
Nothing like being ignored.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 4:00 PM
I stopped into one of our Detroit clubs in the late afternoon yesterday to do a little (ahem) research. One of of TUSCL people had PM'd me a few days ago asking me about a few of the dancers. I told him I hadn't been in the club in awhile and said I'd go in and see what life is like lately in the Toy Chest. The Toy Chest tends to be better in the afternoon, less customers, more dancers being friendly, etc., etc. So I go in and sit by the bar at a table, enjoy my Happy Hour $3.95 Miller Lite, and watch the babes. Other than one of my ATF's dancing on the stage and waving to me, I was uniformly ignored by the few dancers that deigned to circulate in the bar. Oh well, it's more their financial loss. I could have approached any of them, but didn't feel I had to. I'm the customer. My ATF was busy with some of her regulars, but at least she acknowledged me. So what do you guys, and gals think?


  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Sorry to hear about you being ignored. It is more their loss than yours. As long as it does not develop into a pattern, it should not be too bad of a problem.
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    Perhaps you intimidate the dancers? Maybe they think you were waiting for your ATF? Since you weren't really looking for something, doesn't sound like a big deal. I'm sure if you did want something, you would have asked a girl to join you.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    VM - Have you considered wearing overalls and speaking with a Canadian accent? I hear this produces good results.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    You probably had spinach in your teeth.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    vince i agree. the customer should not have to approach them, they're the ones working. if they want to make some money they should get off of their lazy asses and earn it.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Great idea, steve. When farmerart comes back to Detroit, I'll be sure to wear matching outfits when we hang together at one of the clubs. samsung, I looked at it as a benefit. I left the bar only $5 poorer for my beer and tip expense. PrimO, that possibility exists. I've been told that before. And yes, I was headed up to Penthouse after to talk with some of the babes there, so it wasn't a true loss. I agree that the dancers that don't get off their dead asses lose the most. It's not like the economy here in Michigan is going full blast and no one needs the money. It cracks me up when the girls don't have the business sense to do their business.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Maybe they were trying to play hard to get with you. How is this problem at Brad's? I have read through several reviews and it seems like biggest complaint is how dancers tend to sit with regulars and ignore new customers.
  • bang69
    14 years ago
    VM that sucks being ignored like that. With the economic state of this country. You would think a dancer would walk up to you as soon as you walk in. Its there $$$$ loss.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    It happens to the best of us. Sometimes they are just waiting for regulars to come in. I got ignored once and bitched about in one of my reviews. Another poster said. "Maybe you looked like LE". Regulars DO have the advantage.I have been on that side of the table too. Anyone wanting a dance from gridget is SOL. She only dances for me. Just take it in stride and move on to the next dancer or club.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Plenty of fish in the sea. If things are bad in one club I simply move on to the next in short order.
  • jabthehut
    14 years ago
    Vince. You've got to learn to keep your tool put away until AFTER the dancer sits down with you.
  • scatterbrain
    14 years ago
    Happens to me quite often as a matter of fact. I've begun asking the ladies, 'what's the deal?' And most say it's that I look a little intimidating which, after they get to know me a little, is a total laugher.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    I've gotten the "intimidating" comment sometimes as well. Which, like you, scatterbrain, is a laugh. I tend to be reserved, and I suppose that's what does it.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    steve229: I'm in Vancouver right now - don't need my overalls or welding apron here. Those clothes worked just fine in Red Deer, though. Back to this thread - I have had more than one dancer tell me that I am "scary". I have decided that the "scary" comment is caused by my aggressive nature. If I am not solicited for dances I am soon off my ass and doing the soliciting myself.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Same thing happened to me at Cheetahs on Eight Mile Road last Thursday, Oct 14, day shift. I stopped in after a business appointment, wearing a suit, and sat at the bar. After a long wait for service I wound up with a $9.00 glass of wine! Not one dancer even looked my way. Random thoughts: (1) the economy is killing Detroit SCs and dancers, staff, etc are just going through the motions because there is no money to be made;(2)if my fading memory is correct, the new Detroit regulations, now back in court, banned dancers from approaching customers; (3) I'm intimidating; (4) I'm boring.
  • 59
    14 years ago
    "(2)if my fading memory is correct, the new Detroit regulations, now back in court, banned dancers from approaching customers" Wtf? Can't approach customers? How are they supposed to get tips and/or dances?
  • troop
    14 years ago
    i'm guessing that what he meant is that they can't ask you if you want a dance. that's the law in ohio although hardly any of the dancers abide by it.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    Yup.....getting ignored sucks. It's much more likely to happen during dayshift when more regulars come in. It still happens from time to time, but now instead of getting pissed about it, I just chuckle to myself thinking that those dancers will go home broke, and I'll just head out to a different club and spend my hard earned money on some ladies that want to earn some money. You're absolutely right, vm...ultimately it's their loss. What I can figure out is how come THEY haven't figured that out?
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    oops...that last sentence should be "can't" figure out
  • Rod8432
    14 years ago
    One time, I inadvertently touched a dancer's breast while tipping at the rail. She said nothing, but later after I'd been ignored the rest of the night by other dancers, her sister told me she spread the story I'm a boob grabber. I got a good laugh because I'm the last guy to show disrespect to a dancer, but at least that explained my persona non grata that night. Other times though, it's a complete mystery. But then again, I'm Mr. Popular some nights for no more of an explainable reason. I think it's a luck of the draw mostly.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    LMFAO Rod, what club was that at? boob grabbers get outcasted!? hahahaha
  • joeblow44
    14 years ago
    Unfortunately, being a minority can get you ignored in some clubs. One time, a dancer asked the two caucasian guys to the left of me and the two caucasian guys to the right of me if they wanted dances. All 4 guys said no. The funny part is that if she would have asked me, I would have gotten dances from her. Oops! Her loss!
  • manuela
    14 years ago
    Maybe they dance in that club just a hobby. They have already earned their capital I guess !? X Manuela
  • manuela
    14 years ago
    By the way; those two girls on the right in my screen have been very long working to try to make fire, but they can't or something? Anyway the one at the right will glow in the dark after all these weeks of rubbing i guess !? It will get very painfull, but it's a great ab-training ! X Manuela
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Cue Cheap Trick: I want you to want me. I need you to need me. I'd love you to love me. I'm beggin' you to beg me.
  • MarkShadow06
    14 years ago
    my wife is a dancer and she said that the women working there more than likely assume since you have an ATF you only come there to see and spend time/money with the ATF.. there's dancer rules - You can't talk to another dancers customer. so instead of igniting some drama they ignore you.
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    I actually enjoy asking a bouncer or waitress to bring me a girl sometimes. I'm not sure why...guess it makes me feel important to myself.
  • dw.buck
    14 years ago
    being ignored sucks, but its the girls loss. i have been ignored plenty of times and eventually one girl notices and comes over and gets paid. screw em if they want to ignore you ignore them, they are there to make money and if they skip over you they go home broke. a tip when you go in the club go to the stage and tip a girl, after her dances see if she comes over to talk if not you only lost a dollar or two and ignore her on stage for the rest of the night
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Has anyone tried the booths at some of the Detroit clubs where they charge $20 just to sit there? I wonder if you can negotiate with the bouncer on a slow day and sit there for $5-10 lol
  • gk
    14 years ago
    Hate it when that happens too, a real mood breaker. To keep motivated and focused when that happens I sometimes ask a passing or nearby dancer who appeals to me if I can buy her a drink. This can bring surprisingly good results if you choose the right girl. It takes the right frame of mind, though, after dealing with the ignoring. Here's what I mean. The dancers want us to think it's their world when we're in the clubs and they call the shots. If we accept that, we fall into their trap and are subject to being manipulated. My view is, it's my world in there too. So I have a right to be assertive about who I want to spend time and money with. I have a good buddy who just can't do it, he wants to be approached, it's part if his thing. Everybody's different, so whatever works...
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    As most here know I usually do my clubbing suited up with $$$ to spend, so being ignored is not normally an issue. Convincing some of these girls that they are not going to hit the jackpot (at least with me) is usually more of my problem. But every once in a blue moon I do run across this. Silver City in Dallas comes to mind. Also, before I became known in the Trophy Club in Greenville SC the girls were rather standoffish. In some clubs the girls simply seem to cater to regulars or guys that they know. No sweat off of my balls - I just bring my game elsewhere. I NEVER initiate contact with a girl - why should I try to convince a girl that she should earn my $$$? If the girls in a particular club do not want my money, I know that the girls at the next club will.
  • 59
    14 years ago
    If I see something I like and she's not tied up with another customer I have no problem initiating contact. Typically I'll tip the girl when she's on stage and ask her to stop by. Some times it works out, other times I'm sorry I asked but kind of the opinion nothing ventured nothing gained. I've met some long time faves this way. While hard to believe, some are quite shy. Met my newest fave by just smiling at her as she was circulating the bar. Cute girl, one week experience as a stripper, been clicking pretty good since. So, if I'm getting ingnored which does happen I take matter in my own hands or leave and hit the next club.
  • Rod8432
    14 years ago
    Samsun1 - The club is #1 on this site - Brad's Brass Flamingo. What's strange is that at the rail, sometimes a girl will encourage boob touching (e.g. Porsche who will place your hands square on her boobs) and I've certainly seen it before and witnessed it many times from others. So, it's confusing to me what the expectations are, since in the lapdance area, it's full contact, and during dollar dances and at the rail (as I mentioned above), there seems to be some boob touching encouraged sometimes, or at least not discouraged all the time. Anyway, I presumed I was being ignored that night because of my rep that passed among the girls. I could be wrong though, as it may have just been SS. In any case, I've grown a bit more cautious, and see what kind of vibe I get from a girl before I reach for the promised land.
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