How old is everyone here?

avatar for Mtent
Hard to tell by the way you type and just curious after seeing people say they're retired

I'm 26


last comment
72. The dancer whk orally rendered me ecstatic tonight is 22. Is a 50 year difference too much?
I don't think so. :)
Only 67 at the end of May. Just a young whippersnappers here, lol
avatar for Talocks
7 years ago
early 30s teeth DATY FTW!!!!!
avatar for Ch3ll
7 years ago
33 here
53 - but you’re only as old as you feel - and I’m feeling close to 80 this morning!
Charlie Harper ( Sheen ) in the TV show Two and a Half Men said " You are only as old as the girls you feel. " So earlier this week, I was feeling about 25.
avatar for sp
7 years ago
55 yo body with a 35 yo brain
45 here
I will be turning 35 in June, but I am blessed (or cursed) with genes that make me look a lot younger than I actually am. When guessing my age, most responses people give me are anywhere from 18-24. But, while on the outside I may look about 10 years younger than I actually am, there are days where my body internally feels about 10 years older than I actually am.

Based on my experiences, the girls in the club seem to like the fact that they get to play with someone who looks age appropriate, and they are often pleasantly surprised that I treat them in a very respectful manner. I guess a lot of guys who really are the same age as these girls don’t really know how to behave when they are at the club.

In the end, I would have to agree with Warrior’s statement above. After a typical club visit for me, I feel as old as people think I am, based on appearance.
avatar for Htxx
7 years ago
avatar for Titus23
7 years ago
29. Old enough to know better. Young enough not to care.
64 and still grouchy or grumpy so fuck y’all !
older than most younger than some
^^^And grouchier than me. ;)
51 and I still have good teeth :)

The girls are nice enough to say that I look the same age as them.
40. I've been going off and on since I turned 18. I wouldn't change a thing.
late 40's
What flagooner said.
avatar for Bavarian
7 years ago
Shadowcat and Gawker get all the poon.

53. Got back into the game three years ago after my marriage dissolved. I often wonder how many good years I have left to do this, so it’s good to see several here still going strong into their 60s and beyond.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago
The age I've been waiting for since puberty, 69.
I think I'm 63 but I'm bad at math.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
7 years ago
Dancer age is 24. I've been 24 for the last 5 years though.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
Young enough to suck off beta orbitors in the parking lot. Old enough to spit. Bitch tits would totally fuck up my business.
you 20 something guys are that age I was able to OTC for "free".....that is if you can put up with all the stripper shit lol.
" You are only as old as the girls you feel. "

By that criteria, I’m 19. In reality, three times that.
34, but Nina has me Pegged for an old man on here. She still doesn’t know she became smitten with me one night at her club, talking about smoking weed-and sexual positions she favored. For a rather clean dancer who doesn’t do extras (so she says), she sure as hell grinds the dixk well for an LDK!
late 40's.

Banged an 18 year old last week, banging her again tomorrow.

Go me. :)
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
> 34, but Nina has me Pegged for an old man on here. She still doesn’t know she became smitten with me one night at her club, talking about smoking weed-and sexual positions she favored. For a rather clean dancer who doesn’t do extras (so she says), she sure as hell grinds the dixk well for an LDK!

You were one of the first guys I trusted, but this in unbecoming. One would hope that amongst men we could agree to never try to embarrass a woman on the internet no matter how bitchy her online persona is or whether or not you have ever actually met her.
Yeah, ^^^ I was high when writing that.

This site has a disclaimer of all things written should be considered fiction. So, you know.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
I knew TUSCL was a work of fiction, but then I got high!…

Two days late and a dollar short, but I haven't been to the club ATM yet, and I know why...
mid-40s. i can't believe it.

i look and come off young as hell tho. not too long ago, i was a rated R movie. c'mon, ma.
avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
Late 40's and was last carded to buy beer less than 4 years ago. They were serious too.
Maybe one Halloween I should try to look like a twenty something.
Upper 30's.

I started my college workout routine in February and have lost 13 pounds (overall I've lost 21 lbs in the last 8 months). I feel much younger and I've been getting more attention from civvie women in their 20's.

avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Late 30’s.
I'm young at heart...
The most fictitious thing Ive written is the point about going to Detroit.
BJ - That ass is late 30's ? Impressive !
avatar for AmeliaSmith
7 years ago
I turned 20 Monday. I just want gas station employees to stop asking for my ID when I buy Swishers already.
flag - Is that how old your girl was at Inner Room ?
Amelia, happy belated birthday! We can't help it. Sometimes we try to get you to linger for our own benefit. Damn gas station employees.
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