Okay PL's - how much would you pay to the one that said "no"

avatar for Lone_Wolf
Gotta keep it going...

Most of us PL's have had a favorite dancer that, despite using our best "systems", would not consider OTC for any amount of money.

How much would you be willing to pay for three hours of hotel OTC time with the finest dancer you've unsuccessfully pursued OTC with that said a definitive no under any circumstances?

I would have gone as high as a grand but it doesn't matter because OTC is not on the table with this honey for an amount of money I could get my hands on.


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avatar for Ch3ll
7 years ago
The particular dancer for me said no to sex, but we did OTC to an extent.

I met this one in Vegas and I thought we were in agreement of what would happen, even though it wasn't explicitly stated. So a day after the night we met, we meet at the mall and she thought I was going to buy her shoes, etc. because o had mentioned I was going to shop for shoes. Well, after figuring out what she expected, we talked and agreed and once again I thought we were going to have sex once back at my hotel room.

Back to the room and all she's doing is giving me head and won't let me finger her or have sex. So me being an inexperienced PL I got mad told her I didn't want to do anything if we couldn't have sex and like a sucker PL paid her anyway.

So....for this particular dancer if I could get her OTC for sex I'd say....$500 - $750 cap.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
I dunno because once a dancer has turned me down for OTC I kind of lose interest in her and move on.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
7 years ago
Yea SC, but there must have been one that you wanted more than all the others.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
OK. I suppose $500 because I was doing VIPs with her ITC for $172 including house fee and tip for 30 minutes.
avatar for ButterMan
7 years ago
I can think of one on particular that will probably never do OTC with anyone. I'd probably go as high as 600 for her.
avatar for stripfighter
7 years ago
Depends on how generous I'm feeling aka desperate :)

I'd say 3k for overnight, to cross it off the list. And I'd make it enjoyable enough for her to repeat either with or without overnight at 800 assuming I enjoyed just as well.

I'm not into the one night thing, not with a fave. It gets better the more we do it, until the honeymoon phase wears off.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
$500 max - anymore than that and I think it would become diminishing-returns in that she may either be too-GPSish or just wanna get it over with to get her $$$ - IMO paying more does not necessarily mean a better experience and often times can be a worse experience
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
I agree with Papi’s last sentence. A “no” from a hottie is really disappointing but I don’t think trying to throw more money on the table is going to turn it into a good experience.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
kriptonite for 200 alex...
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I agree with Papi. When a dancer sets the rate high - I take that to be a hint at her GPS or her not being into it. The money wouldn’t make the experience worthwhile.
avatar for s275ironman
7 years ago
$300 max, considering the fact I would also be paying for dinner and the hotel.

Of course, I’ve only tried to offer OTC to one, but I already knew her answer was going to be no.
avatar for gawker
7 years ago
I was once faced with this situation. I’d been seeing her in the club with lots of touching and some DATY and I had repeatedly tried for more. I wrote to her and said that I had to have her! If it was money; how much? If it was anything else let me know. If it wasn’t going to happen, tell me now and I’ll stop sending money on her at the club.
She wrote back saying for $2000 she’d be my sex slave at her apartment. We negotiated that into four 2 hour sessions for the $2000. She needed the money for some major dental work. After those 4 OTC meetings we met at her apartment 7 or 8 more times, with no direct payment, but I started buying her new furniture and it probably averaged about $350 to $400 each other time. She moved, had a baby, we met for lunch one day so I could meet the child ( young babies all look like Winston Churchill). She tells me she’s pregnant again. She’s a slim woman who gets all excited when her boobs enlarge during pregnancy,
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
$600 max, but that would be for a woman approaching '10' status.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
Nothing, at least not sober. ;)

I lose interest once I am sure that she will never go OTC for an amount I consider to be reasonable. I agree with Papi that the law of diminishing returns definitely applies to paying strippers for sex and that there is even an inflection point at which the experience can worsen a lot. For example, a girl who is very reluctant, but goes anyway because you finally offered her an amount that she could not refuse, is unlikely to provide a great experience. Girls who believe that they are doing you a favor by taking a large sum of your money for sex are also unlikely to be great bedroom partners.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
I’m with shadowcat on this one. If she’s turned me down for OTC more than twice, I’m mostly done, except for an occasional “changed your mind, perchance?” question.

Although, the two times I violated the “three strikes” rule turned out rather spectacularly, so I’m not so sure it’s a *good* rule. :)

Though, I didn’t have to offer stupid money in either case. With the ATF, it was her realization that I really was willing to give her $200 she didn’t have to share with the club. As for the MILF, I guess “seduction” is the only word that really applies.
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
I agree with Papi and shadow to an extent. I am still willing to meet itc with them if service is good, but I'm not going to break the bank for anyone. There was a fave who would not do otc, but I met and fucked her doppelganger in TJ so while it wasn't her, it was damn close and otc with the fave wasn't as important anymore.
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
I subscribe to the philosophy of a few here...I've learned from the experienced guys....don't fret over the price now you can talk about it later...don't worry if she doesn't want FS now, it'll come later...I've put this to the test and it works...
In fact one of my favorite moves I learned from doing service work on people's computers is...The customer asks, how much do I owe you....I reply, what do you think its worth? Or what do you think you should pay me? those kinds of open ended questions statistically worked in my favor...
Its the same thing with OTC FS ... I'm a completely no pressure kind of guy. I'm just going to treat you nice....Better than you've ever been treated probably...But if you don't want sex and only wanna blow me, ok I'll settle for that...and when asking a girl if she'll go on on OTC date, I don't even discuss price...When it comes down to it....she'll say, what are you going to pay me...or something like that...and so many times I've said, what do you want? I've gotten 200,250, 350....I mean completely reasonable requests...and in my mind I'm thinking....this girl could have gotten 350, 400 500 out of me if she's really worth it...though i am the kind of guy they'll probably get that extra tip later in some way regardless....
So I guess if you're very generous it seems to me the girls give me a really good deal...
and as far as the girls who said they only did oral, I've never had one that didn't go to FS pretty quickly...They just need to get comfortable with you I think.
and if any girl really says no and doesn't like me I have no problem walking away and thats it. Or if she asks for $1,000 for a BJ...fuck no.....not wasting my time...and I'm not going to even give you looks...

avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Nicely done Gawker! That’s a good story about a nicely negotiated set of sessions.
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
I've never offered money for sex.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
i never have either.
avatar for azdd
7 years ago
I have one of those right now. I’ve asked her straight up if she does OTC, she says she has before, and the guy was nice and generous (code word, high $$$ expectations), but he became possessive, and it didn’t end well, so she hasn’t done OTC since. I don’t know her personal info, whether married, etc., but this lady is fucking HOT, and would be an OTC holy grail. Given this, I’ve done some soul searching about how much I would be willing to pay if she ever tilted towards yes. I would jump for $500, but not sure how much higher I would go. I just hope she’s not working me to build my frenzy to see how much she can milk me for. I don’t think so, but who knows.....
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
I think anyone with any experience dealing with women knows that you don't respond to a NO by offering more money. In fact you don't offer any money until she asks for it. Up until that moment it is all a 100% civilian discourse.





avatar for goldmongerATL
7 years ago
It is not for OTC, but I have favorite that is a cute as a button good girl who will not do ITC. I once offered her everything in my wallet which was about $500. She teased, but no dice. But she did make me count it out to see what the offer was :-)
avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
I dont push hard if a girl doesnt want OTC or offers an absurd rate. Its a bad precedent to set (to establish a high rate) and if that cost is not sustainable to me for repeat visits I wont waste my time negotiating on impulse. If she is that hot and the sex is that good but I cant afford to see her on a semi routine basis then she is off my list. Why not one and done? Well I know myself enough to know if its that great I might be tempted to burn througb my companionship bankroll on her and get stuck. Self control and some level.of moderation is required in any endeavor for long term sustainability.
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