
Comments by gk (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    How do I get Stains out of my Shirt?
    Sure, you go to the department store, but the same shirt. Take the other one to the dry cleaaners for laundering. Keep the spare in the trunk. Works all the time.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    I can't help it if she wouldn't believe me.
    GMD, great story. It's good to remind these girls who's really in charge--us. My experience with the ones who admit to liking pain is that they don't have to play "dress up" like the subject of your story. So based on that, I would be surprised if your followup visit with her leads to anything more than curiosity on her part. But who knows? Have fun.
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    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OTC at Her House
    I went to one dancer's house a few times and it was somewhat downscale but I can't say I was depressed there. She kept a home with all the bells and whistles one might expect, just with different tastes and purchasing power. What was funny about these encounters is that she had a live-in boyfriend who she would always send away when I was coming over. This was pre-arranged and safe, but on reflection, I don't think i would want to do it again in exactly those circumstances.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Lots of interesting answers on this thread. But getting back to the original question--that is--what is the FIRST thing you notice about a dancer? I'm an ass man, and I like to see how it's packaged, that is, how she dresses. Then she has to pass the face test. All of that constitutes my first impression. But after tht first impression, there are a lot of things that can affect what happens next, and we've discussed them all here before. Now there are many variable, for example: if it's a club where you can observe some of the private dances, I'll notice who gives the most heavy contact dance or who gives the air danes and make decisions based on that.
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    14 years ago
    My 1 Year Anniversary!
    Happy anniversary. TUSCL's a great way to share experiences with people who appreciate our particular brand of fun.
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    14 years ago
    Buy U a Drank
    I'll always buy dancers a drink too. Just to be sociable if it's someone new and to party with friends if I've known them for a while. And a few drinks definitely loosens a dancer up. But some are all business and don't want to bother much with drinks--if you find one of these types and she delivers, that's even better because it's easier on the wallet. I know at least one like that, but I can only take so much of her personality. Another one of my favs has become very dependable without requiring a lot of drinks, even so, I usually buy her two drinks at the bar before our private dances. I don't like them sloppy drunk either, but close to sloppy can be fun if you really like each other. When I see favs who've had way too much to drink and it's close to the end of shift, I'll offer to get them coffee. They usually appreciate that.
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    14 years ago
    Nipple Size
    Upon reflection, one for each hand works fine for me.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    My HERO!
    I don't think it's smart to go flipping off the police. If you flaunt disrespect, you don't get any.
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    14 years ago
    Dreamgirls in Columbus, OH, USA
    Let's review this: 1) Drunk strippers. What's wrong with that? He chose them. 2) But the dances were full contact... In Columbus, I donj't think so.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Rachel Sklar's Rear End Is On Sale For $500 (As Ad Inventory)
    farmerart: ...I'm sure it's a nice ass... but it's still a lawyer's ass....LOL. You're not being tounge-in-cheek are you? Hmm, so Sklar is a crusading journalist. I hate crusading journalists. Give me a good, old fashioned reporter anyday, rather than a crusader who wants to tell me what's right and wrong. I can figure that out for myself.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Get Comfortable
    I'm having a bad day at the keyboard with this and some other posts. . Edit: ...as much clothing as (you like) or as is (prudent) in the place. Maybe I've beren warming my fingers too long in warm sticky places and they're not working right, hmmm.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Get Comfortable
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Get Comfortable
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Get Comfortable
    Know your environment. So I agree with HarryDave. In a semi-private, semi public lap dance area, it means move your keys and put your dick at the 12 o'clock position, etc. But in a more private area, it can also mean get as comfortable as you like by losing as much clothing as you or as is predent in the place. And if you don't make a move to get comfortable, sometimes the dancer isn't comfortable either, so not much happens.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    New Hampshire
    Double Dance?
    I like that tactic of using one of the dancers to block the camera. But, all my doubles have been on the disapointing side. On those rare occassions when I've paid for them, I'm usually under the influence of a heavy party atmosphere and a nice buzz. So it seemed fun at the time but on reflection, they were always bad investments, leaving me with divided attention. So I vote no, until I get sucked into one again, that is.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Getting a girl's number
    Another poor editing job! --gk
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Getting a girl's number
    Another poor editing job! --gk
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Getting a girl's number
    The real question is, do you want to be on some dancer's marketing phonebook list? Because that's what it is. If you like her and she's fun, who cares if she wants to let you know when she's working. Well, you might when it turns into phone spam. But you'll quickly find out if you're just another marketing name or someone special by how she responds to you. A coule other facts about dancers and phone numbers. 1) Unless you know you're talkijng about some OTC, getting a dancer's number is nothing special or permanent. Between not paying their bills and changing phones, their numbers change a lot. 2) An ex dancer friend tells me that smart dancers buy a separate phone to use just so they can give out a number to a customer without it intruding into their private lives. The "customer" phone can either be off, ignored or answered depending on her personal situation at at any time. But when she wants to send out a marketing alert to all her customers, she types in one text message about when she's working and sends it to everybody on the list. It probably takes less than a minute. And, ex dancerws tell me that they ofdter buy separete phone just
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    My old ATF turned girlfriend was bisexual. Just made things sexier for me. Everyboby's right on this one because there is no standard answer. I seems to me that the close working atmosphere of the clubs drops the inhibitions of straight girls and makes them playful with each other. And when they see us responding, they add it to their act. When it's fake, we can usually tell. But the playful stuff is still fun to watch. In some clubs that Ive been going to a long time, literally half the dancers are bi and some lesbian. The rest are trying to figure it out. On the other hand, some clubs seem to attract only straight women and the bi or lezzy one is the exception. But most every dancer I know well at the moment has a boyfriend or husband at home, so if they show the playfulness, it puts them in the bi-curious category. The old Circus in Cleveland was heavy with bi and bi-curious dancers and a few lesbians, as I recall.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Nipple Size
    Rod: LOL, finally a nipple scale worthy of Olympic judges. Small but perky work just fine for me, that way I can make 'em grow. I'm a gardener at heart.
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    14 years ago
    how long on a dry well ?
    Usually two songs and they're gone. But if I'm not spending, I usually let them know if it's in my regular club. If it's a place I've never been or go infrequently and Im not spending, (not likely, however) I might just let them work to measure their style.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Showers for the girls in clubs
    I remember the old Circus and Sideshow in Cleveland had a shower show. The shower was all plexiglass wityh small holes you cold stuff tips through while the girls washed each other and "did stuff" ito each other. Mostly fake, but some really did sstuff. What was even better was the Oil Show they had with two gfirls on their nude stage with a bottle of lotion. It was guaranted woody time as the girls usually ate eacher out.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    HotMovies Raided by FBI and Police
    Just checked. Apparently, they're back in business.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The shit that isn't in the reviews or why I love Emails
    Yes, this type of fun is no more at the BD, since it's apparently now closed Having been there a couple times, I can vouche for the funaccuracy.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Loud music
    Because some stupid managers think they're running a dance club instead of a strip club. If they weren't so stupid, they would be working somewhere else.