
Comments by Ch3ll (page 4)

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    6 years ago
    Strip Club Depictions
    I've never been to a strip club in Tucson when it was still daylight out. A dancer that works at Raider's Reef said the afternoon crowd is pretty busy, so I assume there are a few dancers there then. Curve's Cabaret has the most girls on shift any given night I've been so I'm assuming they have a decent lineup during the afternoon. Sorry for the limited info, but if I had to choose one I'd choose Curve's Cabaret since it always has the most girls, 7s and up.
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    6 years ago
    Strip Club Depictions
    I was in Phoenix about two months ago and decided to choose Christie's Cabaret as my strip club stop and it was definitely a cut above what I'm used to in Tucson. Seeing how y'all give Bourbon Street props and other PLs when I started a thread for Phoenix recommendations, I'll have to check it out for sure.
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    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Favorite Songs To Get Lapdances To
    From your list I'd choose to have a lap dance while Bad and Boujee is being played. I don't particularly have a favorite lap dance song. If I request a song it's usually "Look at It" by Curren$y and for a dancer I particularly want to see stage dance to it. I haven't had a lap dance with this song yet. If I ever OTC again I'll have to get me a "private" lap dance.
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    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Do you want to change the game with your fave?
    If you don't want to change things and enjoy them as they are, then nothing is wrong with that. If you do want to bring up the subject to her and she doesn't change her stance, chances are your current experience isn't going to change. I had one, granted I never considered her a CF or fav, just a cool chit-chat with stripper, when I asked her about OTC she gave me SS without saying no. Well, subsequent visits afterwards and all is still status quo.
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    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    What's Your PL Pet Peeve about Strippers?
    My pet peeve is the one who doesn't bother to make simple convo or introduce herself. I have found that this doesn't mean they aren't down to do extras, mileage, and/or OTC, but it's a turn off in the beginning.
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    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    If it wasnt for this clubbing addiction what other things would you have or more
    If it wasn't for this clubbing addiction I probably wouldn't have found myself in debt. Being that the casinos are in the nearest city I can SC, I'd always try to enjoy the best of both in a night. I'd often times find myself gambling more or chasing losses only to be able to spend more at the SC. So, if I hadn't got hooked on SCing I think more funds would go to gambling, but I don't think I'd have the same result as I've had.
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    6 years ago
    Average TUSCL user age
    When I stumbled upon this site I was probably 29 or 30 starting to go to SCs on the regular. Now I'm 33.
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    6 years ago
    New to TUSCL and I have a question for all you strip club veterans
    Hey have fun and see what comes of it. Only thing I'd recommend in learning from this experience is to not drain your bank account. I'm on social media with three right now, have their numbers, know where two of them stay, one of which I only dropped off at her place, the other I've spent the night with once and OTC at her place a few times. But I'm still not #1 male figure on any of their lists. For instance Saturday night/Sunday morning I was in the city I strip club in because it's 90 minutes away from home and I had stayed overnight after meeting a chick from online dating (I wasn't pleased) so I hit up these aforementioned three saying hey I'm in your town, let's meet up and have something to eat or something. This is at approx. 10 AM. Also note I hit them all via Facebook messenger. Well one didn't respond, but I saw she read it, one replied at like 9 pm saying she just saw the message, the other messages me today saying her phone was off but she got it back on now. And here I am knowing personal stuff with each of them lol. But like I recommended earlier, hey enjoy her company and/or her and see what it do.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New to TUSCL and I have a question for all you strip club veterans
    @VantaBlack I'm 33 and in the beginning and even sometimes now fall into the thinking I'm special because I'm her age or within 7 years of it. However, time has shown that I'm not really that special. Even if you hear it from the older gentlemen on here, for their word is gospel...she's more than likely not that into you as you may think.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New to TUSCL and I have a question for all you strip club veterans
    @VantaBlack You're one lucky individual Sir! All sarcasm aside, as I saw someone post earlier in the thread enjoy it for it is what it is. If one thing is for sure, she likes you on some level, meaning she's not creeped out by you. Whether one day she'll go out on dates with you or just hangout is another story. I've had my run ins with a few strippers with whom I got along well with inside and outside the club. However, each had their shelf life and/or what they'd do with me in general. 9 times out of ten, money being spent by me on her was involved. I wouldn't think too much of it unless this stripper starts pursuing you with no money exchange being involved and/or her spending her money on you.
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    6 years ago
    Paranoid about checking into hotel rooms with local driver's license
    I've never had an issue yet. I find it odd that a local address would bring about questions. Usually, I take their questions as making small talk. It has varied a bit on check in, but I've usually checked in with the dancer beside me or she'll have a seat in the lobby while I check in. Once I reserved a room and i forget the exact detail, either smoking/non smoking or bed size and the guy at the desk brought it up. The dance starts talking about this or that and our honeymoon and in my head I'm like what the fuck are you thinking! Well, I assumed the guy must've looked at us a little crazy, but nonetheless we got a room. Note, I didn't know this dancer like a good friend, so I didn't necessarily speak off what she said with ease. I've never been placed by the lobby even when I've used a low end motel. If higher end I usually reserved the executive suite if it isn't ridiculous in price to a regular room. Usually the executive suite is on the top level.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Is there signs or signals a dancer will do, to let you know she is willing to to
    I agree with the earlier posts that if she says "we'll have more fun in VIP" that's a sure sign she's not about to do/allow too much more. Also, agree that when they vaguely talk it up. I more or less like to take the gamble based on what happened during a regular floor dance and go to VIP. Sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised and sometimes I'm dissapointed thinking extras would happen. Unless she outright says nothing is off limits like some mentioned or allows you out on the floor and/or in VIP, you never know. I had one whom nobody was getting dances from and she wasn't even approaching customers, so I approached her. Well, a couple of floor dances later and a trip to VIP turned out to be a great catch and for futyre visits.
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    6 years ago
    New York
    Most disgusting thing you have seen or had done to you by a stripper?
    This one I OTC with, she used the bathroom, #1, and didn't wash her hands. To some this may be nothing and didn't freak me out or anything. However, I always wash after using the bathroom.and get onto my little kids if I catch them not washing afterwards. Just a pet peeves I guess.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I think shes mad
    Spend on both of them is what I would do until one of them falls back. They all have an unknownst shelf life.
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    6 years ago
    How to find a dancer who is down for meeting OTC
    I like the advice just ask. I like to ask after three or four visits, in which VIP occurred each visit. However, as some have mentioned there isn't a sure fire way to get OTC. You'll have some that'll just outright bring it up to you. I've had a cocktail waitress bring it up, but of course I was getting dances from her. Nonetheless, hopefully it's not one who is just stringing you along though. Others you'll have to ask or have spent some time with in the club. Beyond spending on them so they know you have money to spend, spending/visiting with them in the club on a few occasions so you guys can build that rapport with one another.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Phone numbers
    In my experience at the beginning of giving you their number it's 100% to get you back in the club spending. That's even if they give you the wrong number! Now after some post number club visits, maybe a little text/communication here and there, their SS, it may progress to some OTC. Hopefully, you're willing and/or can tolerate all that. Also, know when to stop trying with one, because either they aren't truly interested in anything with you outside the club or they plan to play you for an eternity, your only hope being the odds favored you like a lucky lottery winner. Of the phone numbers I've received none have began or ended up being to be what is considered friendship or friends with benefits outside of the pay for play.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How much money do strippers make?
    Like some earlier posters mentioned, I believe there are some variables that play a factor on how much a stripper makes. From talking with some in my area it tends to be $100 - $300, more if those variables come into play. I recently talked to a young 24 yr old stripper, one kid, and seemed to have her head on straight. She works day shift on into night shift if need be and said she aims for at least $300 a day. She also mentioned she doesn't take a day off until she's worked 14 days in a row. She kept it real with me and mentioned she once had a $1k payday, but once again if that variable(s) come into play.
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    6 years ago
    OTC with crazy cat lady
    Reminds me of one I've OTCd with a few times. She always has x amount of pets. Nothing close to your chick though. Last time I OTCd with mine she had 6 kittens and two dogs in a two bedroom apartment. Luckily she was generous enough to put the dogs in the bathroom and the kittens in the other bedroom.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Clubbing on a budget
    For me I nowadays have a great time with $150 or less just depends on the strippers that night and how their dances are. Everyone has different tastes and what they like in the strip club, but dances along with convo is good for me. About two months ago spent $40, no dances, just drinks, chat with a fav for 45 minutes or so. Just recently spent ~$85 floor dances, someone else bought drinks, and an earful of convo in my lap and that was a good time for me. When I first started clubbing I was definitely not budgeting and in retrospect, wish I would have found TUSCL sooner, but still experiences. I suppose if I was ballin out of control, more money in the club would definitely equal more fun in the club.
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    6 years ago
    Evil Sheldon!
    Nothing is wrong with the bar if the club is packed. Also, if you sit at the bar, in my experience it's best to make eye contact with some dancers walking by and/or stop them and let them know you're interested in getting a dance. Personally I like to be on the floor, but not on perv row as some call it. Usually I try to get a seat in the back or mid in regards to placement to the main stage. I feel the dancers think I'm not there to spend if I'm at the bar.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Id like to know.
    Oh and I'm now 33.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Id like to know.
    My first ever SC visit I wasn't 21 and it was either in Mexico or my hometown. At the time I was pretty much fresh out high school and in my first couple of years active duty Army. The Mexico visit I don't think they cared too much and this was in Nogales with a couple of Army buddies who were of age. My visit in MS was during my brother in law's bachelor party. I showed my military ID and my homeboy talked up how I was serving in the Army, been deployed and all so we luckily got in. Beyond those I didn't start going regularly until I began going through a divorce. That was about age 27 or 28. At the beginning of it I'd be in the SC 6 - 10 times a month. As one can imagine with no real budget, thinking every stripper really liked me, and gambling too funds dwindled. Now I'm on the rebound and go 1 - 3 times a month now.
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    6 years ago
    Why do Dancers ignore you?
    I must say it is funny to imagine you said God is good. For a second I wonder if you had a typo as I'm typing this and it wanted to auto to Good is ... Anyway, I'm black and from the south where is quite common for religious people to say God is good, all the time, all the time! That's how you should have said it! Beyond if you did say that, I wouldn't worry that one ignores you. I don't know why some ignore me, especially the ones I've tipped and asked to come by, but in the end it's money saved and opportunity for another one to come by and pleasantly surprise. As others have mentioned race, age, looks, etc. play a role, but I could believe too that sometimes they aren't in the mood or some other personal feeling that has nothing to do with you they decide to ignore you.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Phoenix Strip Clubs
    Thanks all for the recommendations. The strip club of choice was........... Christie's off Baseline Rd. This only happened because when we got off the exit for the Arizona Mills mall I noticed it so we stopped by afterwards. Well! It was about 730 pm when we got to the club and was I pleasantly surprised. So, so, so, many beautiful women. And like Lone Wolf mentioned, probably no chance for extras from what I experienced, but just nice to have an 8 - 10 right there in your lap, socializing and dancing! One particular dancer made up for about 30 minutes of my visit sitting in my lap talking and we only did 2 floor dances. I plan to write a review for this club, because I must say I was pleasantly surprised, enjoyed myself for my first and probably only visit for quite some time there.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Phoenix Strip Clubs
    Hmmm I think I'll hit the $10 floor dance clubs. BSC sounds very tempting, but would like to stretch my money a little. I'm definitely going to hit the casino while there...Wild Horse Pass..., but maybe Harrah's or Casino Arizona. Maybe win a slot jackpot for the SC! So some of the clubs there open at noon? 2 pm is the norm here in Tucson.