
Here I Am

Avatar for loosenut

Hey guys, I've enjoyed your posts for a while now and I decided to sign up and start posting. Before I get started, though, I want you all to know that I have absolutely zero respect for any of you. In fact, I'm not really what you would consider a strip-club type guy. I just go to clubs occasionally when I get the itch. In short, I don't identify with any of you and I get a big kick out of watching you make fools of yourselves, both online and in the clubs.

And it's not just me, either. When I talk with dancers (only the hottest ones sit with me, by the way), I consistently hear how I am just "different" than the typical customer that walks through the door. I'm often told that I'm not only the best looking guy in the club, but that I'm also younger looking and I don't come off as a just some creepy pervert or loser looking to cheat on his wife (dancers hate cheaters, almost as much as they hate perverts, by the way).

I also want you to know that I think you're all delusional and don't believe for a minute some of the outrageous stories you post here about getting "extras", mileage, ITC, OTC, befriending and dating strippers, etc. I'm more inclined to believe that most of these fantasies are simply planted here by strip club employees in order to perpetuate these myths and drive more suckers into the clubs, chasing the proverbial pot of gold. Believe me, I have chased that pot of gold myself, several times now, and no matter how much money I drop on a dancer or how hard she falls for me, when it comes down to it, it never goes beyond a basic lap dance. It's like the sound barrier; it just can't be broken. On occasion, I have had a dancer give me a little more contact than normal. But, only after many, many dances, big tips, and they always tell me it's the farthest they've ever gone with any customer.

I also want you to know that I have a lot of respect for dancers and I don't appreciate some of the derisive comments some of you make about strippers in general. For the most part, these are just regular girls who grew up in regular families and are just looking to make ends meet. Most of them are only dancing for a while until they hit their well-planned financial goals and move on. It's no different than working in any other industry. Work is work. So, please, enough with the pompous, self-righteous attitudes. Makes me sick.

So, now with that out of the way, I look forward to helping you guys make the most of your club visits. This is going to be fun!


last comment
Avatar for RapturousOne

I'm a former strip clubgoer. I think you are a little naive since most stories of stripper's well-planned goals are just that, stories.

You are more like the people you describe than you realize. If you truly had no respect for them you would give up strip clubbing altogether.

I've kicked the habit! You can, too!

Avatar for emmett

Dick Johnson, is that you?

Avatar for shadowcat

emmett, I had the same thought. LOL...

Avatar for Dudester

Either Dick, or Misterguy is trying another of his sick, twisted, delusional ploys. He gets really bored in his mom's basement with no friends.

Avatar for mmdv26

...only dancing for a while until they hit their well-planned financial goals and move on.

Yep, this is DJ.

Avatar for troop

guys! don't feed the troll!

there's so many contradictions in his post that he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about and he's just looking to get a rise out of us.

ignore him and he will go away or go back to lurking.

Avatar for bigdude012

wow. Dude get some body give this guy a blow job and pull his head out of his ass.

Avatar for CTQWERTY

Hey, at least "loosenut" has written a review!

Avatar for troop

he reviewed the customers not the club. that was his way of getting in so he could post here.

Avatar for heisman69

who da fuk is dis asshole clown, bitch made faggot. if u read his review loosenut is more interested in looking at men than women - thats probably his tactic go 2 strip clubs 2 strike up convo wif men and hit on them when they are drunk.

go down south to a real strip club den ur story will change but wait u ike men so stay up north and us da new DC law and marry yourself a dude

Avatar for sharkhunter

I'm a former strip club goer too. Haven't been to one in ages. I have dancers occasionally tell me I'm different too. I guess in some clubs the dancers don't always meet someone with some money who is willing to spend it. I will even occasionally give a dollar away no strings attached. I did hear on one tv show, they attached a string to the dollar bill.

Avatar for dw.buck

sharkhunter - that tv show was married with children Al taking Bud out on his 18th birthday and teaching him the ropes.

loosenut - that is part of the game the dancers will tell you lines to get you to feel special and eventually pay them more, learn the game player since obviously you are getting pimped

Avatar for samsung1

I have heard the first step in addiction is denial. It sounds like this guy is in total denial about his strip club addiction.

Avatar for vincemichaels


Avatar for crazyrussian

Sweetheart, girls who work in strip clubs see you as a dollar sign in most cases and could care less if you're married, engaged, or have gf. The "extras" cost extra and do occur, like every day, all the time. Not everyone can afford the "extras." If you are an attractive guy then that is simply the icing on the cake for the dancer. You sound bitter from being blue-balled too many times. Go to the right clubs and find the right girls and you will certainly change your mind! Yes, maybe one out of 10 strippers are from "normal families" and have family morals but most of us are a little nutty, which makes us fun. :)

Avatar for Prim0


Avatar for gk

Outed for being so transparent!

Avatar for rockie

If the Royal Palace is your basis for discussion here - I feel your pain! Keep calling BS on anyone you want and keep trying to tell yourself that the District of Columbia is a good place to make judgments on what you read here. I enjoyed my "one time" Royal Palace visit, but I've only encountered that version of "exotic dance" a couple of times!

Avatar for loosenut

Many, many thanks for pointing out DJ, great stuff.

As for the rest of you, get back to work in the club, you're all a bunch of shills.

Avatar for vincemichaels

TY,TY DJ. While your down there on your knees. . . .

Avatar for sharkhunter

I'm watching an appropriate episode of star trek right now. Everyone is acting irritated or cranky. I believe I'm seeing that here too now. I got irritated earlier this evening when my isp had yet another outage. century link, you can count on them to have slow service or be out of service from time to time. they unfortunately have a monopoly where I live. my mobile ATT service seems lightning fast in comparison now.

I think more people are just are just in a bad mood.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Shark, some anonymous fucktard logs in for the sole purpose of dissing everybody on the boards, and you're surprised by the resulting irritated response? :)

As for some of the rest of you, you're giving this guy too much credit. Comparing this guy to DickJohnson is like comparing Mogen David to Dom Pérignon; they're not even in the same class.

Avatar for vincemichaels

george, I agree, but there are some striking similarities in word usage, that makes me wonder. I could care less about the initial post. Who knows why and who cares why it was written as it was. I've said it before, I am for full and unrestrained communication. It's our Constitutional right, and GOD BLESS AMERICA.

Land of the strip clubs. LOL

Avatar for Drippy

The original post is a great piece of fiction. I enjoyed it immensely.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

You're given me a lot to think about loosenut. Your lack of respect for me is a wake-up call that I need to completely change the course of my life.

Avatar for kuteechaser

Loosenut You need to visit different strip clubs. The dancers have discovered that they can easily separate you from your money just by feeding your ego with compliments. They have provided you with the fantasy that you are so special and much better than others that visit strip clubs. Clients come from all walks of life. In case you have not figured this out, it is called manipulation. It's alot easier to score with a stripper than a non-stripper. Makes me wonder if you have any game.

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