Okay so I'm new to the stripping business and have yet to fully undersrand all what goes on at the clubs..so my question for you on going SC lovers. What is it about a dancer (certain) that makes her your favorite? Is it the affection that she gives to you and no one else or is it the service she provides for you and no one else??.. what is it about her that turns you and and if anything how do you find a new favorite?
Foxy, I had a favorite that used that stage name. She was married and BI. She had a thing for Ella. I gave her 3 photo's of Ella. She stuck them on the inside door of her locker. She is gone. Her husband got transferred out west.
To answer your question. 1st she must be attractive. 2nd she must be an honest, intelligent personable girl. 3rd she must give up the pussy. No dancer makes it to shadowcats favorites list without these qualities.4th she must be a real time paramedic. Well scratch #4. This has gone way beyond ATF status.
"Is it the affection that she gives to you and no one else or is it the service she provides for you and no one else?"
The former is far more important than the latter. And if she provided that to me and to no one else, she'd likely be my "favorite" by definition. But you can only have one such "exclusive."
I like an attractive, well groomed dancer who acts as if she is enjoying herself and is not trying to wrangle my last dollar out of my pocket. Ironically, the dancers that act this way usually end up with my last dollar. Whether this is genuine or just a good "act" doesn't matter, because it is after all about the fantasy. Some dancers miss this and just see the customer as a living ATM.
1) (tie) Attractive + must be a good conversationalist. I could go on and on about being a conversationalist, but her interests must go beyond shopping, shoes, and her loser boyfriend.
2) Lapdance must be slow and sensual, an act of love. Caress my hair while offering me your nipples. Play with my chest and at least give me a peek of the kitty. Also important on this-she must have good hygiene and little to no perfume.
3) If discussion turns to OTC, please be honest. Don't promise something you have no intention on ever delivering.
Dudester makes an excellent point about promises. Any dancer telling me she will do something she does not intend to do is pointless. One gains nothing through such a lie, but loses potential future transactions.
You'll get as many different answers as you get replies. Many will have similar traits, but I bet you will find no two exactly the same. For myself, the dancer would have to be Asian, and then other traits would follow, in no certain order.
I like an attractive large breasted young woman who presses herself up against me and then gently knees a specific area located between my legs. That's a good introduction and often leads to an exchange of much cash.
1. Attractive, definition is in the eye of the beholder but many men find the same thing attractive.
2. Not too high on the dance prices, if she asks for too much to start with, I probably won't get dances from her to start with so we won't ever talk too much.
3. I must enjoy the lap dances she does better than most other dancers. If I don't like them, I won't be buying more.
4. Personality must be decent. I can do without dancers who display bad attitudes towards me. If a dancer has an attitude problem, I think she should just stay home. Example, ask me for a tip after asking me for a dance (not normal in my area but I overlook) but then she gets rude and acts like my one dollar tip is beneath her and says I need it more, a very bad attitude. Asking me for a lap dance again 30 minutes later, absolutely stupid.
5. Generally we just get along.
6. She must get to me before I run out of money and when I'm willing to spend money, much tougher nowadays since I already have a favorite or two and don't need to buy more lap dances.
I wonder if the question is not the WRONG question. What you want is a lot of income, not to be somebody's favorite. Being someone's favorite might actually REDUCE your income if he is possessive.
Oh, I forgot #7. Don't make suggestions about hooking up outside the club unless you're serious. For first time encounters, don't suggest an all day event is ok because that would leave both of you in a potential bind if you wanted to get away especially if you only took one car to the event.
Attractive, funny, smart, cute, affectionate, doesn't lie (too much), courteous, doesn't dick me around, has to be petite. She should enjoy hanging with me almost as much as I do with her. Doesn't SEEM like she's just trying to suck every dollar out of me. All that and a lot of chemistry.
Attraction is obviously number one. Once someone selects you for a lap dance you have passed the most important hurdle. After that, remember that you are in the service business. Treat your customers nice and they will become repeat customers just as in any normal business. Be honest and fair with your customers. Do not promise them something you will not deliver. Ask them what they like and try to accomodate them or at least tell them why you cannot/willnot perform to their expectations. Be NICE. If you are nice to be around you will do well. Do not bore the customers with your problems or stories about your boyfriend. Remember WE are paying for your time and we do not want to waste that time listening to your problems. We all know this is a fantasy and will pay well to enjoy it. Being nice to the customers will allow you to build up a regular customer base that will pay dividends when the club is slow. Good luck.
Well fellas I greatly apperciate the replies in which you have given...I usually thought if you had fake breast and lips and long extension then you were automatically someones favorite...I have shouler length hair and although many strippers tell me to get extension in my hair its just not in me to do such a thing because I am a geniunely real person..I recently came across this guy that's a regular he's really cool usually I'll spend my whole time with him talking about drinks career choice accounting and mosty importantly BASKETBALL I met him my first time ever stripping and he's come to vist me ever since I'm sure he wouldn't call me his favorite but he's great to hang out with.....honestly for me its the same I enjoy talking to guys about a lot of things....I rarely talk about relationship because its not the place to talk about it. I realized that not everyone is going to consider me there favorites and that's fine as long as I give a good show each night and make a decent amount of money to support myself in the economy crisis then that's fine.....I've been told. By guys that I'm the nicest stripper they've met in a long time....I tell em even a strip club hummility goes a long away...lol I think of myself as an exotic philospher ...its late and I'm hitting the sheets....lol
First off, an ATF is a dancer you're close to, not a girlfriend, so keep things in that context. If you want something more or if things proceed to more, then you are changing the context and your perspective needs to be realigned accordingly.
1. She has to have a feature that I find attractive, but she doesn't have to be the most attractive or the hottest dancer there. 2. She has learned to respect me and treat me well and I return the favor. 3. Yes, she gives me good dances. OTC can be part of the picture but that's not a defining characteristic. 4. Relative honesty and realness. There's a lot of B.S and drama in SCs and you want your ATF to rise above that. 5. Because she's real and honest, she looks forward to your visits. 6. Re 'the fantasy": our relationship can either enhance the fantasy OR it supercedes fantasy, meaning that pretend doesn't apply.
This all starts the usual way, with money and with being dependable. Find out what she's about, what she needs. After that, it's all about the kind of person you are and she is. Sometimes you click and sometimes you don't. Money helps things click a lot.
The thing that seals the deal for me is that the dancer appears to be enjoying providing the pleasure that she is giving. Nothing kills it quicker than a girl who is slinking across me and just staring that 10,000 yard stare into a mirror above me. She should be playful, teasing, smile a bit, maybe even add Shadowcat's favorite giggle...it's all in the sale of the dance. If she looks like she's having fun, I'm probably there with her for a while. If she's looking bored, I'm one and out.
1. Attractive. GND or college coed look. 2. Personality, conversation. Genuinely easy and fun to talk to. 3. Natural body. I hate fake "bolted on" look. 4. Two way contact: make each other feel good. Let me give, too, not just get. 5. Build trust. Share some real life info with each other.
last commentTo answer your question. 1st she must be attractive. 2nd she must be an honest, intelligent personable girl. 3rd she must give up the pussy. No dancer makes it to shadowcats favorites list without these qualities.4th she must be a real time paramedic. Well scratch #4. This has gone way beyond ATF status.
The former is far more important than the latter. And if she provided that to me and to no one else, she'd likely be my "favorite" by definition. But you can only have one such "exclusive."
2) Lapdance must be slow and sensual, an act of love. Caress my hair while offering me your nipples. Play with my chest and at least give me a peek of the kitty. Also important on this-she must have good hygiene and little to no perfume.
3) If discussion turns to OTC, please be honest. Don't promise something you have no intention on ever delivering.
Any dancer telling me she will do something she does not intend to do is pointless. One gains nothing through such a lie, but loses potential future transactions.
You'll get as many different answers as you get replies. Many will have similar traits, but I bet you will find no two exactly the same. For myself, the dancer would have to be Asian, and then other traits would follow, in no certain order.
2. Not too high on the dance prices, if she asks for too much to start with, I probably won't get dances from her to start with so we won't ever talk too much.
3. I must enjoy the lap dances she does better than most other dancers. If I don't like them, I won't be buying more.
4. Personality must be decent. I can do without dancers who display bad attitudes towards me. If a dancer has an attitude problem, I think she should just stay home. Example, ask me for a tip after asking me for a dance (not normal in my area but I overlook) but then she gets rude and acts like my one dollar tip is beneath her and says I need it more, a very bad attitude. Asking me for a lap dance again 30 minutes later, absolutely stupid.
5. Generally we just get along.
6. She must get to me before I run out of money and when I'm willing to spend money, much tougher nowadays since I already have a favorite or two and don't need to buy more lap dances.
1. She has to have a feature that I find attractive, but she doesn't have to be the most attractive or the hottest dancer there.
2. She has learned to respect me and treat me well and I return the favor.
3. Yes, she gives me good dances. OTC can be part of the picture but that's not a defining characteristic.
4. Relative honesty and realness. There's a lot of B.S and drama in SCs and you want your ATF to rise above that.
5. Because she's real and honest, she looks forward to your visits.
6. Re 'the fantasy": our relationship can either enhance the fantasy OR it supercedes fantasy, meaning that pretend doesn't apply.
This all starts the usual way, with money and with being dependable. Find out what she's about, what she needs. After that, it's all about the kind of person you are and she is. Sometimes you click and sometimes you don't. Money helps things click a lot.
2. Personality, conversation. Genuinely easy and fun to talk to.
3. Natural body. I hate fake "bolted on" look.
4. Two way contact: make each other feel good. Let me give, too, not just get.
5. Build trust. Share some real life info with each other.