
Comments by orionsmith (page 14)

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    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Who's traveling for Thanksgiving ?
    I probably travel over 400 miles a week with all the driving I do since I work in a different state. Plan on moving eventually. Traveling sucks when it rains and the roads are dark and hard to see and some drivers have bright lights on. Last week in NC traveling on NC roads at night was worse than South Carolina. South Carolina roads are mostly white from not getting paved in a decade or more even though they are full of potholes.
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    6 years ago
    New York
    RIP Stan Lee
    Rip Stan Lee. I just read about his death on Monday in today's Sunday paper. He was way ahead of his time in the 60's creating comics with the X-men with socially different backgrounds and the Black Panther. I enjoyed his comics and the movies that are being created based on all of that. I even collected some of the comic books a long time ago. I probably have a collection of his almost never read comics. I don't know what he was thinking or why I liked them something about something called swamp thing or man thing that burned evil people who came in contact with the swamp dwelling creature in Florida when they felt fear they burned. Weird maybe. Still weird for today but no weirder than any marvel super power. I will miss his cameo appearances in the movies. RIP.
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    6 years ago
    Fast Money bad morals
    So a good stripper retirement plan is to strip and make fast cash and then marry a guy paying good money to social security most of his life.
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    6 years ago
    Fast Money bad morals
    Stripping is a job like many other jobs where we sell ourselves or our time to make money and get cash or a paycheck. If you are practical you like to maximize your pay up to a point with trade offs with expected downsides of how much time off and working conditions you have to put up with and demands of the job. Some people seem to like to talk about morals of stripping but never talk about morals of working for a boss no one likes who asks you to work 60 hours a week and vacation days or do work you think you shouldn't have to do. I've had a boss tell me I can take vacation days I had after working 60 hour weeks but would have to drive to work and check on things both morning and afternoon on my 2 days off if I used them. Where were the morals of that crap? Stripping is more moral than a lot of they crap that goes on with regular work jobs.
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    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Middle Eastern Hoes are so hot
    Middle eastern girls can look hot I agree. Just be careful about all her gun toting friends if they find your Facebook profile. I have no desire to grow a beard and join a rebel group. Although I once had a dream where a menacing Darth Vader captured me and demanded I tell him the location of a rebel base. I woke up afterwards. It seemed too real.
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    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Guys tonight I need to find a handsome guy in polo with good hair and who is tal
    If he was drunk last night, he might be ok. You can fuck in the morning. Of course if you cuddled up with SJG, then you already got fucked while asleep.
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    6 years ago
    Older than dirt
    That time of year
    Ho, ho, ho, Santa found some hoes, Lol.
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    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Nymphomaniac, :). A stripper that asked me to have sex with her again at every opportunity and she wanted that a lot more than she wanted dances in the club and she would complain "why are you getting dances from all those other girls when we could just leave and fuck?" Sort of like asking a married guy why he needs to see other titties when he can just stay home and fuck. Variety adds spice.
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    6 years ago
    Why not just jack off?
    Anyone can jack off. Strip clubs are good for attempting to see and feel more. You could ask why buy a pizza from a restaurant when you could make one cheaper. Maybe it tastes better. I am missing out on some nice titties not visiting clubs tonight though.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Your ultimate realization...
    Strip clubs in my area were fun until LE closed down the biggest one then other clubs imposed several rules making them not so fun. I haven't been visiting too much since then.
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    6 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    Drinking Games
    I can get a slight buzz if I drink like 8 beers quickly on an empty stomach. However then I feel hungry.
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    6 years ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    Shadowcat - sad news
    It's not even April yet. Weekend at follies was bad humor indeed. Although weekend at Bernie's was a funny movie. I can imagine a stripper either complaining or in awe that he stayed hard or stiff the whole time, maybe 3 strippers going at him not knowing anything was wrong except complaining that shadow wore them out staying hard all the time, lol. Glad he's not dead.
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    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Anyone know a stripper named Bambi ?
    I met Bambi somewhere. I don't remember where or when. usually Bambi's friends freeze when they get caught in my headlights and I turn it to bright but they always run away before I can identify Bambi.
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    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    If I was a stripper, would u stay away from me or would u buy dance from me??
    I have no idea but I do drink on occasion and just took you off my ignore list. Been ignoring the site for so long, I feel like a stranger now.
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    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Are we strip club gurus?
    I never want to be called a guru when it comes to understanding what goes on in the minds of 18 to 21 year old dancers. I'm not even sure if you can dance at 18.
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    6 years ago
    Washington DC
    Shooting up a strip club
    These mass shooters must suffer from mental illness or are retarded and or don't believe in hell. Satan's biggest con job was making millions believe he isn't real and that nothing bad happens after death. Watching driving angry where nick cage escaped from hell to get revenge and save his offspring before returning back to hell as if hell is a vacation resort.
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    6 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    What do strippers say to other strippers about the PLs in the mix?
    Some dancers get very possessive over their regular customers. I remember a dancer that wanted to always be my first group of dances after I arrived. One time a new dancer sat down and we were talking, she immediately came over and joined us at the table. I didn't realize until then my favorite was like the dancer no other dancer seemed to what to get upset. She looked pretty good so I let her dominate all the other girls when I first arrived. Nowadays people might think I was her BF. We never went that far. I did visit her at her home without exchanging money later on a few times. If she hadn't moved so far away, might have happened. She did make it hard to enjoy other dancers at times. Sometimes I would show up when she wasn't working and her friends must have called her and she would show up an hour or two later. I think she must have liked me.
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    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Drunk poster thread
    I don't drink much but once had a bartender at the beach take my picture as the fastest beer drinker in town. Said the bartender who must not sell much beer. I was drinking slow and iit took longer to pay for each beer than drink it. I was thirsty. He was kind of slow giving me change. It must have taken him at least 5 or 10 seconds each time. I only drank a little bit. I remember I saw pics at a frat party and they had a 12 story beer bong they were drinking from the side of a hotel at the beach. Long time ago when everyone didn't care if we were legal or not. I could t compete with the guys in my dorm. One guy made a net and drank a 2 liter wine cooler in less than 30 minutes. The guy who bet less than 20 minutes lost.
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    6 years ago
    Yesterday at work I was so popular because....
    I took a stripper with me to the beach one time. She wanted to party but I drove and she didn't think about that part until we were there. Then she made us agree to no shit leaving with anyone new and I had a stripper and a bunch of other girls probably wondering why the one girl was sticking to me like a girlfriend. Wasn't too much interaction since we were all drinking. Who knows maybe there was. I don't remember what any of us said.
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    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Nov 8 n 9 Greensboro NC juice Birthday Party
    Well happy birthday Juice.
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    6 years ago
    A little bit confused
    I haven't taken a stripper out to eat since one was hitching a ride with me back to her place after the club closed. She said she was hungry after we were already in my car. That's more like stripper planning time. There was a place across the street. I don't remember who paid. I know she liked my car. She rubbed her butt on the front and happily hopped in hitching a ride with me pretty routinely.
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    6 years ago
    Sexual Her-Ass-ment
    Depends on the girl. Years ago in a small company at work, I had one girl ask me to do a one night stand with her and another girl ask me if I thought she could be a stripper. I have no idea what rumor someone started. Something about me visiting strip clubs. The girls were serious. Obviously this was before any sexual harassment training stuff. If it doesn't bother anyone, no problem either. In strip clubs I've had girls grab me by the wiener through my shorts. Sort of like a hand shake. Guys don't complain as much as some girls do. Although I've never complained about an unexpected BJ, I am careful not to go off alone with females I'm not at all attracted to. You never know when a girl wants to jump you. In a nude strip club, I told a girl she has a nice pussy. She smiled and said thanks.
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    6 years ago
    Quite possibly the worst club visit I have ever had
    Halloween is one of my least favorite times to visit a club. I want to see naked girls, not costumes that cover them up.
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    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Why do i keep coming back to this board ?
    I gave up fighting zombies playing the Risk app just to visit. Now playing video games can be a rewarding career choice.
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    6 years ago
    I hear DC got girl problems...
    SGJ will be jealous.