
Comments by Ch3ll (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you actually "Sleep" with a stripper?
    @Flagooner You along with some of the other well versed vets, probably look at everything about SCing in a different perspective than most of us. Most of the board comments in general usually cast a dark cloud on the dancers aside from their great dances, bedroom skills, and wild personalities.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Sitting at someone else's tip at the stage
    I think it's an unspoken rule, but it's rare I see a PL tip and walk away without concern that the dancer sees. I think a PL who gets stage action based on another PL's tip is comparable to the PL I've seen get stage action and not tip.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you actually "Sleep" with a stripper?
    I've slept with three dancers over night since I've been SCing. Of those three, two on multiple occasions. On each I'll admit I had reservations about sleeping together. And my sleep tended to be very light on these occasions so I'd wake up several times throughout the night only to find the dancer light snoring and/or sound asleep. And come morning all is well and we have sex again. On these overnight occasions or any occasion I always go in with only needed essentials. And I usually hide my belongings somewhere while the dancer is getting changed or very near me. Overall, I think the overnight is strongly based on how much you "trust" the dancer or previous encounters with her. Moreover, beyond safety concerns, I can never sleep soundly as I would when I was with my ex-wife.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Making It Rain - Help me to understand this.
    I've seen all races make it rain, so I guess my perspective will be coming from that of a black guy since I'm black. I personally don't make/haven't made it rain ever. Nonetheless, I think black guys do it because it's what's seen on hip hop videos and or said in hip hop songs. The guy making it rain is perceived as the Man with so, so much money and can afford to throw it in the air like it's nothing. Moreover, with this perception, they are impressing the dancer. From what I see in the videos, the guys I've seen at the club, appear to be doing it small time compared to the videos. In the videos a guy is making it rain most of/entire song. However, what I've seen, similar to what you mentioned, they make it rain once and thats it. I've seen guys make it rain less than $10 or make it rain, with no particular interest in the girl because she's not even near him, or looking at him and then turn around to cool walk back to their seat. I think most of the girls probably can tell if a guy really has deep pockets and is maky it rain as well as they can tell the guy with dry pockets trying to show off. Like you, a simple stage tip in the g string or prior her stage set will probably have her back in your lap.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Would you tip your dancer if ....
    Given the scenario you mentioned, I'd tip her $10 to $20. I have had a similar situation happen to me, but it was my keys. In this particular situation it was returned to me by the dancer I was with and I tipped her like $3 to $5. I've learned from TUSCL to not carry my wallet in the club to avoid the ATM and overspending, so hopefully never experience this situation.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Businesses pledge to crack down on employees buying sex on company time
    I can imagine some people don't know any better, but I'm glad I work in the IT department so I know computer use is already being monitored.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Has this happened to any of you?
    I've only met one TUSCLER so far and he was about 10 years older than me, but he looked young so I doubt any stripper wondered like this seems odd. I once went with a coworkers, one my age (30s), the other old enough to be our dad, but no questions asked, probably thought we were family or something lol.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What a coincidence!
    Did you happen to have a better experience there that night? Nice to know it takes other PLs close to an hour too to get to the club.
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    6 years ago
    Gambling Problem
    I'll admit I'm not the most disciplined gambler. I consider it an addiction when you don't set limits and stick to them, irregardless of the losses. So if one sticks to their win/loss limit it's all then considered entertainment. I've searched the Internet for that clue or article that turns it all around for me, but majority stance is to quit gambling completely. I on the other hand probably will never quit entirely and believe it can be enjoyed with moderation, despite how gambling is usually stereotyped.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    IP Addresses
    What would be achieved by associating a user with their IP address each time they post? Would it be whatever IP you first see them come from and then forever associate with that user?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I agree with PaulDrake about approaching a customer and a stripper. I usually just wait if I really want to get a dance from that dancer or speak to her or something. Regulars usually frustrate me when I'm out of town (seldom) in some new strip club and only can make that one visit. Otherwise, it is what it is. I'm usually saving money when I'm local and most dancers arent working the floor or tied up with a regular or friend.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Fishsticks Your card has officially been revoked...
    I'll just say...unheard of for someone to be mixed, black and white, and have the nerve to say I claim black or white when it's convenient. It's obvious your black is in question for that simple statement. I know white people who are more black than someone like you who actually has part that ethnicity.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Dancers who say they're OTC but never meet
    That's not unusual for a dancer to be a no show for a first OTC. My first ever sex OTC was her being a no show 4 previous times. Three were her just not following through as seems what happened with you. The one where I couldn't just understand was we were in my truck getting close, but her stripper friends were in the IHOP. So she was trying to find a way not to seem like a whore and tell her friends I'd take her home. Well, she goes back in the restaurant and after a patient wait, unreturned texts, she's been gone for who knows how long. Well, of course I'm upset, but guess what, some days thereafter, I send her a text near closing time and she wants to OTC. I pick her up from the club and finally we get some OTC action in. In regards to other OTCs I've had, he'll the second, fourth, sixth time could be a no show, but the first went off without any issues. Hang in there until you can't deal with there bullshit, or it becomes clear she's just stringing you along.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Austin, TX
    Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?
    @chairsky I'd just ask what she expects as far as pricing. It's possible that she may come in under what you expected and/or you guys just negotiate a reasonable price. In my experience I've often negotiated first OTC not so much to my liking, but knowing subsequent OTCs are lower depending on her circumstances. I've only clubbed in TX once and only at one club with no OTC. I can only imagine based on the norm floor dance prices there and VIP OTC is probably $300 plus. But just guessing with no sure experience OTC there. As far as safety I wouldn't worry too much but be cautious. I've been over a couple stripper's house/apartment and spent the night. Also, have picked them up and drove to the hotel or here and there. If the hotel scene is your main concern, landmark for the OTC and she has a car, I'd just meet her in the lobby and go from there. Also, check in to a nicer hotel, possibly one that requires a key card to move the elevator. I'd also recommend being alert while she changes if she does or if she has to go back to her car be super alert. I've never had one go back to the car, but for as long as one may take in the bathroom, you'd be wondering what the hell is she doing!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Any PL's ever invite a stripper here
    It has crossed my mind, but I've never brought it up. When I first signed up here I read stripperweb off and on and have thought more about turning them on to that site than this one. However, I've never mentioned either to a stripper.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Okay PL's - how much would you pay to the one that said "no"
    The particular dancer for me said no to sex, but we did OTC to an extent. I met this one in Vegas and I thought we were in agreement of what would happen, even though it wasn't explicitly stated. So a day after the night we met, we meet at the mall and she thought I was going to buy her shoes, etc. because o had mentioned I was going to shop for shoes. Well, after figuring out what she expected, we talked and agreed and once again I thought we were going to have sex once back at my hotel room. Back to the room and all she's doing is giving me head and won't let me finger her or have sex. So me being an inexperienced PL I got mad told her I didn't want to do anything if we couldn't have sex and like a sucker PL paid her anyway. So....for this particular dancer if I could get her OTC for sex I'd say....$500 - $750 cap.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Stage Leeches
    I've only seen what you've described JS69 probably once. It was a young PL and a young dancer and he followed her for two stages. After her stages, they settled in a chair and he maybe got one dance. From what I could guess, seemed they were close friends or in a relationship, because nothing but laughs and shortly after she's dressed and they left together. Most I usually see is a guy get up as soon as a dancer gets on stage to tip her. I personally have never done the stage leeching myself. I usually tip at whatever stage and ask that she come by when she's done.
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    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    I looked in the glossary but didn't see a reference for it. What is SA?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atl to NC
    At what point of your SC career did you start realizing SCing was a waste of mon
    @Rickberg It took me getting into alot of debt over 2.5 years, mostly due to gambling, to look at SCing with a different view. During this duration I learned and experienced some OTCs. So now present day, at a head above water financial situation, I've limited how much I'll spend in the club and for who and/or what. When I started out SCing, $200 - $450 was normal (4 or more visits a month) and I'd be all excited from some pussy petting and titty rubbing, thinking oh she likes me! Now given the aforementioned life experience, with the few stripper contacts I have now I can go out on a date, sex, and no real time limit for the low end or lower of what I was spending ITC just for pussy petting and titty rubbing. If money has got you thinking, but you still have your CF for some fun, OTC???, I'd just sit tight or continue just being in the SC atmosphere for games/fights and spending on her.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I have entirely stopped going to strip clubs on Fri/Sat nights
    I don't usually get a Friday free, because I have my kids, but Sat - Tues I'll go and Sat. has been the bulk of those visits, because I don't have to go to work the next morning. I agree it's mechanical what they're doing on a Sat. night because there are so many customers. Also, seems rushed, seating, and other things you mentioned. I've noticed here weekend nights after 12 am drink prices go up $2, but certain clubs allow free entry then, unless of course it's a PPV fight on. However, I've had some memorable times from a Sat. and depending on what's going on in town might see the C team of dancers in there on a Sat. or just a slow Sat. I pondered going tonight, but like some things you've mentioned, I just decided I'd go tomorrow, Sunday, night, less crowded, pricing, etc.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How old is everyone here?
    33 here
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Booking Hotel Rooms: Android Apps
    @Subraman and joc13 Are there other apps aside from Recharge and dayuse? I've never used an app before to book a room and especially fof hour increments. The last time I remember renting a room by the hour I was a teenager lol.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OTC Associate Taking Forever
    @max start Your my type of PL. I used to love playing blackjack, but after so many big losing sessions, I've stuck to slots because I'm less likely to press a max bet unlike making a significant big bet during blackjack out of emotion. A former OTC associate once watched me play blackjack, but that evening for me was a total bust...ended up not having any sex that night. I was more concerned with my lost money and/or winning it back than doing anything with her.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OTC Associate Taking Forever
    @max_starr Nice! Did you go back over that evening and was it a freebie? It's crazy how prices fluctuate when they're in desperate need. My would be $200 total from last night became $150 for last night and only $50 for this Saturday! Does it benefit me, yes. How it helps her I do not know.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OTC Associate Taking Forever
    The one I was with last night we were initially supposed to get together at 815 PM. That time slipped 20 minutes due to me running behind, but then slipped 90 more minutes due to her before we got together. Then when we finally get situated she's in the bathroom for nearly an hour! I was pissed because I wasn't expecting such a late night and when she finally came out the bathroom, she got all emotional because she was getting pretty for me and how she's terrible with time. So low and behold PL came out and I comforted her and we had some fun. Fun times.