
Fast Money bad morals

Friday, November 16, 2018 7:35 AM
What lures a girl into adult entertainment? Money, power necessity? For me the thought of fast money. Working and waiting 2 weeks for the cash seems like a stupid idea to me. I think having cash in hand after work is a much better option. Another value is being able to work harder when you need the money and slack if you dont. It seems like dancers (self included) dont think about the future all that often and it shows in the work i do. Money now vs money in the future is the mindset. Morality or more importantly lack of also steers the ship often. Things become less taboo and strippers seem to not have a strong set of morals from the beginning. I dont think this is a bad thing just sets apart dancers from others. The makeup of someone in the industry either is different or most often changes after a few months of work.


  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    There's a certain logic to taking to leveraging your youth and beauty. Why sit behind a book when you can make 100X the money in a strip club or sugaring? The problem is that many strippers don't have an exit plan, and don't understand that they are replaceable by the next 18-yr-old that stumbles into the club. But I do understand the logic of being in the sex industry for a short time with good planning and a good exit.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    There's a certain logic to leveraging your youth and beauty*
  • lurkingdog
    6 years ago
    There are also undoubtably some who take their proceeds from this job “tax-free” which also plays into the “short-term” immediate gratification theme.
  • poledancer83
    6 years ago
    yes very true with that
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    I always wish I could see the faces of those who cheat on their taxes since they never figure out that by doing so their social security benefits will be the same as their tax payments. Of course there's SSI and one can live well on $656.00 a month lol.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I wouldn’t really consider a lot of sex work “bad morals”, though sometimes the zero sum nature of dancing can get to me. But, for example, people in the military get to be heroes. For doing a job in an industry that isn’t the most moral and yet people demand it to function. As for fast money...don’t we all ;)
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    I think you're right PD that the allure is fast cash especially as to cash tips non-taxed. As for the lack of "strong set of morals from the beginning," though I know a few dancers pretty well I don't know high number well enough to reach conclusions on that one. I know extras and non extras girls, and I know girls who work in TL clubs that will not work FN clubs even if FN clubs meant less travel and higher income. I'd be interested in your thoughts on what're the primary factors that govern decisions on extras versus non extras girls and girls who will work TL but not FN.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Sure, fast money sounds great. You work harder and make more - and relax when you don’t need it. It is similar to being your own boss. It’s not a bad thing. However, it’s entirely up to you, to manage your earnings, and to plan for the future. If you don’t save, there’s no retirement plan for dancers. It’s also challenging to move from dancing to office work - or other non-strip-club employment. The time a dancer has to earn is short, and therefore she should maximize her earnings during those years. I’m not sure if this is valid - but athletes earn a lot from contract to contract. They are among a very small number of folks - and their earning years are also numbered. However, it’s imperative for them to have investments to help as they age.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    The morality or bad morals associated with stripping is called gluttony. All strippers suffer from this.
  • Vantablack
    6 years ago
    Everyone has their own individual reasons as to why they do it don't they? Fast money is obviously a factor, but each person has different circumstances. Maybe they dance to pay off debt or because they have a family to raise.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
  • Danton
    6 years ago
    I’ve noticed there r a lot of single moms in the biz, for them seems like a way to make a living but I’m sure there r diverse motivations but it’s a time limited occupation, certainly not a career it would seem.
  • bang69
    6 years ago
    Simple the MONEY
  • 623
    6 years ago
    Cash man said “If you don’t save, there’s no retirement plan for dancers.” Isn’t the universally accepted exit plan for strippers to find a rich guy and marry him?
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Skibum, there’s also the law of diminishing returns when it comes to paying into social security. Basically if you believe you’ll live long enough to collect, a person earning $50k/year will benefit almost as much as someone with $100k/yr. I think the SSI is about $1800- $2k/monthly benefit for the $50k earner and about $2,500/monthly benefit for the $100k earner. Knowing this fact if I was an independent contractor I would only report half of my income for maximum return on my money for social security purposes and invest the remaining in various vehicles(undetectable). Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, what stripper has the knowledge or foresight to think of those practical things? Lol
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Really, who gives a shit whether stripping is considered moral? The only two relevant issues are (1) how much of an emotional toll does stripping take and (2) what are the financial benefits? There was a related thread over on the sugaring forum about a student who was pulling in six-figures as an SB. She was asking advice on whether she should quit school since she was doing so well. The consensus was that she not even consider quitting school. I'm not so sure. Just making up some numbers, let's say a very attractive 20-yr-old is pulling in $125K/yr as a stripper or SB, and has the foresight and discipline to invest the money. Assuming money doubles every 10 yrs, that @125k/yr is equivalent to a 40-yr-old making $500k/yr or a 50-yr-old making $1M/yr. Money grows exponentially and making all that money as a 20-yr-old is a HUGE advantage. Unless she's going to be a neurosurgeon, why not leverage that physical beauty at age 20, go to school part-time, and postpone most of the training until late 20s? That's assuming she has the mental strength to put up with men groping her all night as a stripper. Or that she can put up with sleeping with guys 3-decades older as a SB.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Even better than making $125K/yr as a 20-yr-old, it's better to have a rich daddy. Donald Trump was making $200K/yr at age three and a millionaire by age 8: [view link] Laughable that people consider Trump a brilliant businessman.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Well he's been a brilliant President for his first 2 yrs.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ he’s certainly a brilliant bullshitter, he seems to have made you think you’re a conservative;)
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    ^^^ His strength is pissing people off at an emotional level. He does it on purpose and I believe it is to shake up Washington. His racist comments I don’t believe are intended to be malicious, rather pandering to the ignorant old population who have been indoctrinated into thinking about those stereotypes. If he’s successful pissing off the deep state, and making changes to the political system in an asswholish manner, then I consider him doing a good job. I agree it’s difficult to take him seriously as a person, but to mix things up I think it was a brilliant change needed for our country. You could also have said the same about any other business person. The first person I ever voted for was Ross Perot. There is a dual-opoly in running our government and competition can be good.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Meat You’re really wrong here all of his so called successes are smoke and mirrors, where’s the wall. N Korea just tested anothe missile, dozens of his best and brightest have been indicted for corruption, his administration is barely staffed, he incites violence against minority groups, hate speech is at an all time high, shooting tragedies keep rising, and he’s exploded the deficit. The only success he’s had has been getting conservative judges appointed, and for that I say good, because they will rule against him on these fights that are going on over just about everything he does. There is absolutely nothing politically incorrect about being a bully and the proof of that is the devils bargain he’s angling for with the fringe right wingers, The real danger here is that he, by his exclusion is building momentum for the fringe left wingers and that is just as dangerous.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    25, the one thing I know about politics is that people have a strong confirmation bias when it comes to discussing the topic. In fact I doubt anyone can change my mind about how I feel nor can I change anyone else’s, because we seek to find only the things that confirm what we already believe, Despite any new information that would prove otherwise. However with that being said, Trump has turned the political world upside down and for that I am grateful. We dodged a bullet or two by avoiding another Clinton in office.
  • 623
    6 years ago
    Keeping the Clinton out of office is admirable but who is gonna save us from the truly deranged psycho fuckhead Pence if there is the expected assasination attempt and its successful?
  • JimGassagain
    6 years ago
    In my hometown area in Indiana, the Pence’s are good God fearing people. Does that in your mind qualify him as a deranged psychofuckhead? I’m not seeing much correlation to your accusation and truth, yet highly correlated to fake news.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    Stripping is a job like many other jobs where we sell ourselves or our time to make money and get cash or a paycheck. If you are practical you like to maximize your pay up to a point with trade offs with expected downsides of how much time off and working conditions you have to put up with and demands of the job. Some people seem to like to talk about morals of stripping but never talk about morals of working for a boss no one likes who asks you to work 60 hours a week and vacation days or do work you think you shouldn't have to do. I've had a boss tell me I can take vacation days I had after working 60 hour weeks but would have to drive to work and check on things both morning and afternoon on my 2 days off if I used them. Where were the morals of that crap? Stripping is more moral than a lot of they crap that goes on with regular work jobs.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    ^^^ Especially if you’ve worked ina sales setting or financial services. Same can be said about lawyers and real estate agents.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    So a good stripper retirement plan is to strip and make fast cash and then marry a guy paying good money to social security most of his life.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @ Meat I’m not trying to convince you of anything, but confirmation bias, I don’t think so, check the news from other sources besides fox and infowars. BTW INC is reporting that the tax cut that supposedly put a bunch of money in the pockets of some, is going to taken back by the IRS by a change in the interpretation of one of the provisions in the tax code.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Oh yes, 25. Confirmation bias is stronger than ever. Fake news! Trump just beat the media at its own game by taking a portion of the truth and twisting it out of proportion. It’s how he emotionally moved the base to vote for a non career politician as a Republican. Say what you want about him being a bafoon, but he still knew how to win a presidency against crooked Hilary. In my mind that’s something to be thankful for, and I’m also thankful that he’s exposing the fake media. Free speech is the cornerstone of a decent democracy, and our media has gone unchecked far too long. Trump has made everyone more aware of media bias, as hypocritical as he is about using his own bias for media purposes. I like flipping through CNN/MSNBC channels to hear their reporting and then o we to FOX. Consensus is that they both use confirmation bias heavily in their talking points and I dont believe much of what they say. Even the blogs are suspect, except when you have diverse opinions. My take is why I like to log onto TUscL to get diverse viewpoints across the nation. Those who call for moderation because of the trolls are limiting free speech, and Founder is doing a good job maintaining the site as is.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Sorry @Meat the base is not a monolith, anti Clinton sentiment is the only thing that got this buffoon elected, and I submit to you there is growing irritation at this guy(Trump) you watch what happens, the Republicans will stop being afraid of him and his bullying tactics, I have said this before and I’ll say it again, there is a huge difference between being politically incorrect and being rude and uncouth, if you think I’m wrong fine. But don’t tell me I’m the one with confirmation bias, that belongs to the Trumpers own it, stop trying to deny it.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    ^^^ Dude I think you’re misunderstanding me as saying you are the one displaying confirmation bias when I stated everyone uses the bias when discussing politics. It’s the one thing I’m quite sure of.
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