
Comments by orionsmith (page 13)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What are some of the craziest things you recall occuring at a club
    Meant to say 20 shots, my auto correct is annoying changing my words.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What are some of the craziest things you recall occuring at a club
    ,want to say 20 shots, stupid auto correct.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What are some of the craziest things you recall occuring at a club
    I suddenly remember a story about a lactating dancer shooting breast milk at a guy's face after the lap dance was over. She thought it was like a squirt game trying to give the guy a taste. After about 20 shits, she gave up. Bouncers probably were not happy with milk all over the sofa and floor. She was squirting like a super soaker squirt gun from each boob. I dont know where I heard that story from. I heard the guy wasn't into drinking breast milk. Apparently the dancer wanted him to taste it. So far I haven't had any dancers attempt to try to feed me breast milk. I'm not into that either.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What are some of the craziest things you recall occuring at a club
    A guy was sitting at a table near me. Next thing I know apparently his wife came into the club. She grabbed a beer bottle off a table and walked up to him from behind. Broke it on his head and knocked him out cold. Paramedics arrived shortly afterward and took him away. Once had a female customer shout at me in a noisy club and stop me from walking up to tip a dancer. She wanted to take me to her home where I could supposedly do whatever I wanted to do to her. Crazy. That was the only female customer that I remember tried to get me to leave with her. I've left clubs with dancers before so that's not crazy. I've met a few crazy dancers but I got used to them after a while. I enjoyed them.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    How do dancers think of you...
    What do they think? I got money and I don't stink. However they always have to wait for one dancer to leave or try to get dances when it's not the two for one time. However I like getting the two for one. In clubs I haven't been to much, no idea. A few years ago at one club I must have looked like fresh meat or something. Lately in slow clubs, just another guy visiting. After dancers get to know me, some seem to cling to me. I've had a lot of different reactions. Been called several names. Some good, some not so good. Of course not all dancers know me and some have attitude problems. I don't want to be their friend if they have a bad attitude. I'd rather be known as a trouble maker than a clueless guy by some dancer used to taking advantage of customers in a club. One time dancers thought I was undercover ALE. I thought it was funny for a while. One or two dancers asked me if I was a professional masseuse. One asked me if I was an artist. I do have an interest in some art. One dancer whom I got along with was a painter. She actually had paintings at the club and showed me one night. I didn't realize until later she wanted to date me. One of the oldest dancers in the club at the time, same age as me. This was a long time ago. About 7 years ago. Both the dancer and myself looked like we were in our 30's at the time. She told me one guy asked if it was ok with her BF referring to me if she danced for him. I guess she spent so much time with me, somone assumed I must be a BF. I don't have any dancers spending that much time with me but it always seems to be raining and I hate traveling at night in the rain.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Under age drinking in SCs
    I saw underage drinking when I was around 15. I didn't even realize I was breaking the law. I was thirsty and found a line at the zoo giving away free drinks in big red cups. I also experienced underage samples of beer at a brewery around the same age but that was just samples. Whenever I had a bad cold, the old cold remedy used to be a shot of whiskey administered by parents. Almost no one checked id at stores until the law changed and police started doing undercover stings. As far as underage drinking in clubs, I wouldn't have noticed. I was drinking and my memory may have been affected.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why are these discussions so shitty??
    Some of the trolls are amusing. SGJ just posts crap that a lot of the time no one is interested in reading. Seems like he enjoys wasting his time posting that way though. A computer forum somewhere might get a response. His organization he claims he's building... A few guys who meet in his basement?? I have no idea. I will take a few minutes to put up a review.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    So what did I miss over the last few months?
    Ok Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    District of Columbia
    Is It Weird To Have Women's NCAA Basketball On The TV In The Club?
    If I wasn't watching the strippers I'd rather watch a poker game or something else.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    VIP Room Update
    So same as always?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Told my GF about my strip club addiction
    Juice can hook up with Trixie now. :) I swear I keep seeing a guy at Lust that keeps reminding me of Juice except I'm not sure what Juice looks like.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Describe Nicole in a few words
    Nicole, someone who might be a female but I dont really know since I don't trust most of what is posted on this site. Someone who wants attention from other posters on here. I had her or him on ignore for a while. Some others claim she is female but I never met these other people either.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
     All your base are belong to us.
    am I the only one not sending dick pics?
    Maybe this is something younger guys do. I never sent one.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Some advice
    I would say if a guy waits until he's 30 or I heard some say 40 to get laid, he's missing out and may forever miss experiences he won't be able to enjoy as much later on. Save but have some fun. No one knows how long any of us have. Fortune or ruin can happen at any time but at least we have our memories most of our lives. I heard if you plan for the worst and hope for the best, you might come out ok. I'm not as old as some guys on here but am glad I enjoyed strip clubs for years before LE cracked down and closed clubs and caused others to have extra rules that suck. I once used to visit every week. At the moment, I don't remember when my last visit was. I think it was 1 to 3 months ago. I'm getting used to waking up real early and falling asleep early. Ok for work but sucks for visiting strip clubs like I used to.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would you pay a $30 entry fee to see Stormy Daniels?
    I had a chance to see her at a much lower price. Not interested. I won't bother to see hardly anyone at $30.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Keeping Strippers Around
    Well if it makes founder feel better I almost always get mostly female input on Facebook but rarely post there. I'm much more active here. You can go from one extreme to the other. Maybe it's because I already have a lot of female relatives, in laws, nieces, cousins, etc already on Facebook but my brothers and guys I know stay quiet on there.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Keeping Strippers Around
    I've wondered if there might be some benefit or possible for each user to have two or three friends groups. They would only see posts from their groups. Maybe with other groups like dancers only but allow regular members to be invited to join. People could set up a friends group and invite people to join. New users unless female limited to two join requests per week or only allowed to ask if not on ignore. Trolls could have their own group, dancers could have their own group, old timers here could have their own group. Of course if the originator of the group kicked someone out by ignoring them, could be more drama. Could make discussions read only groups for non group members but that might take away from the ability of new users to post freely. If you want more dances posting you will need to set up a dancer section where regular users who aren't can be kicked out or restricted from posting in my opinion. Sort of like a mini stripper web so they can feel at home with their own place. Being able to post or keep certain threads posted like newbie tips etc, or whatever that old dancers or old members can refer new people too might help. Just throwing ideas out there. I have no idea how easy any of this might be to set up or pitfalls. I don't even post much here anymore. For me it's not the trolls, just lack of time. I personally find some of the fake troll accounts amusing if I'm in on the joke. Another idea to reduce accounts is to let people delete accounts but transfer any credits to a new user name. Not sure what kind of mess that would cause if a frequent past poster deleted all posts and threads. I like the idea of being able to delete every thread I started and every post.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Adding Pictures to Listings and your profile
    Thanks Founder. I vote foe enlarge.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    What does a stripper look for to find a whale ?
    Great paying job, nice clothes, doesn't stink, whatever gives the impression he has money I suspect. I'm thinking if I ever want less attention in strip clubs, I could wear blue jeans. I heard dancers really like rubbing against them, lol.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I thought the clubs were supposed to be crowded now with strippers needing xmas
    I have no idea if clubs are dead. The last time I visited was a month or so. Been busy or tired. Getting tired of driving at night and don't ever feel like driving to a club anymore at night especially with all the deer out now. I saw one deer standing by the road waiting to cross or else thinking, I wonder who I should run in front of? Last weekend it was raining and I really do not like driving at night in the rain. Some people drive around with bright lights on. At lunch time I read someone on a moped was killed by a deer. If it was legal to shoot them from the highway, could have shot 7 or 8 tonight.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    I'm a very sexual girl but I am virgin ..yes it's possible so stfu
    I'm surprised Nicole never saw a single dick pic nor cock. Here is a link to see a cock. https://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/cockfight-supporters-demand-legalization/ These things in guys pants like to fight. I'm surprised Nicole has never seen one. That's incredible.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    StripperWeb AssKisser
    What would you do if?
    Tell her we are moving to Saudi Arabia. Then when she cheats again, they do an honor killing of the guy and girl but my other 4 wives are loyal. Just kidding. I'd just get out the shot gun. Too much work moving that far. I'm not married. Could move and then get more wives though and let her know what happens to her if she cheats again. Then sleep with the other wives most of the time.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    StripperWeb AssKisser
    How many of you have been obducted by aliens?
    I had a nice dream involving 3 blond female human looking aliens. A bit tall but they didn't abduct me in my dream. It was consensual. The only abduction dream I had did involve some gray type aliens. I woke up a bit pissed off. Their instruments did not work on me. Most get paralyzed. I wasn't. I had fun chasing them through their ship. They were terrified. I killed many. I was able to read and control their minds to an extent. I could only control about a dozen aliens at a time though. Their ship was massive and I didn't understand the alien writing. The had navigators who navigated the ship via telepathy. I kept them alive because I was thinking about taking over the ship. Anyway while I was having fun chasing a couple of them down one corridor, they turned on an emergency beam out device and I woke up in bed. No probing was done. I don't remember how I was killing them. It was fun. They sent me a message they would never abduct me again. I sent them a message if they came back, I might visit their home planet and have some real fun. Had to be a dream. If not I could be an alien terrorist. They abducted my astral body in my dream. I really do miss killing aliens. I will have to try to dream about it. Maybe try to crash some ships to see if any of my dreams could be real. Could kill their navigators leaving them stranded. It would be cool to take over a ship. The ship I dreamed about was huge. Many levels. Being able to read their minds, might be able to find their home planet. Sounds like a plan. Maybe when I have time to kill.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Who's traveling for Thanksgiving ?
    Except in snowy areas of course.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Who's traveling for Thanksgiving ?
    If somone invented a substance to make roads white at night or in the rain,they could single handedly improve national road safety and cut down on greenhouse warming around the world.