
Comments by gk (page 29)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Private parties
    Yes I have, yes I do, yes I will. Private party: That's the way to go. With so many clubs running drink hustles or other subtle and overt things to slip charges into our SC experience--and dancers begging for drinks to make their quotas--a private party removes the annoyance from the equation. The dancers are making good money for a few hours with people they know and trust and vice versa. Of course not every club has a drink hustle, but the ones close to me do and thus the incentive for a private party. Now a private swinger party, that's different and I would probably participate in one in some limited way out of curiousity if given the oportunity, but it's not something I've done.
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    15 years ago
    What is an 'average' rating for a club
    What's average? For me that begins with a rating of 5 as a benchmark signifying a place with reasonnably pleasing women to look at with the scale going up from there. Below average would have to mean bad looking, out of shape dancers, despite anything else that the place may have to its credit. Better looking dancers adds on points, contact adds on points, extra fun can add on points. The fanciest of clubs is not necessarily a 9 or a 10. It's a combination of club service and reeasonable cleanliness, dancers-their looks, attitudes and how they deliver, which adds up to VALUE. Which I think is the key number. Having said that, however, the numbers are not that informative. Since there is no subjective criteria, all the ratings are personal based on the most recent encounter, which is fine, we understand that. You just have to take that into account when looking at them. What I find interesting is whether a particular club's rating is rising or falling. That can be somewhat revealing. I find FONDL's article on "Diffferent types of strip clubs" to be the most helpful way to distinguish between everything that's out there. Unfortunately, the ratings mechanism doesn't incorporate that information. I think most of us judge and then purchase by impression and reputation more than anything else. That is, can I find what I'm looking for at X club based on what others have found. However, as a marketing type, I know we always make buying decisions based on both both left brain (statistical/scientific) and right brain (creative/emotional)inputs. On TUSCL the ratings numbers provide the left brain rationale while the reviews provide the right brain rationale for our decisions on where to spend our time and money. See what happens when I respond to these things during working hours!
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    15 years ago
    Your strip club routine
    At my two most regular clubs I typcally take a seat at the bar, at one in particular, all the way at the end in the corner. I order a beer or a mixed drink depending on my mood and survey who's working. I'll find out what's new by talking to the bartender. My dancer friends usually come around to sit with me to see what kind of mood I'm in. That is, am I buying them a lot of drinks or am I planning on buying dances. The ones who know me well understand they are welcome to sit with me regardless of my mood. At a place i'm not familiar with, I'll try to make a recon scan or walk around to get the lay of things and then go back to the bar and figure out whether it's best to sit at the bar or get a table. In these first time visits I'll also scope out who is getting the most private dance business, where the pravate dan area is and what type of behavior is typical if it's even possible to find that out from casual observation.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    When do you get tired of a favorite?
    Another one--if they get strung out on drugs or if I find they are hard core users. I don't want to associate with those latter types--too dangerous.
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    15 years ago
    When do you get tired of a favorite?
    When they take you for granted and become too demanding. Or when you do the analysis and find that others show you a better time.
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    15 years ago
    Clubbing as Therapy?
    Great sscape, hobby, therapy, all of the above. Does it matter? What would matter is if somebody took it away as a few do gooders would like to accomplish in various cities and states. That's the kind of encroachment on liberty that I would fear.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I like the do your research up front/take your time/interview approach. I always expect to pay for regular type dances first to establish tust and a connection up front. Dancers eventualaly let you know. But if the club has a reputation, ask for the menu.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    is it possible to have a casual and friendly relationship outside of work
    Yes, it's possible. Just be adult about it, don't be ashamed of your work, be comfortable in your own skin and don't violate anyone else's sense of privacy or comfort. Sometimes that's not easy. I once had a dancer acquaintance who said she never went out anywhere for fear she would run into a customer. Of course she was exagerating, but I understood her point. As to perceptions, we understand that you will look different in your "civies" and that you are allowed to eat and snack. It's OK to be yourself.
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    15 years ago
    The Warm-Up Girl
    Why do I feel I'm getting hypnotized everytime I read one of Book Guy's posts? Or maybe I'm just getting dizzy?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What kills an ATF relationship?
    Dr. gk thanks all of you for sharing these thoughts with the group. We'll talk more about this topic when we meet again next week. Seriously, though: these are some interesting and profound things we've talked about. Chandler, very true in some cases. But these relatiobnships are sometimes choices made with advance knowlede of the risks. Maybe we also need to distinguish between FAV and ATF. I've had a fav lose interest in me after learning I wouldn't invest in a business proposal and another one when I demonstrated pocket discipline. We expect these things to happen. Here's a twist though--a couple dancers who left the business remain good friend with me. One WAS an ATF when she danced, and now we're just good friends. The other dancer WAS NOT an ATF nor a fav, but now that she's out of the business, we continue a friendship that sometimes includes you know what. Keeping things in the "fantasy" column does provide for a safety zone. For me, stepping outside that zone (without being stupid) makes life more interesting. On one side of the coin, then, the Chandler point is very true: tease-fantasy-reality sometimes don't mix. But we have to admit there is another side to the coin with evidence that some things are not tease and some promises are kept. But like life, nothing is guaranteed.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Tip rail etiquette
    And another thing about sitting at the pervert row, It's where the amateur clug-goers hang out or the once a year flash-to-impress biggies like to shower the dancers with bills. When this happens, dancers react like sharks to blood in the water, they can't help themselves. And we regulars just sit, watch and laugh, because these guys wwill never be back again. No relationship made --no long-term money.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Tip rail etiquette
    Bsck inb the day, when I was in my "wow, naked women!" stage, I sat at the PR a lot. Now, that I know there are a lot of naked women, I sit at the bar or at a able and let them find me or wait for my favs.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    The Warm-Up Girl
    If I know what I can get, I skip the wsarm-ups. I like warm ups when they are part of the hunt. Ironcat: yes, sometimes the hunt is more exciting than the experience, but that doesn't happen in a regular club where you know everybody and they know you. That would be on the road and even then only if its a new place. Fun topic.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Look/Touch.........Tell me what you want
    When I go to buy dances, I want to flirt and get off. When I go just to drink and relax, I want to look and enjoy. Sometimes I want to drink, flirt, look and play at the bar, circumstances permitting. The best way to find out--ask me! All of the above has to be within my comfort zone. If I know the club, trust the people I'm with and know what's going on around me, I like to get as much as I can within that comfort zone. In a place I don't know, myt comfort zone is much narrower and I adapt my goals to the circumstances and surroundings. In your case where you are learning how to please and retain customers, first consider what the overall expectations are of the customers who come in to your club. It has a reputation. Find out what it is. If you perform and deliver something less than that, the odds are that you will be a less successful dancer than others. And when you find someone who shows he's likely to be a repeat customer, just ask what he likes. It's a simple as that. And if you have boundaries, say what they are if he can't figure them out.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What qualifies a girl as your favorite???
    First off, an ATF is a dancer you're close to, not a girlfriend, so keep things in that context. If you want something more or if things proceed to more, then you are changing the context and your perspective needs to be realigned accordingly. 1. She has to have a feature that I find attractive, but she doesn't have to be the most attractive or the hottest dancer there. 2. She has learned to respect me and treat me well and I return the favor. 3. Yes, she gives me good dances. OTC can be part of the picture but that's not a defining characteristic. 4. Relative honesty and realness. There's a lot of B.S and drama in SCs and you want your ATF to rise above that. 5. Because she's real and honest, she looks forward to your visits. 6. Re 'the fantasy": our relationship can either enhance the fantasy OR it supercedes fantasy, meaning that pretend doesn't apply. This all starts the usual way, with money and with being dependable. Find out what she's about, what she needs. After that, it's all about the kind of person you are and she is. Sometimes you click and sometimes you don't. Money helps things click a lot.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shelf life of dancers/female customers posting on here.
    I'm pretty sure EvilCyn has left the business. And while she may not have been a regular poster lately, I know she was a fairly regular lurker at TUSCL. She left Bugsys as a dancer and bartender to bartend at a regular place in Olmsted Falls. This is info she told me on her last day on the job. She mentioned that if she can catch on at Secrets on BrookkPark Rd. in Cleveland for a one-day-a-week gig she might continue dancing on that limited basis, but whether that management will let anyone work on those terms remains to be seen. Good luck to her.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you get off by just grinding?
    Oh, and by the way, I've had many dancers say: oops, I'm afraid to keep this up because I don't want to mess my panties. Others just say: hey, look what you did to me. If you can get them off, that's good marketing!
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you get off by just grinding?
    You gotta go with the flow!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    RU Goal-Oriented?
    I always have a goal depending on my mood and whether I have money to blow. It's either to relax and have a drink(s) or get some hands-on fun.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers spanking themselves
    A dancer slapping her ass is making one of two statements: 1) "I'm different and I want you to notice me. 2) "I like it rough, do you?" If either of these appeal to you or turn you on, fine. If not, fine. It's all marketing and for the dancer it's the bottom line that counts, no pun intended. A good ass smack can be sexy at the right moment if she is otherwise interesting and sexy. But if that's her main come-on, well.....
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Side Effects
    1) Tip more. 2) I do find myself leering at women more. 3) The crazy strip club come-ons or conversations don't always work in the real world. 4) But, I've found that being "real" works in both worlds, that is, take a real interest in someone and they will take an interest in you. That's proven to be universal.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    When a stripper asks "Do you have a girlfriend?"
    Agree with Shadowcat, most of the time it's only an ice breaker. What happenes after that will depend on how well you click and how much of a spender you end up being. There are a few dancers, perhaps we mihngt call them the "couger" variety but age isn't reallya factor, that will want to know this before OTC dating. It all depends on what type of relationship they are loooking for: sex for money, or real dating and getting to know you. I've run into both. So you have to do some prognosticating when you answer this question: could this lead to something else? And your answer may very well define how far that something else goes. But regardless of that, I know from expeerience that most of the time, the married/relationship question is just a way to start talking and does indicate you've got someone who is at least interested in finding something out about you.
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    15 years ago
    Dancer's Outfits
    Agree, outfits are eye catchers, but it's the stuffing that counts. And the attitude they bring with it! I've noticed that outfits vary with the type of club. The high end club dancers have the classiest/sexiest outfits. Below that, there are still varying degrees of sexy outfits, but you can detgect certain levels of quality, all depending on where they buy them, how much they are willing to invest--or even many times who the custom makes them. At one of my favorite clubs many of the dancers get outfits made by one of their sister dancers. They are all colorful, nicely tailored and sexy to a degree, but they don't have the high end pizazz. Personally, I'm always partial some something black. Some of the fantasy outfits can be fun, but I find most of them over the top and not as sexy as the regular stuff.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    2nd booth from the stage
    Best Bet in Northern OH / Cleveland, Akron, Youngstown?
    Amber Lounge as recommended above, can be fun. I prefer days, but you can still find some fun at night. It's in Brookpark, Oh near the Cleveland airport. It's situated off I-480. If you're coming in from the east, get off at W. 130 St. Turn left at the end of the ramp onto W 130 and then right at the next light onto Brookpark. The TUSCL map is accurate other than these ramp details. If you're coming from the west, you want to exit at W. 150/130 which is different from the one coming in from the east. At the end of this ramp you turn left directly onto Brookpart Rd. to get to Amber Lounge. The motels near here are below average. You can drive north a coule mile on W. 150th and find a Marriott if that suits you better. Bugsy in Elyria is about 20 miles west of the airport area but is right off the Ohio Turnpike/I-80 which is also convenient for your trip up to Grand Rapids. Choose carefully. Amber Lounge is a wanna be gentlemens type club. Bugsy's is just a bare bones dance bar with girls who provide great fun. I like both places. You just have to decide what place fits your mood. The Bucyruss place is so far off the beaten path that I don't recommend it for your trip. It's a sure thing but not necessarily that much fun. The Palace in the Pines is on the far side of Youngstown, OH and can be reached with a reasonable detour off I-80. It's not a club place at all, but a juice bar. Nothing fancy. Haven't been there in a while. It's in the middle of nowhere but can be fun on the right night. If you want more of a party atmosphere, your best chance to find that is Amber Lounge.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strippers with sleazy boyfriends
    Dancers with loser boyfriends are very common. It's hard to understand. In another topic discussion someone aptly said "(dancers) strippers are people too. Well, the ones with the loser boyfriends are people too but seen to have been wired wrong. I see this a lot. Some people can rise above bad circumstances, some can't.