Quite possibly the worst club visit I have ever had

avatar for Vantablack
So a while back, I decided to give up going to strip clubs. I realized that it wasn't the right time in my life for it. Over the past 2 months I got my shit together. So with tonight being Halloween, I decided to go back just for the heck of it. The club I usually frequent was hosting a Halloween event and all the girls were going to be in costume; it looked like it was gonna be great.

I show up with more than enough cash, roughly $3000 of spending money (I wanted to make my reintroduction back to strip clubbing extra special).

I sat down at perverts row and tossed several bills up at the girls that I liked hoping to get their attention. Usually they would approach me after their set but none of them ever did. I asked multiple girls on the floor if they were up for dances, most said they were busy or gave the generic "Give me a second I'll be right back babe". I took a step back and observed that a very very large majority of them were all with what may have been their regulars. After about an hour and half of lounging and asking around I finally got a girl to get a dance with and my God it was terrible. It felt like she was rushing through the entire thing and it felt extremely mechanical. As soon as the dance is over she scurries right back to her regular without even a word.

I end up leaving the club with less than $100 spent. I guess this will probably be the actual last time I'll step foot in the club. Massive waste of my time and energy


last comment
I don't think clubbing once allows you to get the full experience. It's not a bad thing to not spend money either. Any money you don't spend today can be spent the next time you go.
I know going once can't give a full impression, but this isn't my first time. I've been to this club many many times and it wasn't like this before my hiatus.

Makes me wonder how I even managed to convince myself to go back in the first place
A strip club is a mixed bag and you have to treat it like an adventure. Sometimes it turns out amazing, terrible or meh but in any event unless you have a pre arranged meet up with a dancer its random. The club itself owes you nothing other than decent service and atmosphere, The rest is up to you. Sounds to me like you may be better served by a reliable escort if you are gonna be that needy about your experience.
And I don't need an escort, that would be an even bigger waste of money.

You know it's funny you mention pre arranged meet, because I actually texted one of the dancers to let her know I was coming that night and she said she couldn't wait to see me. (She was one of my old favs). I didn't see her one bit that night. She was too preoccupied with who knows what. I couldn't even get a text back. Why agree to something if you don't follow up on it? At least have the courtesy to let the other person know if you're busy. And I'm not losing any sleep over this. Between that and all the other girls I'm just rather annoyed if anything.
Could be this just isn't for you. People are giving you counterpoints because, through experience, we all know it's possible to have a bad night, and we all know that especially on a holiday (Halloween counts as a holiday, in stripper world), it's especially tough. Or, put another way, it's insane to go to the club during what is normally a seller's market sausagefest, and then complain that it's a seller's market sausagefest. Normally, I'd rant about your stripper not honoring your appointment -- my preferred SC experience is highly appointment-based, so I consider the appointment to be sacrosanct -- but by your own admission, you haven't been to the club in months (in other words, you're not her regular) and tried to make an appointment on one of the busier nights when you're guaranteed her actual good regulars will also want appointments. All just feels self-defeating to me.

But, then again, not everyone loves strip clubs, and maybe this legit just isn't for you, and/or you're just having so much trouble understanding the norms that you're not able to engineer a good time for yourself. SA is fun, too; maybe worth a shot
Strip clubs have always beeen hit or miss. One night you have a shitty time, and the next night you find a DS. I kind of like the uncertainty. It’s exciting not knowing what each night may bring.
Choosing Halloween for your big night back was also a mistake. It’s not as bad as going on valentines but it’s still not usually a good might for serious PLs.
Perhaps some of the concepts you have -- like an "end game" for PLs -- also indicates that SCing isn't for you. Or that you need to adjust your thinking before you'll start to enjoy it more
The thing is why agree to an appointment in the first place if it isn't honored? I mean how hard is it to send a single text saying "I'm busy with my regulars tonight"? It literally takes 30 seconds to send that text. She wasted my time and that's what makes me mad.

I'm done spending my hard earned money and my time on people who cannot produce a single ounce of effort in return.

Fuck strip clubs and fuck everyone in it. It's a giant toxic mess. I hope I live to see the day that the whole strip club scene goes extinct
Seems to me you’re a bit butt hurt, live and learn.
Oh I learned my lesson alright. I'm definitely not gonna go back now. Time to do bigger and better things with my life.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
Good, healthy, responses @Vanta. Strip clubs are for goofy midlife-crisis victims who are now invisible to cute 20-yr-olds.

Not sure where you got that extra $3000 to spend. Hopefully not from selling drugs, and you should put it in the stock market.

Yes, you're welcome.
@ DC

You must have a lot of patience my friend. I guess I was really hoping that coming back after all this time would result in a marvelous night. Maybe my expectations were too high, but oh well. It's in the past now

I'm actually into stock/options trading already! I'm trying to turn it into a full time career since I'm not satisfied with my current field of work
Word of advice, if you expect a text back, or them to worry about wasting your time you're gonna be disappointed.
I've never had that problem with her before this. However now that I know, I've deleted her number. No point anymore in having her in my life anymore.
You should have known Halloween would be a sausage fest and been prepared to settle for 2nd, 3rd, 4th option, etc.
Yep, there's just a mismatch; I'm thinking he's right, SCing isn't for him. You don't get to pick both "here's my ideal experience" and "I'm going to go about achieving that experience however I want". You can go about things how you want, and be happy with whatever you experience, or you can compromise on the how to get the experience you want. Vanta, I do sympathize with "why couldn't she have texted me that she has regulars coming", but again, strippers owe very little to guys who aren't their regulars, and as a complete rando who she's not making any money off anyway, keeping you as a backup plan is something to be expected. You're not willing to compromise on the "how", and you're not happy with what you're experiencing as a result. Just a huge mis-match, you're probably showing good insight and self-awareness but moving on to something else.
avatar for GoVikings
6 years ago
i must be missing something.

i don't understand why this ONE bad visit would discourage you from going back
Ive had other bad visits, this one just happens to be the final straw. It's probably best I don't go back anyways. Those girls can go waste some other poor chump's time. I am not going to let them waste my time anymore.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me
Dude she probably texted 20 regulars to come in and see her. Do you think its just you she was counting on? Her biggest (or most reliable) fish that shows up becomes her priority. Nobody likes being second but if she is worth it then be patient or up your game/offer. Life isn't fair...
Jokes in her because I had plenty if money on me that night and I was willing to spend a good amount of it on her. However she ruined her chance so she's never gonna see a single dollar from me ever again
I'll repeat that there's no reason to talk Vanta out of ceasing SCing. I think he's identified the best thing for him. To summarize, in an uncharitable but truthful way: He went on what is predictably an ultra-busy regular-filled night, expecting a stripper to treat him like a regular even though he's a rando ... and when he gets the predictable experience, uses victim terms ("those girls can go waste some other poor chump's time" etc). He's just not willing to to make any changes in how he does things in order to get what he wants; if this doesn't indicate that SCing isn't the right thing for him, I don't know what does. To get MY chosen experience, I pick the right shift, and the right day for that shift, and become a valued regular, and make it worth it to her to keep my appointments with her, and become friendly with the bouncer so I can get away with more touching... it's VERY much worth it to me, but I'd never get the experience I wanted if I didn't find the process that works -- and if I instead went in on SAturday night having texted some stripper I hadn't seen in months, I would know the likely outcome.

This is NOT a slam. Lots of guys feel the same way as Vanta -- and those guys are far better served and get a more satisfactory experience at AMPs, with escorts, with bodyrubs. And, while finding the right SB can be its own tortuous experience, once you find a great one, you can expect much higher predictability, reliability, etc. These are all far better choices than going to an SC on an ultra-busy night and expecting to be treated like a regular by a stripper for whom you're just a random customer.
@ Subraman you’re right Vanta should stay out of strip clubs, but your reasons are a bit off, it seems he’s a whiny lil spoiled bitch, living off his daddy’s dime, and feels entitled to whatever he wants , just because he wants it.
Living off my daddy's dime? You don't know a single fucking thing about me. I work very hard for my shit and I have made it to where I am all on my own. I don't depends on anyone for anything.

Keep making assumptions all you like. And being disappointed because someone didn't stay true to their word makes me entitled?

Thanks for the insight, I won't be going back. I'll just find another hobby. It's not a big deal
@Vantablack - I can definitely relate. I have had a number of bad experiences where I was sitting there with a large amount of cash in my pocket thinking to myself "What a waste of a night", or even left planning on never coming back. I don't care what you do and am not advising you on where to keep SCing, I am not the boss of you. The only advise I would have for you is if you do return to take more of the attitude that the girls don't need me or my money and I don't need them. There are other customers and there are other dancers. I think getting the attitude of "how dare that girl ignore me" is toxic and should be avoided.

Strippers are unreliable. And before pinksugardoll comes in here to defend the honor of the all the responsible, reliable, and extremely intelligent strippers out there. I mean strippers are unreliable as a side effect of the way the SC business works. Customers come and go all the time so it isn't always in a strippers best interest to be loyal, punctual, or even honest about their intentions. Most customers only last a month or two.

I would agree with Subraman that you need to decide what you want and actively manage getting that experience. When I make an appointment I make it for a specific time. I don't like waiting, so I actively tip a dancer more when she is punctual and I always try to say thanks and explain why I am tipping more or less.
Yeah I think at this point I'm just going to abandon strip clubs altogether. I can live perfectly fine without the mongering lifestyle. I'll just go back to doing what I've always done, my car/gun hobby
Buying dances is a Chump's Game.

Front room makeout session. Then when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room, then take her home with you and continue to see her regularly.


Jennifer Lopez

JohnSmith69 has a front room makeout session with an 18yo hottie. Only problem is that he is so cranky that he describes it all in negative terms and blames it on the girl.
WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
Good luck on your future hobbies, Vantablack. From reading your posts on this forum over the months I agree with the assessment that SC's aren't for you. If it's causing you a bunch of grief then it's definitely not worth it.

An SC trip is supposed to be an expensive yet fun and relaxing experience. If your negative reports out number the positive ones then it's a no brainier. I'd have moved on also if that were the case for me.
I just want to know how old Vanta is, I get the impression he is as young or younger than DC.
@ General

I just turned 22 a couple weeks ago
DC...whatcha got? I know you said 20's...can you beat 22?
Vanta, if I were in your place, I’d take that 3G to some other club and give those girls a chance. It seems you had very high expectations for your old favorites and they were preoccupied with their newer toys. I’d be upset too, but somewhere else there’s girls just waiting to impress YOU!
stripclubs are a gamble...
certainly better than the lottery.
Being 22, I think you'll find some girls are bias against you. A lot probably think a 22 year old cant have that much money yet, but a 50 year old has a lifetime of savings at their descression. If you read some of the posts at stripperweb, they've listed in order what guys they prioritize on a busy night. Are you a white guy? Race also plays a factor with some of them, but not in a racist way, in a young (insert race) arent usually big spenders, so I often avoid them way.
Never underestimate how lazy strippers can choose to be.
I'd go back and pretty woman that bitch you were there to see. Tell a bouncer you want to do a room with her, they'll get her to your table, even if she's with a regular. While she's at your table tell her you really wanted to see her last week, sat you just got your bonus or something. Pull out a wad of 20s or 50s, set it on the table and keep talking, you're a car guy, talk about how you've had a car for 3 months but are thinking of buying something else. Next hot girl you see on stage grab the wad, stand up, say, I'll be right back, and walk towards the stage, switch out the wad of big bill's with ones when your back is to her and toss them on stage. Dont make it rain like a douche, just toss them so she can easily collect them. Walk back to your table and say "I've had a long day, I'm gonna head out, you have a nice night" and walk out. Best 50 bucks you'll spend that night. Just dont let her apologize and fool you into giving her that wad of cash. Make a plan and stick with it.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
I didn’t read the comments here... and not saying that your bad experience was justified...


I don’t ever get my nails done on a Saturday because I know it’s their busiest day and I want them to take their time with me and give me magazine quality nails.

So, js.

Sorry it wasn’t a great night for you!
DC...damn, I thought he was gonna unseat you. Well played my friend, well played
"The only advise I would have for you is if you do return to take more of the attitude that the girls don't need me or my money and I don't need them. There are other customers and there are other dancers. I think getting the attitude of "how dare that girl ignore me" is toxic and should be avoided."

Probably the best advice in this thread so far.
@General I'm not white. And whenever I go to the club I don't flaunt my money around. I keep it hidden till it's time for a dance or a tip.
Vanta with all due respect you are way too needy and if you thrive on that gotcha moment when you pull out those bills to reward that girl that sits with you then are are gonna get more misses than hits. I get the feeling you are trying to get sc girls to acknowledge your looks/youth/drive vs your bankroll. Now you can have that self satisfying moment of "I dont need you" coming to this board. Enjoy that moment and move on...we don't need you either.
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
Halloween is one of my least favorite times to visit a club. I want to see naked girls, not costumes that cover them up.
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