OTC Associate Taking Forever

avatar for Ch3ll
I know it's hit or miss with strippers on anything, but for those who have had their fair share of OTC, does it seem like the stripper is taking forever to get dressed/fresh/meet you as planned/ or whatever else is time consuming?

As crazy as it sounds I'm more concerned about going to sleep to be ready for work tomorrow as opposed to having some fun right now.


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avatar for etsutwigg222
7 years ago
Yea, strippers have their own sense of on time. If your waiting on them, then time stands still. But put them on the clock and see how fast time flies !!!
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
I don't mind waiting a bit, especially if I can watch...:)
Yes they do take their time, but once we're having fun its worth it.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Strippers are usually late -- for OTC, and chronically in their personal life, too. It's all part of the equation.
avatar for impala
7 years ago
Never know a stripper being quick to get to you unless their broke.
avatar for Ch3ll
7 years ago
The one I was with last night we were initially supposed to get together at 815 PM. That time slipped 20 minutes due to me running behind, but then slipped 90 more minutes due to her before we got together. Then when we finally get situated she's in the bathroom for nearly an hour!

I was pissed because I wasn't expecting such a late night and when she finally came out the bathroom, she got all emotional because she was getting pretty for me and how she's terrible with time. So low and behold PL came out and I comforted her and we had some fun. Fun times.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
There was one dancer who was so catastrophically late for our appointments that, when setting an appointment, I eventually told her that if she were more than 30 minutes late I'd cut $100 from her fee, and that if she was more than 45 minutes late I'd just go home.

She pitched a fucking fit. I explained that she had the option of canceling the appointment completely.

She didn't take that option. She did pull into the motel parking like a Mad Max stunt driver at about 25-28 minutes after the appointment time.

I had fun and her attitude was all lollipops and rainbows once she collected her fee. Go figure.
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
I love the comments about broke....I once had my atf call me at around 11am...highly unusual for her to be up that early...I explained to her that I was on a conf call in a company wide meeting...and that we could have a date later in the day if she wanted....She tells me, I'm broke and I need money like right now! She says I just took a shower, get over here in 5 minutes and we can fuck,....I'll I need is $160.....I told her I really need to be in this meeting.....she says pleeeeeeasseeeee.....so i ended up taking this conf call over to my cell phone on mute and driving over to her place. She greets me totally naked and proceeds to give me the fucking of a lifetime....lol...I throw her $160 and then she says, you can still come back in the evening if you want...I go back home to my office...best company meeting I ever had.
avatar for Ch3ll
7 years ago
Nice! Did you go back over that evening and was it a freebie?

It's crazy how prices fluctuate when they're in desperate need. My would be $200 total from last night became $150 for last night and only $50 for this Saturday! Does it benefit me, yes. How it helps her I do not know.
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
My fav atf used to call me up and tell me she wanted to take the night off from stripping...she'd tell me she needed 250 - 350...it varied....to cover her costs...lol...that meant at least 3 hours with me...dinner, hanging out, fucking, doing something like going to the casino...another funny story...I take her to the casino and we're playing blackjack...I give her a $100 to play with and I'm playing $25 hands myself and get up to like $600 and then start losing and I'm back down to like $300....So then I tell her...you know, I don't have a lot of money today....(and I hadn't paid her for the evening yet)...so I kept gambling and get down to $200 and she says, you have to stop!! I need to get paid.. I went over the the atm at the casino and grabbed another 300 and then we went drinking and on to fuck... But it was funny to see her think I was going to be broke...

to answer the first question, I didn't hook up with her later that day for free or at all...in fact that day was the beginning of the end of our relationship....though I thoroughly enjoyed it and don't regret any of that time or money. I think she liked hanging with me and not having to dance with whoever because some nights are just slow and other times you don't know who you're going to get. With me she knew I'd treat her nice and bolt her up with some cash...
avatar for Ch3ll
7 years ago
@max start
Your my type of PL. I used to love playing blackjack, but after so many big losing sessions, I've stuck to slots because I'm less likely to press a max bet unlike making a significant big bet during blackjack out of emotion.

A former OTC associate once watched me play blackjack, but that evening for me was a total bust...ended up not having any sex that night. I was more concerned with my lost money and/or winning it back than doing anything with her.
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
I did give her $500 on her birthday....That was the first night she took off with me....previously she was working 7 days a week....I told her thats crazy you should take a day off. I did feel a little guilty making her fuck me on her birthday, but I wasn't going to pay and not get laid. Anyway she got a birthday cake from her friends, the day off, some new clothers, and dinner....I guess that was better than working 8 hours.
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
I used to play slots, but now only Blackjack....I've gotten pretty good...The most I'll lose in a night is around $300 if I do hit a losing streak.,.but I haven't had one in a while...Normally I can keep $200 in play for half a day.

And..I always keep $1000 play money in reserve at a minimum for OTC / SF play money...I hide like five one hundred dollar bills inside the one side of my wallet...and usually another 500 in 20's and smaller on the left....

I'm on break now from ATF's and SF's....back to dating my wife....so the savings is significant.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
Call.Me.Ishmael: I’ve resorted to the “if you’re late, I’m leaving” but I usually keep it to 15-20 minutes. Deducting $100 from her fee would be pointless, as that wouldn’t leave much. Might try $20 or $50 sometime.
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