue why she was kissing me so much. I could tell from the smile on her face she was happy about something. Maybe some other guy recently tipped her a $20. Maybe me sitting at the stage was causing some other guys to tip a lot more. I had no idea. Later on, one dancer asked if I wanted to do an expensive upstairs dance. I declined. She didn't even give a fake smile when I went to tip her at the stage later on. A lot of dancers don't seem to do too much acting anymore.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    Steve, I've heard that too. Most often and believabley after a long day of partying and dances. Otherwise, my stripper shit radar warning goes off to varying degrees. four typical scenarios: 1) Slow afternoon, dancers are bored. I come in and sense the boredom, buy a bunch of drinks for one or more dancers. We party, get buzzed, have a few dances. Somebody makes sure Mr. Happy has fun too. Several hours later when I'm leaving I've heard the I-had-fun-today line from one or more dancers. We all did, and I paid for it. 2) A fav is having a good day, she's making money, she's had enough drinks to feel happy but not so many to be out of control. So we eventualy hook up for a dance and she's just wired more than usual because the pressure's off her, she's made money and she's relaxed. She subtly starts grinding more for herself than for me and then she starts using my fingers to get herself off. She tells me she had fun. I know she did, I can feel it running all over my hand. 3) A fav and I will spend a lot of time together talking quietly about personal stuff, maybe some hugs and cuddles, some dances and them more conversation, maybe a few drinks. Goodby hugs usually come with a "I had a good time today." Probably like what you're describing. Stripper shit? Doesn't matter. 4) But then again, when a dancer I am familiar with but don't spend a lot of time or money with suddenly wiggles her way onto my lap and coaxes a drink from me and them gives me what usually are some good dances followed by the "I had fun today" line I'm thinking: Yea, right, you're trying to displace competition. Stripper shit. But that's her job. And some do it very well.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    SuperDude: Some dancers are able to act more sincere than others, but all women fake it. I could've sworn I put Dougster on my iggy list.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    gk: She tells me she had fun. I know she did, I can feel it running all over my hand. Line of the year!!! ;-)
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