The Warm-Up Girl

avatar for GCostanza
The recent threads about goals and grindage got me to thinking: If you know your goal for the night is to leave smiling, whether by a great grind or with extras, and time is not a factor, do you desire (or require) a warm-up dance(s) before the main event?

I've had some great experiences where the first dancer I saw was the only one I spent time with, but I tend to enjoy it more when I've sampled one (or several) girls before finding the "right" one.


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avatar for Ironcat
16 years ago
True, the fun is in the hunt, so I also enjoy a couple warm-ups. In fact, I will often avoid some of my favorites that I know will provide a happy ending just to spend some time to scout out new talent. Some of my best experiences have been with new dancers that turn out to give great dances.
avatar for spud09
16 years ago
I couldn't agree more! This is definitely my MO at a club. I will even tell some girls that I want them to be available for me at the end for the happy ending. And like said above, its a great way to find some of the other talent in the place. Many times, I end up leaving early cause the warm up girl finished the job...
avatar for chandler
16 years ago
I like spending time with a few different strippers, but I don't plan any particular sequence. If the girl I want most is available early, I'll take her early. There's no guarantee she'll be available after a "warm up" girl. In fact, I wouldn't really be interested in any girl as a "warm up". I like to approach each encounter as open-ended - anything's possible. The whole "opening act/headliner" approach would call for more coordination than I care to take on. A strip club for me is all about instant gratification.
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
No. As chandler alluded to so eloquently, so many things could go wrong if you try and line up your grinders that way. What happens if your "closer" is tied up and you get kicked out 'cause a waitress thought you swore at her? What happens if the set-up girl makes you cum? What happens if she shrieks if you take your dick out and you get arrested? I might entertain other girls afterward, and I might get a dance from someone else if I'm waiting and really bored. But if I get a girl that'll get my rocks off, she's my one and only target.
avatar for DandyDan
16 years ago
I certainly prefer a "warm-up girl" before getting to the business at hand. One girl at my favorite club, in particular, is always good for getting the first dance of the night, but I wouldn't want to finish with her, because she's "not that type of girl". But that doesn't always happen.
avatar for Notsosly
16 years ago
No. I don't get warm-up girls. If a girl I know from before is working and available, I take her. If none of the girls I know are working, then I will sample here and there until I find what I'm looking for. It could be the first girl I sample, it could be the 5th.

...but no, I do not look to sample other girls and put one I know will finish the job on the back burner. "No one puts baby in a corner!" Besides, it just might piss the girl you know off and end the extras you might have been getting. Believe it or not, dancers get jealous! Crazy! I know right!
avatar for how
16 years ago
I would not intentionally get dances from a "warm-up" girl, knowing nothing should happen. The goal is not only total satisfaction, but also minimal cash outlay.
avatar for gk
16 years ago
If I know what I can get, I skip the wsarm-ups.
I like warm ups when they are part of the hunt.

Ironcat: yes, sometimes the hunt is more exciting than the experience, but that doesn't happen in a regular club where you know everybody and they know you. That would be on the road and even then only if its a new place.

Fun topic.
avatar for Ironcat
16 years ago
gk: The turn-over in dancers at my favorite club makes it feel like a new place every time I go lately. This can be a bad thing when you aren't sure how good a dance will be, but does add a bit of excitement, given the possibility of finding a new favorite.
avatar for shadowcat
16 years ago
I have been driving 240 miles every month for over 7 years, to my favorite club. I always stay for 2 nights and 3 days. The girls always ask me which day I am on. I typically stay each day for 6 hours or more but have stayed for 12. I like to spend the 1st 30 minutes adjusting my eyes to the dark, see who is there, and then start stage tipping. Then I start up with the warm up girls. No more that 4 dances each. I had to stop one last month after 2 dances because she was already sucking my dick. I did not want to leave early and leave my convention buddies there. When I am ready to leave, I look for my closers. I have out foxed myself many times.When I was ready to call it a night, I discovered that my closers had all left for the day. So it did not have a happy ending.
avatar for sandman74
16 years ago
I'm not much of a warm up guy, but.I do like to sample the talent since you could always use a back up or a spare ATF
avatar for SuperDude
16 years ago
I take on all cummers.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
16 years ago
I'm with "GK" about warm-ups as "part of the hunt." I love the "hunt" part of strip-clubbing ...
avatar for gk
16 years ago
Why do I feel I'm getting hypnotized everytime I read one of Book Guy's posts?

Or maybe I'm just getting dizzy?
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