
Shelf life of dancers/female customers posting on here.

Atlanta suburb
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 4:50 PM
I give them a couple of months. lowpaw is an exception. She is a hard core customer. Most come on here for curiosity or to drum up business. They get bored with it and leave. I have known 4 personally that have posted on here. 2 have left the building. I still see one that has not posted on here for years. Gridget still posts when she can because she knows me and my buddies. I will NOT patronize them. They will be gone soon.


  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Their shelf life is the same as anyone here - as long as they want.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    I'm pretty sure EvilCyn has left the business. And while she may not have been a regular poster lately, I know she was a fairly regular lurker at TUSCL. She left Bugsys as a dancer and bartender to bartend at a regular place in Olmsted Falls. This is info she told me on her last day on the job. She mentioned that if she can catch on at Secrets on BrookkPark Rd. in Cleveland for a one-day-a-week gig she might continue dancing on that limited basis, but whether that management will let anyone work on those terms remains to be seen. Good luck to her.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    strip clubs for me are very addicting. If I go to a regular club and ask one girl to dance and get turned down, then I just leave and go to a titty bar. It's crazy when I give a girl a dollar in a regular club she doesn't do shit for me.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    also if you search for evilcyn on the tuscl search you can click on her profile and see that she last logged in on June 2009, so she must still be an active member.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Any body remember the lesbian that posted on here a couple of years ago. Her GF was having a baby by artificial insemination. Then she posted again a year later to post that now it was her turn to have a baby, the same way. WTF did this have to do with strip clubbing?
  • judyjudy
    15 years ago
    I assume you a referring to me Shadow.....And you are right , I am here for the curiousity. Not sure how long I will remain curious. You all certainly have some great points of view. I can assure you this, I am not looking to drum up any business. Once again just having some fun in life....trying not to hurt anyone along the way. So now I guess I must ask....am I in anyway causing problems for you or any other guests of this site? I certainly hope not as I have already explained my intent.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    IMO people probably stay untl the novelty wears off. Unless they have a serious interest in open discussion and reviews there is really no need to continue. It also appears that some take themselves too seriously.
  • arbeeguy
    15 years ago
    judy, you are not and cannot cause a problem on this site. (sticks & stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.) say what you think, & don't take offense at what ohers say. Enjoy!
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    judyjudy- The more ladies on here, the more fun we usually have. I try to hold down the female perspective side of the fort, but it's always nice to see other ladies posting. Hang around awhile - it can only get more interesting! shadowcat - I don't remember the lesbian couple that you refer to...they must have been in & outta here in a hurry. And you're right - unless they were artificially inseminating each other on stage at a stripclub, they had no reason to post about it here.
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    I've seen several, but the highest profile ones I recall (wondergirl, Anna) have been unsigned in for 2 months or more. I guess they just got bored & moved on to another "phase".
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    Hi judyjudy. Don't worry about shadowcats posting of female posters shelf life on here. He almost always tend to make a post about that after a female has been posting on here for a week or two. I think we keep discussing the same topics over and over again and for shadowcat, this is one of them. This site once was really bad with a gazillion troll and flaming threads. It's vastly improved from that time.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Judy my post was not meant to single you or any other female out. I was just stating what my observations were. lopaw if this question is too personal, just tell me. I apologize if I have offended you. If you wanted a child or any lesbian for that matter wanted a child wouldn't it be much cheaper to just get a Donner to do it the old fashion way or is that just too repulsive for you?
  • Notsosly
    15 years ago
    Shadowcat, what difference does it make if women post here? And who cares if they only post for a few weeks and then are never heard from again? It seems like everytime a new woman posts here, you make some snide comments and/or tell them that they'll be gone soon. Why do you seem like such a misogynist in these posts, but then in your very next post you are fawning like a 13-year old with a new crush about some other dancer who posts here? Split personality? Personally, I like to see women post here, so long as it's subject matter-related. It can breathe life and a fresh topic to an otherwise stale message board (which this one can be now and again). And a big bonus when they post pics of themselves! So seriously... what the fuck difference does it make?
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    Agreed! Who cares how long women last, as long as they can provide insight and add to the forums.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    But do they ever add insight? Mostly they are at best in denial about the whole strip club culture. At worst they are lying to us and kidding themselves. Witness their "shock" that "extras" happen in clubs (of course they don't do them themselves). Mostly they are here to defeat the so called "sterotypes". Unfortunately, those "stereotypes" are mostly true and we all know it, so they contribute zero. If we had a stripper who was honest about the nature of the culture it would be great, but I'm still waiting.
  • Notsosly
    15 years ago
    Seriously Dougster? Most of their posts seem to be honest questions about what guys/customers like, and many seem to be from women new to the occupation. So whether they do/don't want to perform "extras," who freakin' cares? To each their own. Why don't you run off guys that post here that don't engage in "extras" with a dancer? And so what if they are "shocked" or surprised that extras are performed in a club? I know I was shocked and surprised (happily, of course) the first time they were offered to me in a club. Seriously, I have yet to see any of the types of posters you've mentioned in the past year or so that I've been lurking/posting here. Your whole attitude seems so misogynistic. I can understand telling some female poster to take a hike if she came on here and gave some feminist, man-hating rant and called us all pervs... I'd be telling her to gtfo too. But if they come on here simply asking questions that might help them earn extra money, or understand their customers wants/likes better, then why care?
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    When did I say they should take a hike? I said I have yet to see them contribute anything insight. It's just the party line we hear from them. I'll tell you what though. I'm willing to be proven wrong. Point me at an insightful post by one of the strippers.
  • Notsosly
    15 years ago
    Also, to SC... with regards to your question to lopaw. Flipping the equation around a little bit might give you some insight. If you and your wife (I know she's your ex now, but imagine a happier time!) wanted to have children but couldn't, would you, as her husband, prefer that she got artificially inseminated? Or would you prefer that the male sperm-doner just inseminated her "the old fashioned way?" I know I'd definitely want the artificial method if I was in that same situation.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    Even if the girls do not provide insight, they foster debate and the exchange if ideas. The behind the scenes SC environment may very well be shocking to a newbie dancer as she is entering a world totally different from what she is accustomed to. As far as postings, Dougster, I get the impression from your comments that they are free to say whatever they want as long as its fits your view. How many customers are truly honest about their SC experiences? A lot of posts I read seem to do nothing but bolster their self esteem.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    tx: As far as I'm concerned anyone can post anything they want here whether it agrees with my POV or not and whether it is insightful or not. But that doesn't mean I have to say that it is insightful when it is not. I've never called on anyone here to stop posting. Strippers can go ahead and post their party line, but let's not call it insightful. But if your claim is that I have asked them to stop posting why not post a reference to such a post for all to see?
  • judyjudy
    15 years ago
    Thanks for all the feedback......i will do everything I can not to be in the way or cause problems.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    shadowcat- Every lesbian is different, so I suppose the answer to your question is "all of the above". For some lesbians, the act of inseminating their partner is considered to be very special, romantic, and gives the impression that they "concieved" together (even if it was while using a turkey baster!) For me personally, I've never thought about it. I'm not real big on kids, and never expect to have any. But if I ever changed my mind, I honestly don't know which path I would use.I'm not repulsed by the idea of sex with men, and I'm not real big on turkey basters.....so who knows? But whichever path I would choose, it would have to be done on stage in a stripclub (staying on topic)!
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Judy, everyone enjoys intelligent conversation.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    I dunno, TUSCL_Bro....whip out a turkey baster in a SC and half the crowd will be scratching their heads, while the other half makes a run for the exits!
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    There's a website for strippers to vent, I forgot the name of the site, but strip club patrons reading that site sure hear everything strippers complain about there, some really crazy shit as I recall.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    gatorfan, it is [view link] (the pink site)I posted once there and got tore up verbally.
  • lane
    15 years ago
    I might be new but I don't know any one on here and I still post... I don't want to vent to other strippers, I can do that at work... it's interesting to read the stuff you guys think and feel and write... FYI I am not a lesbo either...
  • lane
    15 years ago
    And why can't everyone be nice to everyone no matter what, why does it matter... G-D knows I do it EVERY FUCKING DAY at work... :) (oh wait, was that a VENT?) hahahaha
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    It's good that you're not a "lesbo", lane. We are allowed only one here on TUSCL, and I'm it. It's the law, gosh darn it! Just doing my part to fulfull a much-needed quota. :-p
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    lopaw, But with you, there is no aFIRMative action! :)
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