
avatar for sabills55
how do you bring but the idea of extra and still be polite and try not to get into trouble?


last comment
I'm sure it depends on the club and how comfortable the dancer is with you. At my favorite club, the girls that do extras are pretty aggressive about it, especially if they recognize you as somewhat regular. Remember, even the ones that do extras are probably paranoid about LE.
I always let dancers new to me lead. On a recent trip to an Atlanta club, I did 2 table dances with a chick that I had never met before. She rubbed my dick and placed my hands on her pussy. Damn clit ring. She said that "I am going to fuck you before you leave". I believe that she would have but I did not come financially prepared for that.
You could say "I'm not a cop so how about we go back to my hotel so I can fuck your arse". You could be more diplomatic though.
avatar for imnumnutz
16 years ago
first of all, TAKE YOUR TIME! I know for some guys they bring up extras as soon as the girl approaches them. Establish some report first. Ofen, she'll hint at it as you "get to know" her.

My all purpose line with dancers is, "I'm really having a great time with you, and I wanna do some dances. When we start, if I suggest or say something that you think is out of line, just slap me on the wrist and say 'oh numnutz, you're such a BAD numnutz...'" It's amazing how infrequently I hear that line!
avatar for txtittyfan
16 years ago
In the clubs I frequent, the girls are fairly suggestive when they approach. Some will just ask if I play while they are dancing. If I approach the girl, her dance style sometimes is a clue. After a couple of dances I half jokingly ask.
avatar for Dougster
16 years ago
Just ask: If they do them they do them, if they don't they don't. I complete disagree with this notion that there is some kind of "courtship"/"liking you" required. Knowing that might spoil your fantasy, but in reality, that's how it is.
avatar for samsung1
16 years ago
usually after you have been going to the same club for a year or so they will get the idea that you are not LE or a shady character and much more willing to meet you outside of the club.
avatar for samsung1
16 years ago
also one way to find out if she is willing to meet you outside the club without directly asking is to talk about drugs. If she is a drug user then she will more likely be willing to meet you outside the club. If she is willing to meet you outside the club to smoke weed with you then she is also likely to be willing to fuck you as well. Fucking her while she is stoned is good because then she is so out of it she doesn't care about the money making.

If she starts talking about how she never does drugs then you know she is a goody too shoes and will not meet you outside the club until she has known you for a few months and for a large amount of money.

Also just be careful though because the drug users are also the ones who tend to be the ROBs who will try to get the most money possible out of you and don't care about repeat business.
It really depends on the club. If you don't know how the club works I second the idea of letting her bring up.
avatar for lopaw
16 years ago
Like samsung1 said, it usually takes time and $$$ before a dancer will feel comfortable enough and trust you enough to even consider it.

If you really like the girl, consider it an investment.
but if you're just looking for a quick fuck with anything with a pulse, then look for the strung out old/fat/ugly trolls.
avatar for lane
16 years ago
$$$ talks. Take your time... and then be up front, prefer when clients ask me in private, it's just better for all...
avatar for Dain
16 years ago
I ask them to do a private dance for me. When I whip it out, they decide. Some masturbate with me, some f**k.
I usually ask "is there anything on the menu above and beyond a basic lap dance?"
avatar for samsung1
16 years ago
Just whatever you do..never pay in advance for anything and also don't believe them when they say things get better if you go to the champagne rooms!!

also I agree with the previous posters that you should let the dancer bring it up instead of asking about it yourself. If a dancer knows you are infatuated with her then she is going to try her best to take advantage of you and get as most money as possible from you while she is in the club. She will consider you a loser for falling for her and being so easy for her. Also she may think you are an undercover cop trying to bust her by seeing if she will prostitute herself.
One of the things I do is to ask them if they ever accept any of the many invites for an OTC experience that come their way, that way you are putting the idea to them without being seen to be asking outright. If they come back to say maybe or words to that effect then you can ask them right out. I agree with Lane, don't dive straight in, take a little time.
avatar for judyjudy
16 years ago
well, I may be a bit new to this but it seems to me that once some trust is established ...why not just ask?
avatar for gatorfan
16 years ago
going to a club known for extras does make it much easier!
avatar for how
16 years ago
sabills, you asked how to bring it up and still be polite. That question answers itself. Do be polite. Asking for something you want does not need to equate to impolite speech or behavior.
avatar for gk
16 years ago
I like the do your research up front/take your time/interview approach. I always expect to pay for regular type dances first to establish tust and a connection up front. Dancers eventualaly let you know. But if the club has a reputation, ask for the menu.
First, do your homework! Find out first if it is a club that is known for "extras" , and which ones. What I look for in the way of extras is BBFS. I just ask the girl outright (sometimes I buy them a drink or two or three first--but only if it is real alcohol--that goes a LONG way towards getting them "in the mood"!) And of course, as stated above, ALWAYS be friendly and polite. If they are not interested, they will ley you know! And if they are willing to do what you are looking for, they will let you know! But beware--some will say they will, but then take your $$$ and run! Do not pay up front if you don't want to gamble! But whatever you do, NEVER fall for the line, "Lets do a lapdance or two first, then we shall see about ____. (Fill in the blank with whatever extra you asked about.) If you take that bait, ALL you will EVER get is the lapdance! Rather than lapdances, I like to "test-drive" them by taking them to a dark corner with drinks, and see how frisky they will get OUTSIDE the VIP area or booth first. Will they make out? Will they let you slip a finger up their twat? If so, does it smell clean? If they pass all these "tests", and all systems are "go", only then do I take them to VIP. I have gotten BBFS from approx. 50 girls in various US clubs using this stragegy. Sure, I get shot down 3/4 of the time, but why would I have wanted to gamble on those irls, anyway? I find this strategy save much time, money, and aggrevation!

Hope this helps!
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago
Don't worry so much about anything other than this one tried and tested way. When you visit a club, treat a bartender (best if they are female) well, REAL well. After that visit, continue to treat them well, and you will get all the information you need. As a matter of fact, once they know your desires and favorite type of woman, they will bring or send them to you. I've had one bartender I've know for 20+ years, and she never fails, plus I don't waste money on others. Of course, if I see one I like, I just mention it to the bartender, and she will handle it from there.
avatar for wwpmi
16 years ago
shadowcat what club in Atlanta
avatar for samsung1
16 years ago

I was interested in knowing the same thing also... I found out in his review that Goldrush showbar is the place where he was offered full service.
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