
Clubbing as Therapy?

Sunday, June 7, 2009 12:36 PM
There was a discussion a while ago about whether clubbing was a hobby, addiction, etc. More and more I'm considering it a form of psychotherapy, vital to my mental well being. Now if only I could get my insurance to cover my visits...


  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Give this administration time, and they likely will be covered. Along with any other liberal accepted behavior. Myself, I think I'd rather pay my own way and have it my own way. The thought of a government run/supported SC is mind boggling!
  • kibby
    15 years ago
    Just had to comment: I am a mid-thirties stay at home mom to 3 boys. After my 3rd son was born 10 months ago, I got the "baby blues" and couldn't shake it. Went for post partum therapy and all. Well, I decided to take my husband to a SC club for his birthday (my 1st time, obviously not his). I had such a good time and felt so young (I'm in my mid thirties, but am still quite attractive even after 3 kids!). I felt like for one night I was as far away from being a stay at home mom as could be and it felt great. I said to my husband the next day that our one night in the strip club did more for me than my 4 sessions of therapy. I've been happier ever since!!!! Now I will never be a regular SC patron like many of you, but there was something about the whole experience that gave me a boost.
  • hogsun
    15 years ago
    Therapy is a huge racket that we all pay for. If you are depressed, I suggest seeing a psychiatrist who will prescribe medication.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    A lot of addictions feel good for you at first. That's how they get you hooked. Cocaine and heroin were considered medicine before their destructive effects were understood.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Therapy from someone was is, likely, even crazier than you are. How would that work? Try good diet and exercise first.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    chandler: one of cocaine's first uses was to treat heroin addiction, until they found out there was a little problem...
  • lane
    15 years ago
    That's funny, I was thinking of a way to have the CLUB pay for MY pyschotherapy I go to weekly :)
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Great sscape, hobby, therapy, all of the above. Does it matter? What would matter is if somebody took it away as a few do gooders would like to accomplish in various cities and states. That's the kind of encroachment on liberty that I would fear.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    As indicated by my picture, I use clubbing for therapy. The little ones that can't get away or fight back are the best therapy. :)
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    SC is better relaxation and therapy than golf, but with golf at least I get some much needed exercise.
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