Tip rail etiquette

avatar for londonguy
I've not been one to sit on 'perv row' but what is the etiquette, are you supposed to hand over cash frequently or can you just sit there and admire the view? Is it just dollar bills that are usually given to the girls?


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avatar for shadowcat
16 years ago
I sit as far away from the main stage as I can get. It has been called shadowcat's corner. I do not tip every girl on stage but I do take care of my favorites. Even if I am sitting with one of my favorites, I excuse myself to go tip them. Guys that do not tip any of them, piss me off. If you cannot spare a $1 tip, don't go. My Girls not only get a buck but always get a piece of candy too. I am known as the "candy man".
avatar for Notsosly
16 years ago
I'm not a fan of sitting at the rail either, preferring to sit at the bar or on a couch/chair against the wall.

I've only ever seen $1's, especially with the hood-rat club "makin in it rain." Though I'm sure if you want to really get the interest of a girl, tip her at least a $10 or more and make sure she sees the denomination while you're doing it.
avatar for samsung1
16 years ago
just wondering shadowcat...what do the dancers usually do with the piece of candy you give them? Do they erotically eat it up on stage or hang on to it until later?
avatar for samsung1
16 years ago
I read on stripperweb of someone giving a $100 bill to a dancer as a stage tip. I wonder if the guy made a mistake or if he was just wanting to blow money.

As for my opinion, I like the cheap thrill of tits in my face for $1, but I don't sit at the tip rail as much as I used to because those $1s add up fast especially with multiple dancers on stage for each song and hustling dancers coming over every 30 seconds for your $1 tips. I also get extra horny sitting at the tip rail and end up getting suckered into paying for too many dances.
I now prefer sitting at the bar.
avatar for shadowcat
16 years ago
samsung1, I started doing this about 7 years ago with left over Halloween candy. NO they do not erotically eat it on stage. I always bring several packs. It costs me $5-6 at the store. I have learned through experience that peppermint patties (York) and dark chocolate (Dove) are their favorites. But I do pass out candy canes at xmas time. Many including non favorites come over and want to see what I have in the bag. I always manage to cope a feel. I place it in their tops. On a recent trip, a dancer would not accept it in her hand. She pulled her thong aside and made me deposit it in the kitty bank . Well shit, I could not stop from feeling her pussy.
avatar for minnow
16 years ago
The "deal" is: Don't sit at the tip rail, unless you're tipping. That generally means $1/song. PR seats have their pros/cons. While you may be laying out some ones, dancers don't generally approach you for dances or drinks. Plus you're in the best spot to get the attention of a truly hot dancer, not to mention the "stevies".
avatar for snowtime
16 years ago
At most of the clubs I frequent a one dollar tip at the rail/stage is the norm. After the girl has danced for you it is expected that you will leave and allow other tippers to participate. If you choose to remain seated at the stage you will be expected to tip every time the dancer comes by your spot which may be several times a song depending on the number of guys seated at the stage. About half of the girls will come around later to thank you for the tip. I cannot figure out how they manage to remember everyone.
avatar for sandyman
16 years ago
In the East St. Louis/Washington Park area, the standard is usually $2, but for that you often get a full-lenth song with the girl in your lap and better mileage than you get in most clubs for a regular lap dance. If you're sitting at the stage, you are expected to tip.
avatar for hersheykiss12
16 years ago
Hi fellas!!!

From a dancers point of view I find very stimualting for a guy to sit at the tip rail, sometimes when I'm on stage I tend to do a trick with a shot glass and many men find that mind blowing!!...although I completely understand why some don't come to the rail I find it very sexy to spot that one gentleman and give him all my attention and make him feel special...The thing that I do hate is when guys don't tip at all...if you can't even tip one dollar why come. I know men have their favorites but its still a girls job to make money to support herslef. I however was lucky when I first started although I was extremely nervous I was tip very well my first time. So gentleman keep in mind that a dollar counts :-)
avatar for chandler
16 years ago
At some clubs, sitting at the stage is the main way to have fun and get some action. As Sandyman wrote, East St. Louis is especially good for this, with gyno shows and girls coming off the stage for not-so-mini laps.

Even there, however, you usually don't want to just park yourself in one stageside seat for any duration. The clubs all have several stages where the dancers work their way around to each patron seated there. There's hardly any stage dancing, just a series of tipping encounters. What you do as a customer is move from stage to stage, depending on which one has a girl you're interested in.

Sometimes, you'll get up to leave a stage just as you see that the next dancer up isn't your type. The can seem like an awkward show of rejection for the girl, but I think it's taken in stride as simply the way things work in ESL.

I've heard that at some clubs, the custom is for each guy sitting at the tip rail to put out a dollar in advance for the dancer to come around and collect. I'm not sure whether it's meant to signal that you want her to come by or if it's supposed to be automatic. I've seen guys do this at clubs where it isn't expected. They look like they're from out of town. It doesn't seem to me like a fun way to tip. Sort of impersonal

Another point of protocol concerns clubs that have tables around the stage, but not necessarily seating at a tip rail. Some Detroit clubs are set up this way. In this case, you aren't expected to tip when sitting at a stageside table, unless, of course, you get the dancer's attention and the does something to deserve it.

In most lap dance clubs, however, I prefer to sit away from the stage and go up to tip when there's a girl who turns me on. This way, obviously, I don't have to tip every dancer who goes onstage, which may include fuglies and other undesirables. The girls I do tip know that I'm singling them out. Plus, I can point out where I'm sitting and ask them to join me later. And of course, away from the stage is the place to be if you want girls to join you.
avatar for robofan
16 years ago
The clubs I frequent in the Detroit area do not have tip rails or stage side seating at the main stage. The only time you should tip a dancer is if you would like her to come over and give you a lap dance after she gets off the stage. It is a way to signal your desire for a LD. That and make sure to tell her that you would really like her to come over and dance for you. In that case $1 is not going to get the job done. The dancer will usually go and give LD's to the person who has tipped her the most and work her way down. If you are tipping $1 she will probably be back on stage again before she gets to you.

Also the dancers do not do anything extra when you give them a tip. Many will just pull their g string away from there side and let you put the money under the string. Some will pull the front out and give you a peek but that's about it.

I know that this practice varies in other parts of the country so do your homework ahead of time. There is no one right or wrong way to tip it depends on what part of the country you are in.
avatar for DandyDan
16 years ago
It depends on which club I go to. A couple of them, I basically only go up when I feel like tipping the girl on stage, then leave when they are done with me. This other club I visit, since they only get one song at each stage, I essentially sit at the stage and just tip away. I've sat there for 30 different dancers in a row, just tipping. The one sure way to piss off the dancers is not tip, but while one club I've visited makes you tip while you sit at the stage or they make you leave pervert's row, others don't do anything.

One club I visit semi-regularly hands out $2 in change, for some godawful reason, but the dancers know this and if they see Tommy Jefferson instead of George Washington, they will do extra with your tip, usually extra time with you as opposed to the $1 tipper.
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago
As DD says, "It depends on which club I go to." If I visit a new club or one that I've not visited in a very long time, I find a rather innocuous seat and sit back and watch what goes on. From there, I determine my course of action.

I am one that believes we do not have to tip every dancer, although I do at my normal clubs when the dancers make the "tip walk".
avatar for chandler
16 years ago
I've usually found that tipping a buck works just as well as greater amounts to get a stripper to join me after her set (except, of course, at clubs where $2 is the norm). I don't think it's as common as Robofan says for strippers to act according to who tipped a $5, $2 or $1. What matters more is making my interest clear, showing a good attitude, and maybe saying something that sparks a shared moment. Likewise, I don't think it's the value of the candy that works for Shadowcat. It's the fun spirit in which it's given and received, the pretext it gives for some interaction.
avatar for shadowcat
16 years ago
chandler, you nailed it about the candy man. There are times that they set it down on the stage, to finish their stage dance and then forget to pick it up. This resulted in the obnoxious day shift DJ (Danno)to say over the P.A. "will the idiot customer passing out the candy stop. The dancers do not like or want it". I was reassured by my favorites that, that was not the case. The sugar gives them a bit of needed energy. I stopped the day shift manager (Aljo)and asked if he wanted me to stop and he said no. He then went and had a talk with Danno. Problem solved.
avatar for MisterGuy
16 years ago
"are you supposed to hand over cash frequently or can you just sit there and admire the view? Is it just dollar bills that are usually given to the girls?"

Dancers universally hate customers that just come in for the "free show". You should at least tip every dancer that comes to the stage while you are sitting stageside. Lately, I've noticed that dancers are expecting at least $2 per stage tip, but that may just be a local thing or maybe even a bad economy thing. You may also run into a few clubs where the dancers come over to you before you ever put any money on the rail...in order to goad you out of some money.

In Canada, stageside tipping is extremely rare & not expected at all.

"After the girl has danced for you it is expected that you will leave and allow other tippers to participate."

I've never heard of this myself. What you are really seeing above is how diverse the USA strip club scene is when it comes to something as simple as stage tipping.
avatar for how
16 years ago
Another nod for "$1 minimum per song if you are at the stage."

I approach the stage to tip for two reasons: Either I want to tell the dancer I am interested in her, or I have a reasonable notion that some worthwhile activity will happen stageside. Such activity has included cunnilingus and even a bj once in an almost-empty club. Much more normal is some light petting.
avatar for casualguy
16 years ago
I may sit at the stage side seating if I like the dancer or dancers on stage. If you're sitting there and a dancer comes over to do a quick peek or so for you, I believe it is customary in the clubs I visit to tip one dollar. I usually only sit stage side when I like a dancer or the club is almost empty or almost full and seats are limited or it's a nude club and then I'll blow through a wad of ones as long as I sit at the stage and keep tipping every dancer who comes over to me but most will show me their kitty.
avatar for samsung1
16 years ago
" You may also run into a few clubs where the dancers come over to you before you ever put any money on the rail...in order to goad you out of some money. "

This unfortunately is the way things are at just about every club in Columbus, OH.
avatar for gk
16 years ago
Bsck inb the day, when I was in my "wow, naked women!" stage, I sat at the PR a lot.

Now, that I know there are a lot of naked women, I sit at the bar or at a able and let them find me or wait for my favs.
avatar for gk
16 years ago
And another thing about sitting at the pervert row, It's where the amateur clug-goers hang out or the once a year flash-to-impress biggies like to shower the dancers with bills. When this happens, dancers react like sharks to blood in the water, they can't help themselves. And we regulars just sit, watch and laugh, because these guys wwill never be back again. No relationship made --no long-term money.
avatar for hersheykiss12
16 years ago
Hey londonguy I've tried to reply to you but some reason they won't let me...so I'll just send you my post here I've been stripping for a month actually and I've only worked at few clubs...flesh and diamond and let's just its been interesting...I'm still looking for a place that I'm comfortable with...

How....you made an intresting point to why you go to the rail..I find that since most guys don't approach dancer very often I guess its there way of saying "hey I'm interested come sit with me" rather then actually saying it...
avatar for wallanon
16 years ago
One of the oddest things I've seen in the way of tipping is the use of poker chips in this little club under a bridge near Bremerton, WA.

Toys Topless I think it was. I remembered something from the (terrible) reviews about not being able to tip dollars, but how bad could it be? The management at DV near Tacoma was thoroughly getting on my nerves, so I decided to break for this place since it was less than a half hour up the road. That redhead Mary Jane was the real deal, though, so part of me thinks I should have waited for her to take her medicine after she got pulled from the floor...but anyway, tip rail etiquette.

So I get to the place and spot nothing but an empty parking lot, murky looking water, and little shack that's no kidding under a raised highway. I followed the biker-looking guy inside and see nothing but an empty club, with no music playing and several bored dancers. Before I can turn around, a beefy bald guy walks in from the parking lot and music starts playing. The girl I didn't want to see on stage walks up there, and I shrug because every other club was going to be closed by the time I got back to civilization.

So I walk toward the barricade of tables around the stage and try to figure out how to get the dollars that far. The dancer then let's me know I can't tip dollars. Really? And sure enough there's a sign that says no dollars or else (or something like that). I walk up to the bar (yes, that'd be a soda bar in the great state of WA) and hand over real money for plastic chips. So I sit at the table /slash/ launchpad with a little stack of chips, thinking it over.

Of course I've seen guys get knocked the fuck out and thrown in the street for tossing coins on stage, so in general it's not my style. Then the biker walks by and says with a laugh to bounce them off her head. So I let them fly...at the base of the pole. I'm not going to pretend like I treat dancers like fine china, but I don't go around bouncing shit off them either (unless they like it). So, new rule, when tossing poker ships the tip rail etiquette is to aim for the pole. Closest chip wins.
avatar for MisterGuy
16 years ago
Similarly, out in the plains of Canada, they have a "tradition" of throwing loonies (Canadian Dollar coins) at dancers on-stage in order to try & get them to stick to her body. Ouch...
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