
Your strip club routine

Do you have a set routine for your club visits? (e.g., a drink to settle in, some stage tipping to assess the talent, then on to laps, etc) Do you try and follow the same routine from club to club, or vary it based on familiarity, the available talent, presence or lack of favorite(s)?


  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    At each club I go to regularly, I have a favorite table and I try to get it. I usually get a lap dance and then start tipping, but at one club, I tip and then get lap dances. Not sure I have more of a routine than that.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Same club, same routine. New club, quite corner, if possible, one beer, check out the CLUBS routine.
  • londonguy
    15 years ago
    I normally go on a 'recce' walk around the club to see what girls are working then try to find a seat/table where lots of them are likely to walk past.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    At my two most regular clubs I typcally take a seat at the bar, at one in particular, all the way at the end in the corner. I order a beer or a mixed drink depending on my mood and survey who's working. I'll find out what's new by talking to the bartender. My dancer friends usually come around to sit with me to see what kind of mood I'm in. That is, am I buying them a lot of drinks or am I planning on buying dances. The ones who know me well understand they are welcome to sit with me regardless of my mood.

    At a place i'm not familiar with, I'll try to make a recon scan or walk around to get the lay of things and then go back to the bar and figure out whether it's best to sit at the bar or get a table. In these first time visits I'll also scope out who is getting the most private dance business, where the pravate dan area is and what type of behavior is typical if it's even possible to find that out from casual observation.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I always try to sit in the same spot. It is affectionately known as shadowcats corner. My buddies and favorite dancers know where to look for me. It is as far away from the main stage as I can get get. Thus quieter. The girls just coming in, have to walk pass me to get to the dressing room.So I know who is there. My back is to the wall. So no fuglies can sneak up behind me. I spend the 1st 30 minutes letting my eyes get adjusted to the dark and do some stage tipping for my favorites. Then I start with the LD's. This usually goes on for 5 or 6 hours.Then I look for my closers for a happy ending.
  • mreef
    15 years ago
    Find dancer that "does it" for me. Get her attention (tipping, etc) and get LDs until out of cash. Leave.

    Repeat at each visit.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    No routine. I sit in different sections, do things in opposite order on varying timetables, all depending on my mood and the situation at hand, esp. where and how available the hot girls are. Sticking to a routine isn't my idea of fun. I do what feels good at the time.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    The first thing I do is scan the club, assess the situation, and decide if I'm going to stay or not.
  • Notsosly
    15 years ago
    1.) Sit at the bar and get a beer.
    2.) Survey dancers and find something I like (could take 20-30 minutes), while tipping each girl that dances $1. Turn away all fuglies, but chat with hotties that approach on their own... though if they approach very early on, I will probably say "hit me up later" since I want to completely check out all available talent.
    3.) If the one I like won't come over, I try to make eye contact, smile, and get her to come over. If that fails, I'll wait til she is on stage and tip her then... letting her know I'd like to maybe get a few dances from her when she's done.
    4.) When she does come over: Chat her up, see how frisky she is, and how much contact she's up for.
    5.) Get a LD if she seems my type... if she's not, start at 1 again.
    6.) See how far she will go over 2-4 dances (if it's a really bad dance, I'll stop after 1). If it's not what I'm looking for, start at 1 again.
    7.) If I know I can get what I want, and have the cash, I will go VIP and close the deal. If I don't have the cash, I'll just stick to the LD couch.

    Arrivals of an ATF or a girl that has really rocked my world before, will throw this whole routine out the window!
  • magicrat
    15 years ago
    I'm pretty much with laxplayer. First step is go to the bar to order a drink, then survey the situation. Unless the first dancer to approach is known or drop dead gorgeous, I'll turn down the first couple offers until my eyes get used to the light and I see the available talent. Usually at that point, the day/evening will play itself out. No need in being too strict with the routine...I just go with the flow after the first 15-20 minutes. I've stayed with one dancer for hours before, and I've gotten dances from just about every dancer in the place..just depends on the feel on that trip.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    It sounds like many of you are very studious about it all, what with scanning, surveying and reconnaissance. When I walk in, if I see a hot girl on stage, I like to go straight up and tip her just to get the blood flowing. Works for me as well as a cold beer.
  • Notsosly
    15 years ago
    I used to just dive right in... but I've found that kicking back with a cold one and checking out the scene for a bit helps several things. Like declining that 6 that came up right after you sat down... so you won't be otherwise engaged when the 8 that was back in the dressing room for the first 15 minutes, comes out. The chit-chat helps you to avoid ROBs and wannadance robots. All these things help me get the best value for my SC dollar.

    All that said, I still get suckered now and then... though FAR less often than when I first started hitting SCs.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    Assumptions. It really depends on whether or not you're always visiting the obvious haunts or playing it safe with sites like this one. For every great club there are plenty that aren't. Some clubs are safe, some aren't. Last week outside a club I had a drug fiend at my car window in broad daylight trying to talk to me. Never know what's next.

    As anyone who's had the experience of trying to find a club in town not run by the local mob can tell you, it helps to be aware of the surroundings when you walk into a new place...a bar is nice for starters.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Lax, I was poking a little fun at the way some were making it sound like a scientific expedition. I don't dive in unless I see a girl I simply can't resist, which isn't that often. However, I do see clubs as a place to be more spontaneous than methodical. If I were to start out by spending too long sitting back studying the situation, it might be hard to get into the spirit.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    After a retinal detachment in each eye, I now find it necessary to wait for my eyes to adjust to the dark. On a bright afternoon this can take a while. I sit at the bar and have a drink until my eyes get used to the dark and, usually, by then the day shift dancers are on me with their sales pitches.
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    As a rule, I like to settle in for a few minutes, get the lay of the land prior to getting dances. I do break that rule occasionally- if 1st dancer impresses me more than 90% of dancers out there, who am I to waste any more time? Ditto if a familiar club with a top known dancer.
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