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Joined Jun, 2009
Last Seen Jun, 2009


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16 years ago
commented on
Tip rail etiquette
Hey londonguy I've tried to reply to you but some reason they won't let I'll just send you my post here I've been…
avatar for hersheykiss12
16 years ago
commented on
What qualifies a girl as your favorite???
Dudester I total agree with you on the dances....I love to be slow and intimate...I enjoy that guys get to see more :-) night
avatar for hersheykiss12
16 years ago
commented on
What qualifies a girl as your favorite???
Well fellas I greatly apperciate the replies in which you have given...I usually thought if you had fake breast and lips and long extension…
avatar for hersheykiss12
16 years ago
What qualifies a girl as your favorite???
Okay so I'm new to the stripping business and have yet to fully undersrand all what goes on at the my question for…
avatar for hersheykiss12
16 years ago
commented on
Tip rail etiquette
Hi fellas!!!

From a dancers point of view I find very stimualting for a guy to sit at the tip rail, sometimes when I'm on…