
"PSYCHO" Stripper!

Monday, September 27, 2010 3:26 AM
i've been stewing over this a couple days now and have debated on whether to post this or not. i will not name the stripper or club involved but here's what happened. ok, i guess most strippers are psycho in one way or another but this one rewrote the book! i was in a local club a couple days ago, there were a few strippers that i never saw before and i was approached by one that sat and started a conversation with me. she put on a good act like she was really interested in me and my life so i played along with her to see how things would develop. after awhile she asks me if i want some dances. i say that i might but that i want to touch and she just freaks out! she goes into this rant about how it's illegal and that she won't break the law. seeing that there are other dancers that night that have caught my eye and i figure that i can try others i say ok just forget it but she's not done yet. she jumps up out of her chair and throws a tantrum. the music is loud and she's talking so fast that i can't make out alot of what she's saying but i hear something like "you don't have enough money to make me break the law" or something like that. her outburst has caught the attention of others in the club and i'm thinking about how to end this when she suddenly storms off to the dancer dressing room. whatever good vibes i had that night about the club are ruined now and i sit there for a minute wondering what i should do now and i decide to chug my beer get up and leave. that bitch totally embarrassed and pissed me off! now i will be going back in the next couple weeks and i'm hoping that she won't be there. but what if she is? i do know that i want absolutely nothing to do with her in the future but i will not avoid this club because of her. i normally don't seek advice as i've experienced all kinds of situations over the years and i like to think that i can handle most situations but this one has me puzzled. so what would you do if you went through an episode like that and you still want to go back to that club and she's there?


  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    By all means, go back. Any girl that behaves like that will quickly piss off the other girls, and they will make sure she leaves.
  • mmdv26
    14 years ago
    I've seen strippers who's reactions seem to be way out of proportion to the situation. I have known a couple of 'em who suffered from a psychological condition called bi-polar. This affliction frequently comes out as sudden mood swings...I think it is a type of manic-depressive thing. I am told that many times a bi-polar person will have very little recollection of just how obtuse their behavior was. If you go back to the club and you are faced with having to talk to her and she doesn't apologize for her rude behavior, don't get into a prolonged discussion with her. Just move on to another dancer. If she apologizes, accept her apology and move on to another dancer. Drink your beer slowly and enjoy it. After all, these are just strippers.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    a bi-polar stripper hung out on my boat with me a couple times a few summers ago. she was ok to have around as eye candy but that's as far as i wanted things to go. and actually if i see the one mentioned in this thread again i have no intention of talking to her. i guess my main concern is her possibly bad mouthing me to the other dancers. i know they talk among each other and she seemed like the type to really twist something to her perspective and most dancers being stupid it's very possible that the others will believe whatever she tells them.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Go back and tell management she keeps grabbing your dick, and YOU don't break the law. :)
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    All you asked about was touching. A reasonable dancer could have simply told you that is not allowed and not gone off in a tirade like it's the end of the world. Some dancers may even say you can touch their legs but not here or here etc. Maybe it was a pet peeve of hers or someone just tried to grab her boobs before you met her. If she's abnormal for the club or driving other people away, she probably won't want to stick around the club for too long. I would avoid her if you can remember her. Sometimes it depends on what time of the month it is too. Some girls get bitchy at certain times of the month.
  • 99Intrepid
    14 years ago
    This is a no-brainer. If she's there do not make any eye-contact and if she comes over to you just say "No Thank You" and walk away. Odds are she doesn't remember you anyway.
  • manuela
    14 years ago
    She just had an off-day. Be sure she already changed her behaviour otherwise, like Harrydave wrote, she will very quickly piss off the other girls, and they will make sure she leaves. A girl like that brings all girls income in danger! XXX Manuela
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    This happened to me once, too; though with not quite the violent reaction you report, troop. I took it as a challenge to my abilities as a monger. It is amazing what upping the cash ante can do to get a dancer to alter her boundaries!!
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "i say that i might but that i want to touch" You pervert!
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    And I said yeah, yeah Oh man she's got issues And I'm gonna pay Yeah, yeah She's playing the victim And taking it all out on me
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    Could have been "meth rage".
  • MarkShadow06
    14 years ago
    by now shes more than forgotten your face and your name. dancers meet so many men they don't remember them unless given a reason to (ie; the person has spent a lot of cash on them, or the dancer has seen them in the club a few times and noticed they tip well or don't spend money at all). wifey is a stripper so I know all the secrets.
  • magicrat
    14 years ago
    I had the same beginnings to a conversation with a stripper a few weeks ago. She didn't start a rant about doing something illegal, but she did start in about why I wanted to do something that would get her fired? And she kept on and on about it. I finally just walked away and left as it was close to closing time anyways but geez. It certainly wouldn't keep me from going to the club, but I would definitely avoid this dancer. And I agree with the others who say she won't remember you next time anyways. I've fucked strippers before who didn't remember me the next time. I'm sure it was them and not the quality of the act itself.
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    Maybe she'd been busted recently and you gave of an LE vibe? Who cares, just move on to the next one.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    She will likely forget you, but if not, be prepared as others have mentioned. Don't let her spoil your fun. Stay in control. My most current pshcho story: In my local favorite club there was a dancer who was over the top in mouthing off, drinking and losing control. One thing she always did with me was come up and say, "when yu gonna pay me the money that you owe me?" Other times should force her way into my personal space and tell me it was her turn for a dance and that I was ignoring her. (I was trying my best up to that point.) Not too long ago her sister (from another shift/same club) tells me that she went in for alcohol rehab. Whether she'll still be nutso when she comes out remains to be seen. And there's a lot more like her out there.
  • MarkShadow06
    14 years ago
    haha any millstream -goers.... this psycho stripper sounds like APRIL
  • troop
    14 years ago
    to those that say she won't even remember me, honestly that would be great but i know i'll remember her if i see her and i'm 99% sure that she will remember me. i've had girls that i never previously spoke to in a club come up and tell me that they remember seeing me on a previous visit or at another club. when i've questioned the validity of their comments they were usually able to tell me who i spoke with or bought dances from or what club they saw me at. there are at least as many dancers with good memories out there as there are with bad memories. and @ manuela.. welcome XXX :-)
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    My psycho story goes back about 7 years ago at the Columbia Platinum Plus. I had read a review that mentioned a dancer by the name of Avery. It did NOT say anything bad about her. It was in fact complimentary. I took the review to the club to show her. After she read it she came over to my table, where I was sitting with Toni and read me the riot act for 5 minutes. How she didn't appreciate her good name being spread all over the internet. I have to live and work in this town, etc and how she was going to get me banned from the club. After she left Toni read it and said there is nothing wrong with this. Later in her street clothes, Avery came over on her way out and gave me another 90 seconds worth. A few months later we had a TUSCL mini convention at the club. About 7 or 8 of us TUSCLers in attendance. She asked Toni if the girls were making any money off us. Toni said yes. Lots. All you have to do is apologize to shadowcat. She didn't and she didn't make any money either. Avery is still working at the club and I certainly never got banned. We don't talk and she does NOT make any money off me or my friends.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    mmdv26 is on to something here. Her outburst is identical to one from a onetime co-worker who was bi polar (and cuckoo for cocoa puffs). I was seriously relieved when he was transferred, even though research told me that bi polars are only a danger to themselves. Anyway, go back and if she approaches you, immediately seize the initiative. Don't allow her to speak. Stand, and firmly tell her to go away, "OR ELSE". If she stands her ground, find a manager and threaten to take your $$$ elsewhere. I learned from dealing with the co-worker that they don't know how to deal with a perceived threat. In the words of Grampa Funk "It overamps their vision monitors, then I bring em in here and make jukeboxes out of em."
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Psychos are interesting stories.
  • spandexman
    14 years ago
    Back in the early 80s there used to be a club called the Mardi Gras in Boston, it was a dump and the strippers were not very pretty, but working girls plied their trade there, and a few of them wore business suits, carried briefcases, and were all gorgeous. I went to chat with them once in awhile and even bought one of them a drink when I went there. Their nickname was "The Stepford Wives", since they looked so unique. They did a nice business out of the bar, and certainly money changed hands between the owner and the ladies of the evening. There was one stripper, an older woman who saw better days that had an attitude. One night she was stoned and drunk and got mad at the dozen or so of us patrons! "Pay attention!" She screamed over the loud music as she stormed around on the stage in a T-back. Now she wasn't ugly, but wasn't gorgeous by a longshot. About halfway through her stage tantrum and old regular yelled back. "We're here to see the Stepford Wives not you bitch!" The rest of us laughed and the stripper stormed off of the stage and disappeared for a couple months and reappeared at another hole in teh wall stripjoint on Tremont Street. Even dressed the Stepford Wives were sexier than a lot of strippers in the Zone back then. Anyone else remember them?
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    troop, I believe it's one of the unwritten laws of strip clubs that each club MUST have at least one psycho stripper.
  • ilbbaicnl
    14 years ago
    Dancers build up a lot of hatred for other dancers who provide customers with better contact. She chased you out of the club and prevented those other dancers from earning with you. You gave her a lot of satisfaction by leaving. She may try to chase you out again if you go back. If something works once, people will try it twice.
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