jeans? are you kucking fidding me?
I realize that SC attire has been discussed several times here (including a recent article), but I've yet to see a reasonable explanation for why a guy would ***EVER*** wear jeans to a SC if he even *suspected* that he might have a 0.00001% chance of getting a LD (or more).
(If you don't understand, get naked, throw a pair of jeans on the bed, and hump them for a while. How do Big Al and the Twins feel now?)
Does anyone honestly think that they're gonna get anywhere near the same level of grindage on denim that they'd get on softer material? And this isn't just something that I've figured out -- I've had multiple dancers specifically tell me that they have no idea why a guy would wear jeans. Why not just nail a piece of sandpaper to your fly?
And from your perspective, denim doesn't give much when her dancing starts to, er um, enhance you. So now both of you are uncomfortable (at best).
The only instance I can see jeans working is if you're doing that "pants on the ground" gangsta sh*t, and then only because you're not really wearing the jeans where it counts.
For all the bitching I see on this board about "not enough grindage" or (locally) "Atlanta air", I still see a lot of jeans out there and see a lot of guys here stating that they wear jeans to a SC. What gives?
(If you don't understand, get naked, throw a pair of jeans on the bed, and hump them for a while. How do Big Al and the Twins feel now?)
Does anyone honestly think that they're gonna get anywhere near the same level of grindage on denim that they'd get on softer material? And this isn't just something that I've figured out -- I've had multiple dancers specifically tell me that they have no idea why a guy would wear jeans. Why not just nail a piece of sandpaper to your fly?
And from your perspective, denim doesn't give much when her dancing starts to, er um, enhance you. So now both of you are uncomfortable (at best).
The only instance I can see jeans working is if you're doing that "pants on the ground" gangsta sh*t, and then only because you're not really wearing the jeans where it counts.
For all the bitching I see on this board about "not enough grindage" or (locally) "Atlanta air", I still see a lot of jeans out there and see a lot of guys here stating that they wear jeans to a SC. What gives?
Safety, should one be arriving on a bike. Jeans and road rash don't mix as well as "soft" pants and road rash.
That said, at my regular club, jeans aren't in the way when they are around my ankles.
Having said that, I have found myself in a club every now and then wearing jeans, always on an impromptu basis, drivinmg nearby and stopping in for a drink. I never stay long when that happens, it's just doesn't feel right, in more ways than one!
Another point. Grinding is NOT the only way to enjoy a dance. As a matter of fact, it is one of my least enjoyable parts of a dance.
^ i tend to agree with that ;)
i will never wear jeans to the club ever again.
I went to a club last night and, after a couple LDs from a fave, decided that Clubber's dancer isn't doing it right. ;-)
The ultimate "pants on the ground". Fair enough, but I'm guessing that ain't on the main floor and that's more what I'm talking about.
And if grindage isn't your thing, then ok. But in many Atlanta clubs, if you wanna touch her, you have to get thee to a VIP (or be very damn surreptitious).
It just seemed to me that there is a lot of bitching and moaning in the reviews about lack of grindage, or bladder control problems when reviewing a club where good grindage can be found. It's like the freakin' holy grail around here. So it made me wonder why so many guys would reduce their chances.
FYI - The reason "grinding" isn't such a big deal, is that in South Florida, that is the tame part of a dance.
When I get non-VIP dances, it's all about groping the hot girl. They usually stick their hands inside my pants anyway.
Probably not...but now try asking us if we all universally think that "grindage" is entire point of getting a LD in the first place.
"What gives?"
Ummmmmm, some of us just like wearing jeans sometimes.
"Fair enough, but I'm guessing that ain't on the main floor and that's more what I'm talking about."
Table dances aren't necessarily LDs my friend.