
Comments by gk (page 28)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Credit card use for Champagne Rooms.
    OK, now I'm going to surprise everyone and go against common wisdom by admitting that I do use credit cards in clubs on a limited basis. I find them a good way to keep from carrying too much cash, which I don't like to do as I was once robbed at gunpoint in a club parking lot. However, I do exercise some caution about when and I use them. I like to know the establishment and the bartender. Even with these rules, I've sometimes asked to have a bill adjusted because I noticed something wrong. So I agree that "buyer beware" also extends to buying credit in a club, I'm not arguing the point, I'm just saying there can be exceptions if they are managed properly. (But "buyer beware" also extends to trusting bartenders who sometimes bet high and make mistakes on your tab, adding on drinks you did not purchase. I've also caught many waitresses playng games with tabs, which is why I prefer to sit at the bar where I can keep track of things better.) Now, Champagne Rooms. If you know what you're going to get--and that's what you want, and its a good valaue, go for it. Value is the critical work. Rarely is it a good value. On a rare occassion for me that might mean pulling out plastic to indulge myself. But I usually know what I'm buying when I do that. My advice agrees with the common wisdom, NEVER pay for something unless you know what you're going to get and what it is going to cost when you're done. And to bring more discipline into my clubbing habits, I recdently started leaving my wallet in the car at local SCs, taking in only the cash I want to spend. This way I avoid pile on parties.
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    15 years ago
    2 Girl Dances
    Generally, I think it's a waste of money. More fun with one! But if that's what turns you on, go for it. But, I would avoid any 2 girl propositions made to by a dancer(s). They are working you in those cases. I would only do it on my terms when my spirit (or something else) moved me. However, they usually turn out to be more air, elbows (as mentioned) and booty shaking than lapping. At least insist on some gog if you buy one of these.
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    15 years ago
    Judge upholds law for Ohio strip clubs
    This is why out of state visitors wonder about the inconsistencies at Ohio strip clubs. The law intimidates many club owners, dancers and customers. Since Ohio's smoking ban, SC patronage dropped significantly. With the passage of the new SC law a while back, there was another big drop-off in patronage--only serious clubbers seem to be be coming out and occassional party gawkers. A few customers trickled back in once the appeals started. While the old laws were hardly enforced, dependending on city and region of the state, the new law is written differently and brings personal jeoepardy to both the dancer and potentially the customer. While the bigger cities may choose not to bother too much with it, some of the close-in suburbs are taking it more seriously and using it as a means to intimidate some clubs into closing, meaning they periodically schedule clandestine observations, then return with undercover cops/agents or whatever and issue citations. These have been issued to dancers only from what I have seen. I know several dancers who have received them and one who has received two of them. While enforcement and interpretation does vary, one common result seems prevalent, things seem to button up more at midnight--literally. You can still have fun, but it's something we all have to watch. Basically it's an attack on our personal liberties which I expect will go all the way to the supreme court. It was brought on by some right wing religious nut who went overboard at SCs and ruined his marriange and life, so his sel-imposed pennance is ruining it for everybody else. Our Goveernor should have vetoed this law, but he played for the nut votes dnd didn't--end he's a Democrat! Convention business is hurting in Ohio, businesses are even leaving the state. Maybe because it's we've become such an Puritan zone here. (Hey Samsung, in Cle the local LF Hustler Club did lower it's exhorbitant pricing because of the downturn ,before it closed. It may re-open in a new building (part of an eminent domain settlement), but we'll see if the economy makes them hesitate.) Stay tuned. We will persevere!
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    15 years ago
    Average lapdance tip?
    Agree with others--if they push for a tip, I will never ask them for a dance again.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Average lapdance tip?
    As a general principal, I don't think you should tip just for a lapdance, even if it's with a lot of groping. But if you are a regular customer and establish a trust level and she knows what you always want and she always delivers, then you could leave a fixed amount, regardless of the number of dances, as long as she delivers the usual performance. I like this approach but I don't always use it. Sometimes I might limit myself to just a few dances. Unless there's over the line extras involved resulting from some negotiations, I don't like to give any dancer more than $100, which would include leaving with a smile. That's what I prefer. In some places, that threshold isn't enough. Remember, if you leave atraditional tip, the dancer is controlling you. You want to be more in control or at least have more mutual control. At least that's my opinion.
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    15 years ago
    The isgnificance of "The Interview"
    Chandler, I like the flirt & grope approach too. Gets right to the point. It's worked a few times but has also produced a few bombs when performance doesn't match flirting. Regardlesss, we need a name for this, besides "flirt and grope." There's a gas/convenience store in some states that uses the slogan: "grab and go." That could work. Any ideas out there?
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    15 years ago
    Short Dancers
    Tall, short, it's whoever/whatever turns you on. I have aw tall one I like right now and a short one. It's whatever clicks.
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    15 years ago
    Queen Bees
    In my experience, the "queen bee" type was more than likely an older girl who the younger dancers all looked up to as perhaps wiser and more experienced in life and in clubs. In one of my favorite clubs one dancer fit that description and a few of the others that P A S mentions in his post. This particular QB was a high mileage dancer, but also a loud mouth when she got buzzed. However, she wasn't a dominant/mean type of person, she was extremely friendly with very little drama tendencies like some of the other girls had.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Club Persona?
    Same persona, just more in a party/relaxation mode. Always curious. That's how you network and get ahead in the real world, and I try to do the same in this hobby.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Celebrities at strip clubs
    I've only seen a couple locall-team pro football players. I'v been told various baseball players go to certain clubs alsok, but I've never seen them. I've seen a few porn celebreties: Ashlyn Gere, Dacha, Misty Rain.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    A new line and a new LD "action"
    I can get the hummer crotch here in NEO land too. It's not unheard of, but not everybody does it. (And I don't care about anybody's correct terminology.) Another thing that's interesting for me is when I walk into a certain club and the WAITRESS gives me the crotch hand shake because she's glad to see me. It's fun but it also bothers me because it's right near the entry hall and visible to everyone as you walk in.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers talking shop
    Gatorjoe2, I actually enjoy talking shop with them too. Sometimes it can be a mood changer, so I always try to steer around things that might do that. It depends on the dancer.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Here we go again.
    I waiting for the femninists to come to the support of all the MP workers who are being denied their right to have jobs because of this BS. That'll be the day!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Unattractive Equals Very Friendly and Attractive Equals Difficult . . .
    Agree in this context, the 10s seem to act the part. They can sometimes be difficult to work with. One of my theories about the "won't approach" syndrome is that dancers like that may be insecure, lack confidence or simply lack some good smarts. For example, they might only go for younger guys because that's what they "know," what they are more familiar with, in other words a comfort zone--not realizing that age often brings more discretionary spending habits. If they were more secure in their abilities or more smart about their business, they would not pass by opportunities. I always say, if you like it, go get it. But you have to be in the right mood to do that and sometimes that spoils your fantasy, if it's fantasy you want. Interesting choice of the word "sweet." Maybe you come across too much as looking for sweet. Maybe you need to come across more as looking to make a business transaction as opposed to looking for a someone sweet. Just rambling here. I know a few who could be called sweet, they just might not like it. By the way, curvy, spinner, either way for me as long as they have a nice ass and won't crush me when they sit on my lap!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Republicans or Democrats?
    And one more comment, please excuse my typos!
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Republicans or Democrats?
    So Jablake, as you a Socialist? Stop and think a minute. There is no socialist, central planning type of government, whatever you want to call it, that has fostered a ny nation becoming the leading country in the world with the leading economy like the Uniterd States has achieved. All efforts have either failed miserably--for example, the Soviet Union, or failed to rise up to our level, for example France, Britain, Germany--all "saocial democracies." Not one of them compares to the U.S., where people still flock when they want to find livberty, opportunity and a better. Even here in the U.S. the socializerd, communal efforts failed from the outset. When the Pilgrims established Plymouth Colony they all owned the land together, farmed it together and shared the "bounty" together. Result: they practically starved to death. Only when the citizens assumed individual ownership of their land with the charge to produce as much as they could and do it profitably did they increase farm output and generatge more bountiful harvests--and survive. Today we celebrate the failure of socialism/collectivism/shared wealth and the victory of individual initiative in American--we call it Thanksgiving! So be careful what you wish for, it doesn't always deliver what it promises. As for health care,15% of our citizens don't have adequate insurance for care like the rest of us. They do have access to health care--they simply go to the emergency room. But that's not the best solution and doesn't work in accute situations, we all know that. So something needs to be done--for the 15%. So why turn decision-making for health care a significant segment the U.S. economy that un unrivaled in the world, over to the government when it works pretty well for the other 85% of us! Yes, we can smooth some rough edges, but let's not throw away something that the world envies. For example: 1. When faced with a real health crisis, Canadians come to the U.S. for their care because it takes to long to get something done in Canada. 2. When the super wealthy of the world need health care, they don't go to France for their socialized medicine, the come here. I hope I made my point. Now as to your class warefare against the wealthy. This is a false argument foisted on you by opportunistick politicians. I forget where I read it, but someone once wrote 'I never worked for a poor person.' Think about that. All "Robin Hood" tendencies are foolish because they only penalize people who take risks, invest capatal and employ the rest of us. Again, we can always smooth the rough edges, but let's not destroy the system. And remember this, under socialized medicine/universal health care, strip clubs will likely be declared unhealthy because they promote bad behavior and will therefore lead to their mass closure by the government for the sake of better health and reducing costs. So to protect our hobby, oppose national health care.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Republicans or Democrats?
    In a truly classic conservative environment, adults would be left to make their own personal choices, including how we enjoy ourselves in SCs. Liberals are big on controlling behavior and are more liokely to use legislation to do that than Republicans. But conversely, as Samsung would atttest, it is the wacko social conservatives in Ohio (not the classic conservatives) that devasted SCs by forcing a law through the legislature that polices distance, contact and hours. There's no uniform enformement, but there is fallback for harrassment and citations when the spirit, or more likely the budget, moves any local minicipality to do so. I always go for who will give the least government interference.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Southern U.S. girls
    I think that governmnent is friendlier in the south than in the north. I think that strippers are also friendlier in the south than in the north. It's in the culture. Excuse me for not getting into the other matters. except fore this... Libertarians have more fun. Liberals have more guilt. Conservatives usually have more money to have more fun.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Music
    If you know the club plays music selected by the dancer, you have an insight into her mind. That's good for getting to know her, and getting her more comfortable with you.
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    15 years ago
    You can take the stripper out of the club, but...
    Steve229---yes, watch the eyes and whether they flirt when they dance. Some girls always need an audience.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Celebrity lapdance
    Here's a second mention for: Jessica Alba Selma Hayek, and I'll add... Penelope Cruz
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Girls dancing on stage
    The gog action that I run into locally now is only of the spontaneous variety, nothing scheduled. But when you find it and it's real , it's one of the best pieces of SC entertainment you can find. Depending on where you are, the dearth of this may be due to the police view of it as prostitution, or in the least, an illegal public display. I still run into it here occasionally, but for all of you who can find it on a regularly scheduled basis, have fun!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Bad day at the Strip Club
    If you go to the same club too many times you are going to run into a bad day and you'll probably think of a number of things you might have enjoyed better. As Chandler and desotophil say, there are going to be bad days during which the atmosphere and drama just don't add up to a good time. Now if you get to know your favorite club, you can sometimes predict when these times are likely to happen. Other times, you can walk into the club and actually feel the bad vibe or simply ask a few questions and quickly discern that this is not the day to be there. In those cases, have a drink, leave a tip on the bar and leave. Believe me, I've sometimes been a masochist and stayed only to regret it. Learned my lesson.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How long do you know a dancer before OTC?
    When it fees comfortable. If you wonder, then it's not time. Sometimes these things begin with lunch, then lead to dinner. Sometimes it ends there. Sometimes not.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Asking for LD'S
    1. Just ask when you see someeone you like. This is the most assertive way to ensure that you don't just sit around and get frustrated. 2. Ask any waitress, bartender or floor manager for any partucular dancer and they will usually take care of you. 3. OR ask for an introduction to a dancer who is not busy if you want to take pot luck. 4. Least time-efficient way, just wait to see who approaches, but sometimes this works out OK. 5. Rule of thumb: if you're hit-on for a dance as soon as you enter, turn it down, desperation is not the best service.