Can you get off by just grinding?

avatar for shadowcat
I have 2 favorite dancers that could do it. Both are 30ish. One is married with no kids. The other is divorced with 2 kids. What they have in common is their ability to bring me to the edge. I have had to stop them because I didn't want it to end too soon. They both have excellent bodies. 100-110 lbs. They will both go up my pants leg and fondle Mr. Happy. But when they climb on my lap cow girl fashion, I am doomed. They keep constant eye contact with me. Sometimes with a playful smile and sometimes with a sultry look. When I start thrusting back, they see the desire in my eyes and increase the pressure. I look down and see that there is only 1/32 inches of material separating us. They are not just teasing me. They want to make me happy. It is only a matter of time before I can no longer hold back.


last comment
avatar for whghIost
16 years ago
all the time
avatar for txtittyfan
16 years ago
Gotta love a good grind. The playful look in the eyes is the icing on the cake. The girls that intentionally try to get you hot as possible are goddesses, and we should build a shrine to them.
avatar for chandler
16 years ago
My stamina keeps me from getting off until a hell of a lot longer than four minutes of fucking or getting blown, so four minutes of grinding isn't gonna do it. That's fine with me. When I was about 16, I probably wouldn't have lasted a minute.
avatar for jguy
16 years ago
Grinding is not going to do if for me either, but I can't complain. I still enjoy it with the right girl. It does make the girls try
harder! They are somewhat limited in the kind of extras that they can get away with ... mgt, cameras etc.
avatar for Notsosly
16 years ago
Depends on a ton of factors....

What am I wearing (pants? shorts) and how thin/soft/loose are they?
How much have I had to drink?
Did I fire off a practice round before coming to the club, or have I been having a lot of it over the past few days/weeks?

All that considered, the girl has to pin it just in the right spot and has to be doing a lot more than just grinding (e.g. kissing, sucking ear lobes or my neck, using her hands all over, etc). She also has to be into it herself, or at least a very good actress.

Basically what I'm saying is that depending on the factors I could get off in just a couple dances with the right dancer and all those things lined up, or I could never get off. It just depends. I prefer not to, as I'd rather enjoy the extras later on!
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago
Could I, I guess. Have I, no. If other than grinding, which sometimes can be painful, occurs, yes.
avatar for Yoda
16 years ago
Years ago I could. I doubt it would work nowadays but I don't really go to clubs to get off anymore so I don't care. The last time I got off in a club it was while receiving full service in a champagne room. Her grinding in the regular LD area is what convinced me to spend the money on VIP so I guess you could say that the grinding helped!
avatar for lane
16 years ago
I get a very sick sense of amazing power when I can grind and get a guy off... I think it's hilarious.

Oh... I've gotten off before, does that count??? :)
avatar for Yoda
16 years ago
Yes, in fact, it's encouraged!
avatar for shadowcat
16 years ago
Yes Lane. It does happen. 2 years ago I was doing a VIP trip with a favorite. She got this strange look on her face. I asked what was wrong. She said Sorry and pointed to the mess on my pants. 30 minutes later it had dried and left a white streak down the middle of my pants. WTF. I was the payer and did not get off.
avatar for lopaw
16 years ago
It's happened more times than I'd care to admit. It often surprises the dancers, too, since they often don't expect it from a girl! But sometimes in their zealousness to please they grind WAY too hard and just wind up bruising me. But I give 'em an "A" for effort.
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago

That seems, to me, the norm! I guess if a guy likes to have his hard on crushed against his balls, that might just get him off.
avatar for lopaw
16 years ago

Well, the first few times a dancer really started grinding on me I was wearing some pretty thick jeans, and I figured that the contact wouldn't be good enough to really feel anything - certainly not enough to actually cum. I was (happily) wrong. I gotta give props to the ladies who know how to hit the hot spot, even through thick clothing! But sometimes, knowing that my plumbing is different than the average customer, they grind into me with reckless abandon to the point of pain and bruising. The first few times that happened I just sucked it up, paid the girl, and hobbled home. Nowadays I gently instruct the young lady in the proper approach to tribadism - as a public service, of course.
avatar for shadowcat
16 years ago
lowpaw, If you were only BI, I would try to hook up with you but I cannot compete with pussy.
avatar for lopaw
16 years ago
lol - true, shadowcat - it's hard to compete with young, tasty pussy! But at least we can always come here and compare notes.
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago
Wouldn't that be cumpare notes?
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
16 years ago
Learn something new everyday. Tribadism, can't wait to use it in a sentence.

I can hardly even catch wood in a club. I think its two fold. My dick knows I'm not gonna get laid and my wife is extremely diligent about preventing DSB.
avatar for steve229
16 years ago
Phil - DSB = Deadly Sperm Build-up?

Had to look that one up - from the "Urban Dictionary":

DSBs(dee esss beez) or Deadly Sperm Build-up (noun,adj)

1. Disorder/disease typically found in married men/ men in long term relationships.
2. Caused by prolonged teasing by grossly immoral, deceptive, cruel, vicious women.
3. A pathological condition characterized by psychosis, manic depression, scrotal cyst infection, penile atrophe, testicular eruption, paralysis.
4. A most effective ploy in getting women to put out.
c'mon! it's just a BJ ... I can die from the DSBs!
avatar for 99Intrepid
16 years ago
I can't imagine going into one of these clubs and not getting off...I wear the softest lounge pants I can to make it easy and more pleasant for the girl as well. Why the hell else would anyone go to one of these places?
avatar for robofan
16 years ago
I have never gotten off from grinding alone. I wish I did it would have saved me a fortune over the years.


I know where you are coming from and I agree with your sentiment but over the years I have seen and know many people who went to strip clubs for reasons other than to get off. How many reviews have you see where the reviewer says something like all the girls went to sit with their regulars after they got off stage. The guys didn't even get any dances. I have known many strippers who have regulars who pay them to just sit and talk with them. For them it's sort of like hitting the lottery. They are getting paid really well and all they have to do is sit and talk. I personally would never do that but there is a lot of guys who will.

I also have a friend who's job it is to entertain clients at the strip club. He pays for there dances but since he is working he does not get any of his own. So there is lots of reasons people go to strip clubs other than getting off.
avatar for jablake
16 years ago
"Learn something new everyday. Tribadism, can't wait to use it in a sentence."

Yes, and an superb word at that. :) I saw an adorable tribade, at least I thought she was a tribade, yesterday. She was small, wearing a tank top that showed bullet breasts that seemed too confined. It appeared was trying to conceal 'em without success. Her plaid boxer shorts were pulled real high; even higher than the young guys do. Her blue jean shorts were well fitting and appropriately short revealing so shapely thighs. I sorta got stuck at the thighs. :) Yummy was my main thought with a little envy of her girlfriends. I had some nice imagery of tribadism and they definitely seemed to know what they were doing for such young women. :)
avatar for chandler
16 years ago
Intrepid, you ask why the hell would anyone spend three hours with several hot young girls flirting and touching and rubbing their naked bodies all over you, instead of just shooting your wad and skipping all that superfluous pleasure? It might be that we're wearing the wrong pants. I think it's just the curse of the non-premie.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
16 years ago
Try wearing loose-fitting condoms with lube on the inside of 'em underneath your pants.
avatar for chandler
16 years ago
"loose-fitting condoms"

Speak for yourself.
avatar for gk
16 years ago
You gotta go with the flow!
avatar for gk
16 years ago
Oh, and by the way, I've had many dancers say: oops, I'm afraid to keep this up because I don't want to mess my panties. Others just say: hey, look what you did to me. If you can get them off, that's good marketing!
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