
Comments by gk (page 30)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Requiring Bennies for a Room?
    What to require? Depends who she is.
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    15 years ago
    Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
    Drugs usually came first. But many I've met need to get buzzed or high to get through the day because they really don't like their jobs--except for the money.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Cheerleader strippers?
    Yes, I've run into dancers who had been cheerleaders--or so they said. You can almost tell the type. Very spirited, toned etc. However, not the norm. Most dancers seem to have come through other experiences in high school.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    North Iowa
    Can a good personality or stage presence overcome bad looks?
    I try to be nice to everybody, but make it clear that there are certain types I am interested in. And they must pass the interview test as Shadowcat says. But you can still be nice to your former favorite without dropping big money on her. Dancers notice things like that and have more respect for you when you act that way.
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    15 years ago
    how do i?
    Play it straight and be honest. If she's a pro at what she does, should remembver you. Ask to buy her a drink and see if she does. If yes, say that's why you bought her the drink. Take it from there. Other scenario--you buy the drink and she doesn't remember you. You now have a certain guage of her personality and professionalism that you didn't have before. That's valuable. Then, you could mention that you remember her from wherever and that's why you bought her the drink. See how she reacts and then decide if you want make to make further investments. Unless there is some reason for embarrassment, in my experience, no dancer has ever been adverse to becoming re-acquainted under the circumstances you describe. Most would welcome it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Visiting Cleveland - Best SC?
    If you haven't left yet: Bugsy's--30 min west of airport. Low key, great value, unpretentious bar. NO glitz. But fun. Slow vibe days. More vibe at night (if that's important). Mix of people, mostly blue collar with an occassional office type or attorney once in a while. Good value but not the best looking place. Girls range from 6s - 8s. Nice semi-private dance area. It's OK to pay for VIP room, worth it for extra privacy, only $40. Near airport--Best for fun is Amber Lounge on Brookpark Rd. More of a wanna-be club type atmosphere (see definitions). Fun girls who will show you a good time/nice contact, even though dance area is in the open. Expect a drink hustle. But go along, they need to sell them to keep their jobs. One of my favorites. More fun days. Girls 7s - 8s. For eye-candy clubbing atmosphere--Try Christie's Cabaret downtown/westbank. Not as much contact fun, but you go more for the high rolling atmosphere and better looking women (8s - almost 10s). Upscale, lots of glitz. Personally, the fun there doesn't measure up to other places on a value scale. Mentioned for contrast and variety--maybe that's what you want. Expect lot's of tux-clad bouncer bird-dogging. Fox's Den (not a recommendation, an observation--A (sometimes) sure thing, but not a good memory. Average to below average older/2nd tier dancers. Neighborhood/blue collar crowd. Intrusive old-lady management. Best to avoid anything with "Horse" in the name as they take more than they deliver.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    BBBJs and antiseptic mouthwash
    If you don't like or prepare for the hazards, get out of the hobby.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Girl on girl action
    At the old Circus in Cleveland (became Penthouse Club, back to Circus, then sold to DejaVu/Hustler Club but now torn down) they used to have daily "oil" shows after the lunch hour to keep the business crowd later into the afternoon. These were great shows because the dancers were always either bi-curious or true lesbians and were really in to each other. Full on oil, whip cream boob licking and pussy licking to orgasms was always the norm. But anyway, one of my old ATFs (now passed away) was a cute spinner who was very bi. I purchased a private girl-girl dance with her and another very sensuous long haired boobalicious blonde who I knew she was in-to. Well they both went at each other like cats in heat with my ATF whispering to me that she wished she had a strap on-to so she could really dominate the other girl. They were so hot for each other that they were shaking when they came. My ATF was so worked up she had me rubbing her arm through part of the action to add to her sensual stimulation. I knew these dancers very well, they had real fun. So did I. That was probably the best girl-girl show I ever seen and it was private, just for me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Cougar cruise...Any cubs out there?
    There's a restaurant area on the west side of Cleveland where cougars troll for men with silver streaked hair on the assumption that they have fat wallets and would provid good security or whateve. It's known as the Viagra Tiangle.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Wingman or Solo?? Looking for Suggestions from Dancers as well as Customers
    I prefer going solo to be at my best. But I do meet up with a couple friends a few times. I depends on where we go. Sometimes you need guy conversation and fun to make the dancers work harder to get your attention. That's another way of looking at it. If you want to attract a crowd of dancers, go with a gang of guys. The girls will flock to your table looking for easy money. But if you disappoint them, they'll quit you fast.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What makes some dancers go after certain guys while other guys get ignored?
    The basics, from conversations with dancer friends--- 1. You look or don't look like you want to spend money. 2. You are or aren't next in terms of who she has already hit on. 3. Re groups: some dancers like to work groups of guys at tables, thinking they can "run the table" and make a lot of money without moving around a lot. Some don't because they are more introverted. 4. If it's a "locals/regulars" type of club, the dancer simply might not know you and prefer to wait for someone she does know. 5. And some dancers simply dont't make an effort unless you make it first. 6. Customer fails the 'Dress for success test' for a particular clubv environment. To repeat again, no personal opinion--all above from dancer conversations.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Confession: Living & (not) learning
    The last time I did a Champagne/VIP where it was a good club value and not a rip off--and the dancer underperformed, thus letting me donw as characterized above--I let her know she did something wrong and that she needed to clean up her sales pitch or otherwise she was going to lose money in the long run because the place depends on regulars--not out-of-town travelers. I also mentioned that I wouldn't be purchasing any more dances from her either. And all this occurred because I didn't follow the rules either-- that is, go for a test ride lap dance! So FinalLap, I'm sure it happens a lot, even though we know better.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Champagne rooms.
    BookGuy is right. It all depends on the club and the region of the country. If you're a veteran clubber you can always spot the ROBs. The trick when visiting any club is to determine what the best value is. But what Shadowcat means is that the rip-off/no-value Champagne Rooms/VIP rooms should be avoided. And he's right about that. Now, as for Chris Rock--the PC answer should always be--he's right.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What happened to Mitchell Brothers (San Francisco)?????
    Going to the MBOT used to be a great night out. You could spend 2-3 hours there, watching the floor show (i.e. typical strippers), watching porno's with occassional girls coming in to sqirm in your lap to entice you out for more fun, and then visit the specialty "room" shows. Just a few years ago, if you went in with a plan, with discipline; you could experience everything and finish with a bang or no bang (hey, it just came out that way!). This could take a full evening and a full wallet--or as little as you would want to spend. But it was true destination and a great night out "guy" experience. Now it seems the pressure is on to get you in, finished and out too quickly. That's not really a night out. I haven't been there in 10 year's, but that's the difference I perceive from all the posts.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers asking if you are married
    Jablake, the government isn't a massive fraud, it's just too big, with too many bureaucrats And it's too big because too many voters fall for all the pandering that politicians do. Got a problem--let the government fix it. Let the government be your nanny, your doctor, your whatever. We need a limited government to to do a few things well, but we have a giant government that does a mediocre job of everything it attempts. Also, be careful about demeaning the military. It's a big world and there's room for everybody. Just because you don't fit with the military doesn't mean there's not a place for it. The military does the best it can--given the fact that it is led, ultimately, by the aforementioned government and politicians. Don't forget, the military protects your right to be cynical without harrassment by outsiders (other than riled up TUSCLers). Sorry-had to rant on this. Let's get back to strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Directions to a strip club
    My daughter and her boyfriend (college students) both have a GPS. Trouble is, they rely on the technolgy "toy" and don't use maps. Consequently they never really know where they are when they travel. Case in point: boyfriend drives four hours to see my daughter. I ask him what route hee took/cities he traveled through, to get here. His answer--'I don't know, I just followed the GPS instructions.' Another example--daughter goes to Chicago west side suburbs to visit another college friend. I offer to map out a route for her to negotiate the tricky Chicago freeway system and rush hour. She declines my offer and says, I'll just use the GPS. Well, she calls when she's almost there to say 'the GPS tells me I'm onlyh 15 minutes from my destination--but I've been 15 minutes away for the last hour.' (And another hour was to come). She didn't know the best way because the GPS never knows the "best way" just what it is programmmed to give you. Having said all this, they can be great as Shadowcat says for finding something on the run. I'll probably invest in one, but haven't done it yet.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    tipping after dances
    I generally don't tip. Since I'm a regular at the places where I get most of my dances, I try to set a consistent amount that I am known to spend. That way they know what they can expect from me on a consistent basis if I buy dances from them. The dancer will always ask if I want more after each dance and I just say "yes" till I'm done. Sometimes the number of dances are more than usual, sometimes less than usual. This only works with dancers who I know very well and at clubs that I visit frequently. For any dancer I don't know very well, I pay per dance at the expected price without tipping. UNLESS the dancer shows me a really good time, in which case I leave her my more typical payment to make a good impression. I guess you could call that a tip--but I use it to reward and establish a precedent. If a dancer asks for a tip I don't give one and usually don't do business with her again because I don't like that approach. I could talk numbers, but they would only be relevant at the places that I frequent and wouldn't necessarily corresponde to what might be appropriate at your regular or traveling stops. My philosophy is to always find the middle ground: always avoid being a cheapskate, but also avoid being perceived as the highest spender. You can be ignored at the low end and taken advantage of at the high end.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    petite or full-figured
    I always lean toward the spinners. But I never discriminate against any dancer if she wants to lean on me (w/permission. of course). If there's a great ass on the body, I'm noticing it!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Club managers will hire anyone or will they?
    With so many people out of work and girls looking to get into dancing, no manasger would need to hire a thick dancer --unless his customers wanted them. Don't think so. But that review seemed funny to me. Maybe it's somebody's putting us on.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL convention...
    Will try to make it but it does take some creative planning to get my consulting stuff all set aside. TUSCL_Brother, I'll call you about this.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    In through the Out door
    Knew a dancer once who was very anal, it was part of her thing. And, like SuperDude, I also once heard a dancer say she was saving her virgin ass for her eventual husband. Another dancer I know brags about doing anal with her boyfriend when it's her time of the month. But I also know dancers who will talk anal all the time but if you talk to them seriously they'll admit it's all marketing--just talking dirty to a potential customer.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Escorts South Florida
    miamicompanions.com Let us know if you partake.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Viagra replacement?
    Gives new meaning to "black widow."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Iowa
    classification of dancers by favorite status
    Great and kprewtty pragbmatic classifications. I jwould adjust Newbie to "Newbie prospect" because youy might not want to be with just any newbie. Now, place yourself in a new club that you've never visited before and these just don't apply. So let me throw back the question--how would we categorize dancers in a first visit to a club. In other wqords, what are your "head-turner/woodie" categories and your ingnore threshold? Not quite parallel to the original, but, hey, we're having fun. Here'ss my list (remember, first time club visit and you're scoping things out): --All of these qualify for further interest Professional vamp Smooth seductress Natural/girl-next-door-spinner --All the following cross the ignore threshold. Unprofessional vamping slut (annoying etc.) Demanding drink hustler Wandering wanna girl Models with egos