Have any of you ever considered If some PL was thinking of shooting up a night club because some girl didn’t offer him the services she tainted him With and being caught up in the cross fire ?
Well we live in a world where this kind of stuff happens all too often. It has desensitized a lot of people to the violence. Even worse, many people think gun control is going to stop incidents like these.
Shootings at strip clubs are pretty common here in NJ. Its never involved a woman, but drunk patrons. The common way to avoid them is to be smart and leave the club before 1. As they say nothing good happens at 4 am in the morning.
Here though the OP Is talking about spree shootings, not just the hothead shootings that shadowcat posts about.
In our Mexican Bar underground the talent agents once told me that they got out of there with the girls by midnight at the latest, give the guys time to cool down.
But the idea of a strip club spree shooting is so serious that I suggest not talking about it.
Why are you so afraid to talk about it? It's a fact that mass shootings have increased within the United States over the past 10 years and nobody seems to be doing a single thing about it. Not talking about it and trying to push a serious issue aside doesn't exactly get rid of it. The only thing that has actually happened is fighting between political parties to regulate gun control, but we all know that goes pretty much nowhere.
There was a PL many years ago at the christies in brunswick that brought a gun in the club and fired it at a ROB who had been leading him on for a long time
He's probably just a giant troll trying to trigger the entire community. And if he is legitimately serious then well let's hope law enforcement takes care of him
These mass shooters must suffer from mental illness or are retarded and or don't believe in hell. Satan's biggest con job was making millions believe he isn't real and that nothing bad happens after death. Watching driving angry where nick cage escaped from hell to get revenge and save his offspring before returning back to hell as if hell is a vacation resort.
NJBalla is right about NJ clubs. They have shootings late in the evening - near closing time.
However, the NJ club shootings are generally due to guys getting drunk and frustrated - and thinking they are gangsters.
The random shootups - that are the usual mass shootings in the USA - are different. Those are frightening, and it’s sad how many there are. It seems shooters want to get as much notariety as possible - so maybe there’s less to come out of a strip club shooting?
willy... “special place in hell for someone who does this” i hope so. this happened maybe five years ago in sr rialto. in vip the dancer resisted his aproach... he shot her in her face... then shot himself. ever since then security is tighter at the entrance.
Misterwonderful, that Rialto situation was a bad one. Thanks for letting us know.
But that is still not a premeditated spree shooting.
FWIW, at our Mexican Bar underground, they do have private uniformed security and they do do 100% pat down searches. Mostly they are concerned about fights breaking out. And at some of the places they have had uniformed licensed open carry guards out front, mostly concerned about hold up attempts.
last commentSCPandit - this account is an obvious troll and occasionally posts deplorable content which is universally considered offensive by the tuscl community
SCPandit - this account is an obvious troll and occasionally posts deplorable content which is universally considered offensive by the tuscl community
san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
I say shoot drugs, not guns. I know phatboy wanted to sell me heroin not too long ago
In our Mexican Bar underground the talent agents once told me that they got out of there with the girls by midnight at the latest, give the guys time to cool down.
But the idea of a strip club spree shooting is so serious that I suggest not talking about it.
Why are you so afraid to talk about it? It's a fact that mass shootings have increased within the United States over the past 10 years and nobody seems to be doing a single thing about it. Not talking about it and trying to push a serious issue aside doesn't exactly get rid of it. The only thing that has actually happened is fighting between political parties to regulate gun control, but we all know that goes pretty much nowhere.
Funny cause when I used to go to the club, 1 AM is when it would start getting busy and fun. 4 AM is when everyone would start to leave
He's probably just a giant troll trying to trigger the entire community. And if he is legitimately serious then well let's hope law enforcement takes care of him
However, the NJ club shootings are generally due to guys getting drunk and frustrated - and thinking they are gangsters.
The random shootups - that are the usual mass shootings in the USA - are different. Those are frightening, and it’s sad how many there are. It seems shooters want to get as much notariety as possible - so maybe there’s less to come out of a strip club shooting?
I’m posting the reality of MY life experiences on here, IDC. It’s up to you to decide what you do with this information cause as far as I’m concerned.
this happened maybe five years ago in sr rialto. in vip the dancer resisted his aproach... he shot her in her face... then shot himself. ever since then security is tighter at the entrance.
To be fair, you did say it happened in Rialto, just say'n. It's Rialto
But that is still not a premeditated spree shooting.
FWIW, at our Mexican Bar underground, they do have private uniformed security and they do do 100% pat down searches. Mostly they are concerned about fights breaking out. And at some of the places they have had uniformed licensed open carry guards out front, mostly concerned about hold up attempts.
Action Uniform Dream Girls:
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